ITT: Post good games Sup Forums never talks about

ITT: Post good games Sup Forums never talks about

I liked the idea of it, but the game doesn't really go anywhere. You grind for money to upgrade your system to do bigger missions.

If you play for long enough, you'll get an interesting e-mail. This is where the story begins.

I fucking love Hacknet and I really need to play this game

>tfw Introversion is too focused on Prison Architect to make an Uplink sequel


What's Uplink

a good game Sup Forums never talks about


What's Uplink

user, I hate to break it to you...

Geneforge wasn't the kind of game it should have been, it just ended up being a shittier Avernum because it discouraged creating creatures mid-battle by making those creatures level up as if they were a party.


A good game Sup Forums never talks about, he just told you user.


Introversion doesn't seem like a company that would crank out sequels. Darwinia/Multiwinia was the closest.

I guess so.
I'm glad that Prison Architect sold well and is a really good game. How can one company be so consistently based for almost 20 years?

Just get Hacknet, it's pretty close to that

God I love Introversion

I really need to play that more. Seems like a nice return to the "Theme"-style games.

>On 15 September 2006, the day DEFCON pre-orders were made available, Introversion spent their last £1500.
>The Alpha version of Prison Architect has currently generated just over $11,000,000 for Introversion.
Glad things turned around for them. They make great games, but I can see why they aren't broadly popular games.

>he never did the story
There's a big conspiracy plotline man

I'm sad this game never made it big.

Simple and fun puzzle/maze game that I've never seen mentioned once.

>tfw no one plays DEFCON anymore

Gonna dump my favorites





Is Hacknet good? Is it actually challenging? Just finished all of TIS-100 and need something new for my brain to chew on

That game dev deserves to be funded.

This is why there's a fuck ton of handholding in games now. Because of retards like this.

Seen one thread on this that got 100+ posts in the last nine fucking years.

I've played a few hours of it and it's not as challenging as TIS-100 but it's decent
My favorite was the portion where a rival hacker fucks up your hacking software and you have to hack him back and fix your software using his files without your normal interface

What the fuck am I looking at? Is that an assembly game?

TIS-100, made by the guy who made Spacechem and Infinifactory

Yes, it's essentially an assembly puzzle game, not real assembly but close enough
Super fun if you like puzzle games and also like feeling like an idiot


The assembly part isn't the hard part though, the hard part is that each block is its own CPU that only has 1 register (and a backup register that cannot be accessed, only swapped with the register) and you must send values to the other blocks

>not real assembly but close enough
There is no 'real assembly.' Assembly is hardware specific. It is real assembly for the fake computer system the game features.

Fair enough, but I meant it didn't correspond to any actual assembly system, it was invented for the game

Yes, TIS-100.


Was this the time traveling RTS? Even when reading the description, I was already overwhelmed.

I really want a sequal or a remake.

Frozen Synapse

For all this wank about cyberpunk games it seems like nobody has ever heard of this one.

Solid gameplay, decent and thoughtful story, excellent music.

The coming sequel is a direct upgrade to the core game and looks even better.

Cyberpunk games are like adding water to the ocean, it always was and still is stupidly common.

Most games Sup Forums thinks is cyberpunk is just standard SciFi, System Shock 2 is a huge example

Frozen Synapse is a bonafide cyberpunk game hitting all the proper notes, with excellent gameplay to boot

I have never seen Sup Forums call SS2 cyberpunk. That said there are only really very few games that can be considered cyberpunk. At least, recently released ones.

>He never destroyed the Internet

Its always on the very top of "cyberpunk" infographics, right next to Deus Ex

Tell them they are stupid as shit.

Literally never seen anybody talking about this.

Nobody ever talks about this game and it makes me sad.
Does no one on Sup Forums have a DS or even emulate?

>Toilet Showdown

Only fun part is the multiplayer. The Campaign has been shit since EE and the AI is broken af.


Best shooter I've played in a while.

Isometric shooter?


> please stop asking
Mmmh, you know the drill guys, keep asking raid.


all of spiderwebs stuff is on point

I was bored and made a gateway phone.

can't get this to run properly. :(

16 bit colors instead of 32

Anyone played Onlink? How does it compare to original? I heard it's much harder.

think I didn't try that?


>>Robbed a bank
>>Built the best possible deck
>>Could never progress past LAN systems because of their stupid-quick detection.
I should reinstall Uplink. It's been years, time to give it another go.

just trying to help you enjoy a good game




i want to fuck the rabbit

No one really cares about adventure games anymore I guess. Unless you include those movie-games with no real choices or puzzles.

get GOG version nigga


Sup Forums shit themselves when the remaster was announced, I think you need to lurk more

The lighting is unbelievably good for a sprite-based game

Didn't this game get taken off the marketplace. Fuck and l played the on disc demo so much

I see it posted in Doom threads sometimes; it needs to be talked about more. Patrician taste.

You only trigger the alarm if you try to hack the main server or force a lock open.

The party van always got me before anything interesting happened ;_;


Get something called Stracciatella

It's an engine upgrade that adds no bullshit but runs on modern OS

You do know that you can blow up your Gateway if the feds are on you, right?

well I was hyped as fuck about the game back then and bought it on release. However after some days it just got dull.

Fuck Wargame, fuck Eugen. I hope they all get cancer and die. No edgelording, i fucking mean it.


I bought EE because they seemed based and put out free content. Still need to play it though

>month before release
>closed beta
>quite obvious the game is a good few months from release
>massively downgraded from original promise
>community offers to provide models to round out the nation rosters
>has the support of the majority of the marshals
>"nah, fuck that"
>proceeds to consistently ban forum users who criticise Eugen for fucking up RD
There is only one dev team I truly hate and that is Eugen.

My nigga

My biggest dream is to make a game similar to Uplink one day, but harder, better, bigger, the works. A kickass soundtrack, a very involving and detailed interface, plenty of hacking options and an involving storyline with multiple factions to join.

>all those death animations
>all that environmental destruction

Too bad about the controls

>those shitty controls
PSX version is great though.

I love that all guides mention having to counter-hack the rival, copying his server files, and using that to restore your system, when all you really have to do is rename one file -- the rival doesn't delete your server file, he just adds a "1" to the end of the filename so the booter doesn't recognize it. Just edit the filename to remove the "1" and blam, you're back in business.

Introversion doesn't like sequels.

Was Prime and Cortex any good?


Prime is kinda shitty unless you hated the aesthetic of Synapse. Cortex was okay but Synapse is still the strongest game by far.

>I really want a sequal

But there are five fucking Geneforge games. That's more than what most series have.

Yeah, but unfortunately it is complete dogshit due to both unit and skirmish AIs being utterly non-existant.
The pathfinding is so atrociously bad you'll have to micro every single unit around any obstacles manually to avoid collisions or units just getting stuck.

The premise and time travelling mechanics held tons of potential for a great game, but they borked the basics so hard that it is nearly unplayable.

or is it Eador?
