So, I got gifted Dark Souls 1 and tried it out, because the rest of the internet loves it to the point of cult status. I've never seen any sort of actual talk about any flaws the game has, discussions always boil down to "Well, it's not for everybody". Threads I've read call Dark Souls 1 specifically a masterpiece. So I figured "Wow, this must be something special".
(Playing on 360, online not enabled, just for reference).
Please believe me I'm not trolling when I say I literally cannot fathom how this C+ game at best has this amount of praise heaped upon it. It's not a bad game, it just doesn't do most things well, and when people talk about it, it seems like they're talking about a wholly different game. It is absolutely not a masterpiece.
So the level design, especially the first part, is excellent. Some of the best in gaming, I'll give it that. I also like the core idea of the gameplay, the whole "regular enemies are always a threat if not treated with caution, you can lose everything if you're not careful" etc. There's a good game here somewhere in these ideas.
However the combat is some of the most boring I've ever experienced, the graphics are merely fair, the framerate in some huge areas is straight up embarrassing, most of the monster design is generic, and probably the most damning is that it's not hard. At all. I was expecting this white knuckle challenge from how people talk this game up, but the only "hard" part about the game is how it's terrified of a fair fight. Any time I was able to have a fight not on a tiny ledge, without ranged enemies I couldn't reach shooting me in the back, against one boss or a couple of normal opponents, I was in no danger. Most dangerous areas can be breezed through by walking, not running, having your shield up, and just assuming an enemy is behind any and all blind corners.
I had to force myself to finish it. Just... why?