Post your overwatch main and why you main them

Post your overwatch main and why you main them
>inb4 maining is bad
What character would you main in a vacuum where the team sets up around your choice
>actually blocks real damage that would hurt specific players instead of presenting a large target shield like winston or rienhardt to distract the enemies
>does insane damage on a full charge
>best ult for wombo combos in the game
I have set up more plays of the game than I can count
>is a hard counter to annoying shits that usually ruin pubs like Bastions McRees and Mei

Something I've never figured out even when playing her. I probably just need to press F1, but... how the fuck does she charge up?


>teleporter makes attacking far easier than anything else in the game
>six sentry guns together is pretty much instant death, fuck even three sentry guns are enough, so you can essentially block two door ways with them as you block another place
>high DPS for a gun that auto aims
>one of the best counters to tracer

I love fucking Tracers as Symmetra.

I "main" Junkrat though.
>Take out Badtions easily
>Take out Torb Turrets I can get to
>Fuck up anyone who's fucking up my team
>Reinhardt charging? NOPE, Bear Trap in the way.
>Reinhardt coming closer with shield? Landmine, he walks over it like a dumbass, goes flying when I detonate it behind his shield
>Also, Minejumping.
>Oh hi Genji/Reaper? You got up close and killed me while I left a sliver of health on you? Whoops, sorry, I Just shat out a bunch of suicide bombs and now you're dead too.

I secondary Roadhog. Hook and Shoot, self-heal tank, I wreck your shit.

The more damage she blocks with her shields the more damage she does
Its indicated by the number under the cursor which starts at zero and goes to a hundred. The charge decays at about 1-2 charge per second

>"Maining" a character
>In a game built around switching as the situation sees fit


>inb4 scapegoat generic "i ply 2 hav funz!!!" excuse

Absorb damage with her shield. Also works with the shield you put on others.

I don't really main anyone. My most played are mercy and reinhardt but that's just because they win games. If I had to pick a favorite though I'd say pharah.

I'd seen the number yeah but never put together how she obtained it to begin with. I had her in the Brawl earlier today and had no idea why I was doin such shit damage while other Zaryas melted me. Guess I see why they shield so constantly.


Because every team needs a support and I'm actually really good with her.

>I "main" Junkrat

I bet you love playing Reaper, or any other baby's first character, too.

I want to git gud with her, but I can't seem to hit shit with that beam


What character do you have fun with and why, then.

Maining IS bad you retard

Tracer, because I get off on making people frustrated. There's nothing better than getting a Genji, D.Va and Mercy chasing you around at their spawn while your team just hangs out on the point uncontested in KOTH. Her ult isn't as easy to properly use as, say, Hanzo, but when it works it REALLY works. I don't main characters, but she's my favorite.

Maining isn't really a good idea in Overwatch, but I've had the most play time with Junkrat.

I like him because he's really good as an offensive and defensive character, and flying all over the fucking place with him is fun as shit. I also really like his default look, especially with the jail colors.

Naw Reaper's ridiculous. If I'm using an Offense character it's usually 76.

I just tend to prefer Junkrat when I'm not tank carrying or fulfilling a low offense team because he's effective in decent hands.

I will never use Bastion simply out of principle. Going Bastion is usually a sign that your team will lose unless the team works to protect him, which is just carrying a lazy fuck.


I like to protect people from death
I want to take as much damage as needed to keep my team alive
I want to embrace them and let it all hit me while they run away

But I also want to hit Mei in the fucking face with my big ass hammer.

I'm tall and buff, thus I can relate

I don't "main" anyone, but I love playing Lucio and this is the only legendary skin I have, so I usually end up playing him

I don't own it, but I'd main Zarya if I did because muscular girls are hot.

I tend to main Mercy or but I'm so tired of playing with randoms. Anyone on here play on the xbone?

having a "main" character is not the same as only playing that same character no matter what. for instance, I generally pick Lucio at the beginning because he's a mobile and effective enough support to have on either offense or defense. If we're having a hard time getting to the objective, i'll grab an offense like genji or McCree. If we're having trouble holding and objective, then I'll grab bastion or torbjorn. Then if nobody else is willing to get on a tank, I"ll get on Reinhardt and suck ass as him for a while before someone else decides to tank better.

