The gunplay is good. The music is bad...

The gunplay is good. The music is bad. The game is literally one artificial arena after another where you fight waves of enemies over and over with no real variation. You spam the attack button, hop a lot, and spam the glory kill button. This game is so boring it makes me want to kill myself. It's the worst FPS game I've played in years. How is this an acclaimed videogame? It's basically Serious Sam 3 and Shadow Warrior's shittiest parts mashed together and held together with pentagrams and the worst music Mick Gordon has written in his entire career. It makes Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 retrospectively look like a well designed and well paced videogame, and that is an astounding feat.

Other urls found in this thread:

you could salt the earth twice over with you're tears

>music is bad
>go back to Sup Forums and jerk yourself off to your neutral milk hotel or whatever other cuck shit you like

>The game is literally one artificial arena after another where you fight waves of enemies over and over with no real variation.
And this is the real sticking point. Doom 4's basic game design is the complete antithesis of every single Doom game ever made. They've taken those awful sections in Shadow Warrior where lots of demons spawn after you destroy something, and built a game around it. It's baffling. What were iD Software thinking?

The music isn't great. It's tryhard, mind-numbing metal. The music that plays during combat is the worst offender. Mick Gordon's work on Killer Instinct was a lot better.

I don't think they were thinking anything, this was a pretty souless cash in and I was starting to go crazy thinking I was the only one that noticed it being a clone of Shadow Warrior with executions

the music in Killer Instinct isn't much better.

>I don't think they were thinking anything, this was a pretty souless cash in and I was starting to go crazy thinking I was the only one that noticed it being a clone of Shadow Warrior with executions
This has been going on for a while. You take a classic FPS IP, and make a game that steals all its mechanics blatantly from another game. Give it a "retro" lick of paint, and people will suck your dick and praise you for "taking the FPS genre back to its roots".

Wolfenstein: The New Order is fucking NOTHING like any of the Wolfenstein games before it. The "roots" are completely fictional. The game blatantly lifts everything from the melee system to the basic combat encounters (Hi there, big armoured guy with a minigun) from the 2012 Syndicate game. It's staring people right in the face.

But people just don't care that these games are blatant clones of other games, and are not a return to the roots in any sense of the term. They only care about games being unoriginal when they don't like them. The hypocrisy is insulting.

>Wolfenstein: The New Order is fucking NOTHING like any of the Wolfenstein games before it.
Felt pretty close to RTCW to me, right down to big armored guy with a minigun

>The gunplay is good. The music is bad. The game is literally one artificial arena after another where you fight waves of enemies over and over with no real variation.

Isn't that Serious Sam as well?

This is what the original Doom is like OP. I played it for the first time fucking yesterday and its the same shit

>This is what the original Doom is like OP. I played it for the first time fucking yesterday and its the same shit
No. The early Doom games have you proceeding through levels. This locked room "kill all enemies to unlock the door to the hallway that leads to the next room where you have to kill everything to unlock the door" bullshit is alien to the Doom series.

Old Bullfrog's Syndicate wasn't even an FPS, though.

At least xcom the bureau got rebadged as being far away from an xcom game.

It doesn't change the gameplay at all though. You shoot monsters and then you proceed. Only think it does is makes cheesing everything harder by closing you down with the monsters you have to kill, ideally there should have been a timer added on top of that, and glory kills that add more time to that timer but are harder to pull off.

Same fag here.

Forgot to mention that I agree with you, there is nothing innovative wolf TNO does that syndicate didnt already do. already

>Old Bullfrog's Syndicate wasn't even an FPS, though.
I'm not talking about Syndicate. Starbreeze's Syndicate wasn't pretending to be a "return to roots" or "giving the fans what they want" or any of that shit. It was an FPS game set in the Syndicate universe.

Wolfenstein: TNO is by ex-Starbreeze people, and it lifts a lot of game design ideas from Syndicate. It has almost no game design similarities to old Wolfenstein games. It's a Syndicate clone pretending to be a "return to roots, muh classic FPS revival" game.

I don't care about the music, but I had the same sort of impression before I bought it from seeing gameplay videos. I'm very comfortable on money so I thought why not get it pretty cheap from a key site and try it out.

Yep, after putting in 10 hours and completing it, it's exactly how I thought it would be, now I know my instincts are infallible. How this is praised as anything more than a 7/10 at absolute best just shows that people are desperate to latch onto "old school" FPS.

If the monster designs actually looked menacing instead of being elementary shiny spongebags, they followed a conventional approach to level design instead of bot-match-fuckhead-presence-arenas, and took out all the RPG-lite mechanic bullshit, then it could have been great. That's all they needed to do.

> spam glory kill

Yeah.. you do that on Nightmare or higher and you usually just die.

