How does Sup Forums usually go about when clearing their backlog?

How does Sup Forums usually go about when clearing their backlog?

By playing a game in my backlog.

please tell me that lil wayne photo was slightly shooped

>Copy that

How do you choose which one?


nope, that's regional genetics for you

I play the game


what the fuck?
he got a neck surgery? his neck looks really normal now.

Go ok I have to sell everyone of these games and only keep 3, which ones do I want the most? The first one you pickup to keep is the one you play.

>implying they are the same
>implying they have the same neck length


is this the first time you've seen a meme

>Implying Lil Wayne wouldn't have said "Copy that, nigga" instead

where's that nigga's chin?

what's a meme

I just play Dota 2 and watch anime, I don't give a shit about my backlog

so you're literally the definition of cancer

>mapped games I had started and dropped without a reason
>35 games in total
I have work to do.


>literally cancer
>Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body.

You don't deserve a better reply for being this fucking stupid.

I start the game, play it and drop it if it's shit. I don't have autism so I don't need to maintain a list like Sup Forums-tards.


Lurk moar you fucking newfag.

Weak reply, but have a you

Man, you just kept being BTFO, but kept going anyway.

wow, what a fucking queer

fucking hell, you got me. KEK

men, haven't you ever heard about trollface?
memes are the only reason why i'm here

>pic related: it's a meme (reads mémé)