Lucio because I can pretend I'm playing Jet Set Radio on Hanamura.

Roadhog because everyone thinks hes ugly and gross and I fight for the underdog.

This. The teleporter is so fucking useful attacking and defending. Her turrets are great to put in awkward places around 1 choke point for maximum effect and her with a little bit of luck I regularly beat out reapers at point blank range through pure damage and not having to aim.

>Second most played tank


He shouldnt even be classified as a tank.
As a tank hes just an ult-feeding sandbag.

>Protects the innocent
>Can perform noble sacrifices
>Carries around a colossal hammer
>I just really like protecting my team
If only my team would use my shield

I haven't played a lot of Symmetra, but when your beam charges up do you start moving faster too? It feels like it a little bit when I kill someone and make my escape.

>ult-feeding sandbag
Now this has been discussed to death and generally isn't true. With people who play him right, he's killing them often enough that half their time is wasted running back from spawn instead of building any ult they would otherwise.

Nothing about "maining" implies you only play that character 100% of the time. I play my main anytime it isn't a bad idea, and play whatever else is appropriate in other situations. Plus there are some characters who fit in pretty much any situation.

My sort of Main, secondary etc. is as follows...

Mercy (if on attack)
Symmetra (if on defense)

So if someone is already one of those people and they want to take the role I'll go down the list. I don't really have anyone for the "Defense" position yet. I've dabbled with Widowmaker but I was never a great sniper. But if someone is fucking us up with a turret or whatever I'll try and go widowmaker specifically to take them out.

good thing you cut that short before the part where tracer died to trashmouse's death bombs

I have a character I enjoy playing and am really good at, widow.

then I have other characters I am good at and play if needed, and also enjoy playing, but are not my first pick, hog genji mcree

I didn't die, ran away and my team capped the point for an easy win. Ended it there because that's as long as highlights last. No good Tracer fucks with a Junkrat that knows where she is, because you'll just get stuck in a trap and bombed to death like a retard. I should know, Junkrat is my most played hero.

Torbjorn is the best pubbie character for obvious reasons

>actually objectively literally being this retarded.

I want to main Zarya for a tank but I just can't get used to shield other players to get above 50%

Either I shield them and they do fuck all or I shield them and the enemy immediately stops firing at them because Im not level 2 anymore and people have a semblance of what to do. On top of the constant thought of "But what if you needed that shield later" so I dont use it at all.

I just cant fucking do it I guess

be perceptive
if you see an enemy mcreee coming for some squishy class it's easy to put the shield on as soon as he lands his stun


Placing that turret in a position that the enemy won't expect it is nothing short of an art-form. Placing it somewhere unexpected where it will go off at just the right moment is so satisfying.

After it's down, the bitch-move is to stand right by it. A good Torbjorn goes roaming. Poke at my enemy with M1 and hunt them to extinction with M2.

All the while making sure Mercy and Widowmaker have nice and full armor-packs.

Torbjorn is GOAT.

And he shines on attack too.

Zarya is only good for the first 10 levels. After that everyone's figured out her deal, and most will avoid her while her shield's up.

The only way GOOD Zarya players can actually get any charge is to cast it on an ally while projectiles are inbound.

How do I play Reaper better?

>Place turret
>Tracer runs in and dies like a retard twice
>Play Tracer more than any other hero, so I know what he's planning
>Move turret to a different spot overlooking the first one
>Tracer zips in, throws her bomb at nothing, and recalls right into my turrets view and dies
Truly an art form.

I like Street Pig the most because shotguns are my favorite weapon type in shooters and get-over-here tools are fun as fuck, especially when you nail down hooking dodgy, annoying characters.

I play Genji and Lucio almost equally, followed by tanks.

Knowing that you've mindfucked that Tracer so thoroughly that you can place the turret counter-actively is some of the fun of Torbjorn.

