Sup Forums mumble test

Some other niggers and I made a mumble if you feel like stopping in and playing vidya.

address -
port - 64738

The game we're currently playing is WURM online but there are people who play other games such as Fighters, WoW, some runescape, DF, etc.

What's mumble?

Even some nigs who play league and shit. Everyone knows they have shit taste though.

VoIP program. just google mumble, its simple to install.

Thanks! I was looking for a Sup Forums voice server.
Do any of you plan on playing over watch?

a voip program. google's your friend.

>i want to talk to people
>i don't want to play team based games

Already some people that do.

Yeah, some people play Overwatch.

I think we have 3 people that play overwatch at the moment. They sometimes get a few guys in the channel.

>voice chat

Go to that reject Sup Forumsirgin chan with this cancer.

Dank meme son.

>WURM online

you butthurt, matey?

>reject Sup Forumsirgin chan

Literally what?

He's ass blasted that this is his computer.

see you soon

>Advertise Sup Forums mumble
>There are faggots in a password protected hugbox channel mentioning Sup Forums


why is pol infecting every board

What a laugh.

looks like a user created channel not a admin created channel.
Maybe they're doing something and don't want to be disturbed.

anyone want to setup a Dota2 team?

mmr? location?
I'm not joining no Mumble though

I meant on the mumble. Don't be scared.

Are you shit?

There's a Sup Forums Discord.

Might join and play some Overwatch and piss off the team for being shit

Or might play a bit of Zandronum if any anons want to do some coop wads