Who here is HYPE HYPE for Mafia III?

Who here is HYPE HYPE for Mafia III?

dead game dead thread

Me. Its also a bonus because it triggers the alt-rightist/fascist scum fucks.

Anything with a black protagonist and they throw a SJW tier shitfit. Its great

Goty in my book, it is probably going to be like rise of the tomb raider, not much hype, yet people will start seeing how good it is when they play it.

at least you admit SJWs are whiny faggots.

Still, the right are whiny without being faggots.

Also, niggers.



Not me, because the last thing I expect to play in a mafia game is some shoe horned PC Nigger mc.

That looks like Reggie

Agree desu, a Mafia game with a nigga protagonist? At a least make it about cartels or something truly frightening. This is just another shameless attempt at appealing to the PC police that has risen in the US in the past few years, and will tackle muh racism and and sexism along with Wash dogs 2 and Battlefield 1. They can get fucked.

>Tfw Mafia 2 beggining is the best thing about Mafia 2
Dat comfy christmas atmosphere

Ill play it because I'm a sucked for the setting... is the black guy the protagonist? Seems a little off putting given the time period. Whatever, still looks like a decent tps.

>it's another obvious pander game

can't wait till this shit flops. if this was an actual mafia game, i would have bought it. how many BLM missions you think this will have guys?


How many instances of racism will this guy have to go through and will his black courage get him through it?



what if he just wanted someone who wasn't a generic looking italian...?
what if it's not a jew boogey man pushing Black acceptance...?
what if you're so cynical and detached from reality that skin colour offends you even in your media consumption...?

I already pre-ordered Mafia III Collector's Edition for PlayStation 4. I can't wait for this game to shit all over first games! I am so glad that they decided to implement driving from my favorite game, Saint's row 3. Also finally it's an open world game like my second favorite game, Watch_Dogs. It would be so cool to clear enemy's outposts and put an end to all Mafia!

Then you wake up.
It's pretty fucking obvious with the strong wimmin of color, and then you take a look at other games coming this year or the next and see that this is a fucking clear trend. If you like it good on you, not for me. I fucking hate black americans and don't want to play as them.

>bringing up things i never said

Only suprise in that shitpost is you didn't bring up Sup Forums. This isn't a mafia game. You are some faggot who is taking down a mafia. The point of a fucking mafia game is to be in the fucking mafia. It is like if bloodborne 2 was basically a telltale game, no one fucking wanted that.

loooks like reggie loooool




hello americuck

reminder to vote trump

how would you describe this guy's hair ? i have the same

lol, pre order now today.


looks interesting. i'm excited about the time period and setting. also like that vito's a major character.

only white people whine over black protagonists and story was never a strong suit of the mafia series, so it won't have any effect on the game itself.

Not if this time we drive for like 90% of the fucking game

>what if he just wanted someone who wasn't a generic looking italian...?
Than you make a new IP retard
how about we make the yakuza games about the russian mafia now

>game where you used to play as italians doing italian mafia shit
>change just because
>expect people not to bitch
How about they make a new IP and fuck off they could've called it New Orleans sindicate or whatever and i wouldnt care