I once ruined some Phara who couldn't into peaking and decided to ult where she thought my turret was, only to get shot in the back because I'd obviously moved it.

Torbjorn's turret-kills should never land him POTGs though.


because i have no idea what i'm doing but i like guns that actually take skill to aim and aren't full of magic abilities and shit

i should honestly just stick to CS

Seconded. I'm not a terribly good McREEEEE, but I kinda' dig the concept that he's just a guy with a really nice pistol.

None of that fancy cybernetics bullshit. Just a really high-class gun.

>le intersex dumblrina dyke appeasement offering to call off the SJW attack dogs
no thx

"Mains" are for faggots and retards. That being said, I play Pharah more than any other character, simply because I enjoy watching supports and close range assaults shit their pants while I fire mechanized dildos directly in to their ass-holes.

This is objectively false because I see my retard team constantly push that bitch's energy up all the time. Its just 70% me needing to l2p and 30% being matched with fucknuts

>inb4 maining is bad
Because it fucking is. You can have a favorite Assault, Defense, Tank, Support but you shouldn't fuck up your team balance just to play your character. Fucks like you are why I have to carry my team. You can't play Genji on defense fucking ever for example, it just doesn't work.

you take pubs pretty seriously

Main-shitters are the worst. But the characters I like playing the best are

>mfw I get 300 ping every match and never have less than 60

Nah tho, it's a giant glowing ball. It's not exactly hard to avoid shooting at.

Zarya's at my level have to peak-bait to actually get their energy filled.

Mr "I win unless the other team also fields me"

You have no idea what you're talking about dude. But you probably insist that Battleborn is the superior game, despite the devs being actual SJWs.

It's not hard for a Bastion to stop shooting at Genji too, but they keep doing it. People are dumb man.

>wombo combo
bitch just get 80%+ charge and drop it on the team yourself, usually 2-3 kills of squishies at least.

Really though I was getting super bored with the game until I picked up Zarya, now I have a character I can play all the time on defense or offense and actually enjoy playing.

Take your Overshilled spam to where it should go


i really like his mobility and i think he looks cool

>Anita the Cunt flips out about the women in the game not being ugly
>Blizzard kowtows and makes this freak with a third gonad to appease the genetic defectives
Hang yourself cunt.

I find that almost every hero works on both attack and defense if the situation calls for it.

I had an attacking match recently where the enemy played a really good Reinhardt but lacked flankers.

In result, one of my team-mates switched to Bastion and we tore through that shield as if it was nothing.

It's all about the situation.

That animation looks fucking retarded

Variety is the spice of life

that said, I never play Reaper, McCree, Widowmaker, Bastion, Reinhardt or Mercy because I like other characters in their same category better or I just suck as them

They literally made her one of the most racist characters in the game

Nah, looks fine, and she's a cutie.

I normally just wait until everyone else picks and then fill what's needed, so it suits me people don't play support for whatever reason

You mean cute


>guys guys i have an epic idea
>look starcraft is dead, we need to get into the esports scene
>what are the biggest esports right now?
>idk jerry, i'm not a 13 year old
>league of legends and CSGO
>what are you getting at jerry?
>let's just fucking combine the two, it'll be perfect
>what about balance jerry? how do you plan on keeping this competitive and fresh for more than a few weeks?
>shut the fuck up, carl, we'll go f2p in a few months and mexicans, brazilians, and kids will keep us afloat
>what about your mom, carl. fund the game faggot

literally blizzard tbqh

>Bastion to stop shooting at Genji

That shit is so fucking infuriating.

All they have to do is leave Genji alone for two fucking seconds instead of emptying your minigun into him.

I swear to God there is no level high enough to grow out of this.

Guys I have a suspicion that Overwatch PURPOSELY inflates your kills so you keep playing.

There have been many, many times where it says I've gotten a kill when I LITERALLY have not and know I have not.

There's a reason why we cannot see other players scores. It's because when you do some damage (not lethal) to a player, you and a few others that contributed may receive feedback that you killed someone.

Anyone confirm/deny?

she hates the robot scum and destroys them for a living

I main junkrat because mine > airshot is the only thing in the game that makes me feel skilled.