Hey, congrats on beating it on Ultra Viloence, though. How's high school treating you?

Are you fucking stupid?

In doom 1/2/plutonia/tnt, there were often certain areas that provided a better chance to fight enemies,so you'd lure them out of the room they start in to a spot where you have a tactical advantage.

Or areas you could aggro multiple groups into attacking each other, or, again, luring enemies to a spot (kiting, taxi-ing, whatever you newfags call it) where you'll have a better engagement.

Look up go2it, and tell me it would be fine as a "locked in room until you clear everything" kind of situation. Tell me honestly that it doesn't change the gameplay. Because it fucking does

>Wolfenstein: The New Order is fucking NOTHING like any of the Wolfenstein games before it.

None of the Wolfenstein Games are alike.

Wolf 3D is so basic, it's hard to compare it to anything.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is arcadey, but still grounded in that era.

2009 is Cawadoody with powers and some interesting weapons.

TNO plays nothing like the above.

>But people just don't care that these games are blatant clones of other games,

I don't think people care because the Syndicate Reboot was shit.

>I don't think people care because the Syndicate Reboot was shit.
If the Syndicate reboot was shit, then Wolfenstein: The New Order is logically also shit because they're the same shit on a different platter with a slightly different sauce brand.

>It's tryhard, mind-numbing metal.
Sounds like the classic DOOM sound.

>me want to kill myself.

Then do it you faggot. Oh wait you're just another wuss who is all talk and no gusto. Yeah that's what I thought you fucking pansy. I'd say kill yourself but you're too much of a bitch to do it so now I'm gonna have to push for assisted suicide being legal and take matters into my own hands.

But Syndicate FPS had sound design. It was fast, it was thought out and fun while it lasted. TNO has you manually aiming on and then pressing a button to pick up each individual ammo pack, health or armour item, jesus. There is also a huge gaps in the game pacing where action stops completely and you are forced to do fetch quests and listen to shitty dialogue.

>Wolfenstein: The New Order is fucking NOTHING like any of the Wolfenstein games before it.

Yeah and Wolf 09 was almost nothing like RtCW and RtCW was almost nothing like Wolf 3D and Wolf 3D was almost nothing like Castle Wolfenstein.

>game isn't exactly DOOM 1 again so it's bad
neck yourself, fag.

Look that's a nice opinion and all but all your salt is in vain user. It's fucking doom, a non stop killing spree game. You knew exactly what you were buying.

Plenty of people who aren't you collectively like the game and theres nothing you can do about. Doesn't that just tear you up inside?

>Doom Metacritic score hovering around the mid 70s
>Sup Forums likes it
>score rises to the mid 80s
>Sup Forums suddenly hates it
You contrarian faggots are a blight on this industry.

TNO has much better gunplay and a greater emphasis on "old school" gameplay elements. Could have done without so much forced story stuff and stealth, but it was still bretty gud.

TNO is the only game I've ever played where pretty much every gun could be dual wielded

Locked down room still can have a positions with tactical advantage. It's just a room where you supposed to fight enemies. Core mechanics is to shoot and dodge projectiles that are fired at you. Also don't tell that there is no instances where you have to face a single monster in some corridor when you progress because there is. You just cling to these showdown rooms like it's something bad.

I'd rather they improve stealth than outright remove it because that's like the last piece of the original Wolfenstein that's still in all the games after it.

>spam attack button
What's your point? It's better then being led through boring scripted events and shitty "stealth" sections. It's a shooter and that's all it is.

>I can't use my crutch

Wow, you sound like a baddie. Git gud scrub.

>TNO is the only game I've ever played where pretty much every gun could be dual wielded

>Doom Metacritic score hovering around the mid 70s

Literally when? All these easily impressed hacks were rating it highly from day one.

But you are a big boy that in not easily impressed, i get it. Pat yourself in the back.

Actually, the game got a few middling reviews. I have a feeling that in a few months, the honeymoon period is going to end, Shadow of Mordor-style, and people will start distancing themselves from it. Especially when the fact there is no SP DLC, the map editor is useless, and the game has zero modding potential sinks in.

First few days it was out it didn't have many reviews and was around 76. Then good reviews started rolling in and tasteless retards like you started whining.

You whiny chode, are you conveniently forgetting all the times when you pick up an item or open a door and tons of enemies spawn around you in original doom? The only fucking difference is it doesn't lock door.

Sup Forums is co trarian as fuck , people were talking about how much they liked it and now that it's gotten. Widespread acclaim everyone is coming out of the woodwork to complain and make sure everyone knows how unlike the originals and shut it is.

The single player is still great so I doubt anyone will be changing their tune regarding it. The multiplayer was always known to be shit.

>The game is literally one artificial arena after another where you fight waves of enemies over and over with no real variation
At least someone fucking gets it.

