I just got this game and why is there no competitive mode ?

I just got this game and why is there no competitive mode ?

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so people can git gud first

ranked comes out this month sempai

>Not asian
What's the fucking point

I don't know about the original version, but on the german version it says something I'd translate as "Quick Play (Competetive)". What does the english version say?

Quick play. He means a ranked mode

Because it has fundamental problems that keep it from being truly competitive

Boring as fuck low skill game shouldn't even have a competitive mode, how fucking sad do you have to be to actually want that shit in this casual as fuck game in the first place.

I like video games

what hardcore games do you play, league?

they said its on the way. plus the devs even said its not balanced enough yet for it.

>not asian
>too fat


beep beep superior Dva coming through

Do you think she can smile like a doughnut?

More like so they don't scare people away from the game.

That's why ranked is coming out a month later.

I give the game a few more months before the interest falls off and they stop playing but twitch might go strong for a few years.

It's being released later.

>D cups
2/10, see me after class

I want to _______ Aza

hold hands with



I just bought it also and after playing for a couple hours I've got to say WOW

Teammates are so incompetent in every game with morons picking 3 Widowmakers when we're attacking


EUGH, I'll take the crab juice





Okay, I fucking hate widdowmaker too, but I had a game where we were attacking on Egypt (or w/e) and the opponents had 2 Tobjorns and a bastion.

It was a fucking nightmare with all those turrets and literally NO ONE was countering, so I went widowmaker and sniped their turrets and the team NEVER TOOK ADVANTAGE of the turret downtime.

So then, fuck, the reinhart continuously jets in solo onto the objective and gets his shit packed by the entire other team. Then when the game was over proceeds to rip me a new asshole for being Widdowmaker on attack.

And just


11/10, would miscegenate


Overwatch anime when?


d.va has brown hair and round eyes. shes not asian either

Just because she doesn't have the gookiest eyes doesn't mean she's not asian

Are you cunts retarded? she's Korean. it says so on her pants.


Actually a of south korean girls have enlarged eyes. It is true that s.korea is a plastic surgery country. Girls and boy around highschool crave face,lip,eye surgeries to fit western standards. Ane in adition plastic surgery is cheaper in s.korea.

T. Im actually korean

Looks like a chick I used to play WoW with. She was oreo as fuck.


Sexualize the Reaper?

Her anatomy is fucked, upper body is waaaay too long

not what I had in mind when I saw Lupin t b h

her legs are also short as fuck, legs are usually the same length as the upper body

pretty good piece of art overall, just needs some tweaks

I was global in cs before the rank change, 6.3k in dota, over 2k in quake live

I have thousands of hours in each game

good for you, not stop bothering us and play the games you like instead of being some shitposter looking to start a flame war.


Or I can provide discussion on a game that I want to, hold dat shit and go back to le eddit and stop being a circlejerking feel good hugspace faggot, and play a real fucking game

Watever man, you do you and I do me, and if it's being a casual cock monger, then so be it. At least I have fun

Grow the fuck up were talking about video games


>I was global in cs before the rank change
>I was global in CS before the update that fixed the ranks so they weren't terribly flooded with shitters and it was actually possible to be bottom-tier again
You look like a faggot whenever you talk about your rank before the rank change. They were fucking welfare ranks.