If tracer had a shotgun I'd main her, because I enjoy flanking and harassing the backline. But after 9 years of Scout/Soldier/Demo, I just can't track targets with automatic weapons any more. I'm too used to just twitching my crosshair to the appropriate spot when it's time to fire again. Can't keep it trained on a target for the life of me.

Kill yourself immediately

She hates all Omnics

Wow it's like Tumblr's wet dream

>Annoy the fuck out of the enemy team

I find support to be super boring unless I'm playing zenyatta and I just haven't had success with him recently, he dies to a fucking stiff breeze.
>tfw only heroic intro I've gotten is his
what a fucking waste.

>fire a single bullet
>he deflects
>wait two seconds
>murder him
it's so fun, it brings a smile to my face

no shit, i've only played like 3 games and i recognize this. i'll do some damage to a player then run somewhere else then the "you got a kill" thing will pop up

Anyone else fucking love being the ultimate edgelord?
>Teleport behind snipers and blow their brains out
>Wraithing through every attack
>Die, DIE, DIE! -ing everyone after Mercy resurrects them
>Eating all of their souls
The best

I make sure to be at least acceptable at all roles. Then, when a game starts, I insta-lock the character I want to play.

Then I just wait. If my entire team fills up and we're missing something, I switch THEN.

You end up playing what you like a lot more often that way.

the robots are the equivalent of blacks in the setting and over half of the cast insists they should have rights

she's a russian nationalist

don't know why I'm bothering to explain any of this

Are you serious? There is a difference between elimination and killing blow.

If you damaged a character it still counts as an elimination. Depending on how much damage you did to them, you get more points. This prevents your kills from being stolen from someone else. Stop being so paranoid faggot

Kills and assists both fall under Eliminations, that's why it always looks so high. You could breath on an enemy that your friend kills and you'll have an elimination.

Why are you saying "no shit"?

Is it common knowledge that Overwatch inflates your kill score?

depends on offense/defense or team comp
>mercy - defense or maps/teams who stick together. I use her gun a lot to pick of targets, like widowmaker or torn/bastion's
>Lucio - offense, especially capture matches
>S.76 - my general all-around offensive selection
>Junkrat - I can bomb the shit out of anything with him, he's my go-to if everything else is covered or my team is full on guns/lacks AoE threat
>Torn - map dependent, I usually end up with POTG showing me picking my nose, but I get 49% of team kills doing it. Like to kill reinhardts with my hammer
>Zarya - only with my friend and if the team selection is good.
>reinhardt - when team sucks and then need a shield that they wont hide behind but its there for their amusement




You remind me of someone I met in a game once.
>offense team has a bunch of defense characters for offense
>no one on our team can hit their backline
>go Genji and solo half their slow ass team
>their healer comes over to help
>their tank comes to protect their healer
>their last offense player comes to try to measure his dick against mine
>an entire team is chasing me around as I deflect turret and bastion spray into their mass for free kills and ult charge
>finally die after two minutes of wasted time for their team
>our useless sniper tries to mock me for playing defense Genji
>win match with no contest on point A
>get potg, 18 kill spree on 24 elims
>sniper card reveals he had 4 elims

I'm not talking about assists or the general term 'eliminations'.

I'm talking about KILLS.

I'm dreaming for competitive mode, trust me. I just thought past a certain level people would start to understand how the game works and would at least try to win.
>If the situation calls for it
That's completely true, problem is that's hardly why people pick certain heroes. I bring up Genji because him and Reaper are the worst in terms of my team picking them when it's completely unnecessary. If we're on defense and I'm somehow getting gold for eliminations as Lucio when there's two Genjis out there, you can bet I'm going to get pissed.

Yes, it is common knowledge that an elimination is a kill or an assist. I'm surprised somebody didn't realize this immediately. It even shows you what percentage you contributed to each elimination.

LuciOP is dirty. Just run around mashing E and shooting stuff and win 70% of games.

>Zarya's shield blips on and off when you use it
>lasts forever when you're opponent uses it