Oh shit! It's a new BGO thread by our old host Bear, and with an updated OP as of April 9 2016! If you enter our game and the host isn't me, call the host a faggot. Why are games hosted by me special you ask? Why not any anons game? Well since you asked, I paid €20 (since they only take britbong money) to unlock extra classes and hosting options, for all my best buddies on Sup Forums to enjoy with me when I make us a private game. Feel free to join and play, you don't even need an account or any knowledge, just read some info bellow.
BGO Board Game Online
Don't want to read shit? Just want to play? Game link bellow
Game info
>300 spaces (usually 100-150 per class)
>20 seconds per turn, hurry up nigger
>Pick 1 of 3 classes
>Dual classes unlocked turn 10, Triple turn 20
>Reinforcements 1st round
>Disarmed 1st round
>Wildcards every 10 turns
>Instant classes, expert mode unlocked, survival mode
>Enchanter is now banned - in double and triple class games
Adventure time - BEST OPTION. This event has the most versatile things in it, has a dungeon crawl that even new players are able to do, and can reward unique event only items. Pick this if you're not a retard.
>cons - everyone and their mother will recieve reflective shades making hypno glasses worthless
Doctor Who - Good option. Comes with a puzzle and easy access to a secret area. If you don't know how to solve the puzzle, you probably won't figure it out, so only pick this if you are a powergamer who knows the answer to the puzzle for sweet unique items.
>cons - only experienced players can get the most ouf of this event
Game of Thrones - WORST OPTION. Comes with almost non-existant passive depending on the house you pick, provides almost no in game advantages, poorly designed event, and leads to not a single unique thing.
>cons - No content, only good for reaching places you can easily achieve by other means
Speaking of achievements, you only get them saved by having an account. Thinking of making an account? Does OP have something to shill? Of course they do! Use my referal code so I get shit for you getting 300 achievement points, you don't even have to pay a dime for me to get free stuff based on what you do.
FAQ for those who do it for free and delete these threads
>Is this a video game?
Yes, despite being called board game, there is no offline version. It is exclusively online and a unique game, where many mechanics cannot be replicated offline even.
>This thread looks detailed so I'm calling it a general, why isn't it on /vg/?
This game requires someone to host and is not played constantly, so /vg/ would not be a fitting place. See risk of rain threads, another game where someone must host, and there's not really any discussion about the game itself besides when people make OC images for it. There is nothing wrong with creating a thread to be more detailed for quality's sakes.
Winner of last game, nothing else goes here I don't think...
What's this? A new addition to the thread? What could this possibly mean?
This means the devs of the game have met their donation goals and are allowing extra hosting actions. People who've donated (me) have the hosting option to unlock the triple class option, guaranteed to have 3 classes. First class is turn 1, second class is turn 10, third class is turn 20. There is no way to change this.
Eh, not like I'm doing anything else
extra turn is outdated
warrior's new passive is cooldown resuction while incapacitated
I know, but images man. This is history, this is art. Also I can't make a better one.
Bear told me to dump some porn, so blame him
I was told too, blame him
Fuck you Donte, have some hex
Story time
~mods mods mods
Mods are dead, long live the porn
what friend? It's just videogames.
Nice pic dumb nigger
Mods mods mods
Fuck, agian
this can't update faster!
Atleast post the Panda link before your ass gets banned.
damn right about that.
I can't get banned
>implying he'll get banned
Mods are niggerfaggots. Absolute trash.
well shit.
Damn hotpockets
just 2 pages left and that was all.
Post the source please
Couldn't be banned he said.
Literally just google "Hex Maniac Doujin" and it's the second fucking link how retarded are you
Since he won't
>Hex Maniac Doujin
I forgot to read the title before the pics were deleted and I was too lazy to go to the archive. Thanks friendo
>spamming a BGO thread with porn
Is this what this board has come to?