NuDoom is garbage. Go play the old games, kids. Given the literally infinite number of levels for it (yes, literally: there is a fucking random level generator for the thing in addition to a fucking enormous amount of usermade content), you will never, ever, EVER get tired of it.

So play hallways with waves and waves of enemies with no variation instead?

>it being a clone of Shadow Warrior with executions

Doom's entire gameplay structure is lifted directly from the Shadow Warrior reboot. More precisely, the worst sections of the reboot that made me want to quit and go play N64 games.

But oldDoom is garbage. Just another Savescumming: The Game from the early days of PC game development.

wolfenstein is one of the least consistent video game series of all time,

This game was good. You literally have autism if you think that Black Ops 3 holds a candle to DOOM. Its not the revolutionary game it was 20 years ago, but it's the only game thats come out lately that doesn't take itself too seriously. Just because it wasn't a fucking cutscene fest doesn't make it a shit game.

>one artificial arena after another where you fight waves of enemies over and over with no real variation.
Every arena has a completely different layout and includes different tools to use (suck as launchers and teleporters). Each enemy type requires different tactics and has a unique moveset. There's no less variation than there was in the originals.

>You spam the attack button, hop a lot, and spam the glory kill button.
And in the older games you just spam the attack button, strafe a lot, and spam the attack button some more.

aside from them both being apart of the same genre they have no other similarities

>Its not the revolutionary game it was 20 years ago, but it's the only game thats come out lately that doesn't take itself too seriously.
What is Shadow Warrior. What is Serious Sam.

Black Ops 3 is good tho.

Doom MIDIS weren't full of that electro-dubstep-metal bullcrap

The thing is the game itself it's bad, having the "DOOM" name or not.



>how can these kids enjoy dubstep!? it doesnt make any sense!
take your meds grampa

No, instead they were awful sounding ripoffs of good songs.

It's not dubstep, it's Meshuggah

Even worse.

I am a diehard Sup Forums psuedo patrician who will openly listen to post-ironic meta noise and enjoy it but even I can admit the Doom soundtrack was fucking brilliant.

I wouldn't listen it outside of the game but it was perfect for tensing up the fights and enhancing the low-HP adrenalin rushes you get on ultra nightmare.

I think you're just being contrarian.

>The game is literally one artificial arena after another where you fight waves of enemies over and over with no real variation.

sounds like a good time to me considering the game is actually fast and hard. repetition gets stale when games aren't fun.

Id bet my house on 70% of the NuDoom dick sucking on this board is marketing. I never really thought they were real until now. There is someone out there getting paid to shitpost on Sup Forums.

>post-ironic meta noise

Or it's a good game and most people are enjoying it. This fucking shill meme has ruined this board. TORtanic put it on life support and now paranoid faggots crying "shill" killed it.

entry level trash

my 5 year old nephew listens to this on shuffle

>And in the older games you just spam the attack button, strafe a lot, and spam the attack button some more.
>people thinking the original Doom titles were like this.
No it weren't you fucking kiddo, there was an adventure/maze/puzzle gameplay in each map, you walked through the same areas with the same corpses again and again trying to figure out where the exit button was, It wasn't your linear boring shooter as in nu-DOOM. Go back to your highschool and say to your edgy group of friends that you are an oldschool shooter veteran while you tip your fucking fedora off

>It is well known for its traps, which when triggered opens up rooms of monsters and often simultaneously shuts the escape doorway
jesus christ gramps I'm gonna have to ask the staff at the retirement home to cut down your internet time if you act up like this

Oh look, another Brutal Doom fan gets so triggered by Doom 2016 that he has to shitpost about it.

What was that? Makes BO3 look like a well designed game? You are either 13 or you never fucking played this game.

>you have to put yourself through sweaty nigger difficulty to experience the full game
same level of stupid as
>the game gets good 10 hours in

All I know is drooling fucks on here were blowing it ever since that stupid NVIDIA demo just because it was being played by someone spazzing around on PC. My impression had not changed at that point from what I'd seen before, and still hasn't now that I've played it.

>artificial arena
That's the point of it you feral mutt. Its an antithesis of the modern AAA set pieces. It sticks to the idea of it being a game rather than a pretentious "artistic" expression.

>What was that? Makes BO3 look like a well designed game? You are either 13 or you never fucking played this game.
Doom 4 and Black Ops 3 suffer from the same basic design problems of bullet sponge enemies combined with shit pacing. But Doom 4 has good gunplay, so it is automatically better than Black Ops 3.

>sweaty nigger difficulty

Seriously, what?

>difficulty is bad
Is this how low we've actually fallen nowadays? What do you need someone to go with you to the bathroom every night?

Because the sad state of AAA fps m8. It so boring and stagnant that tomany this game was like breath of fresh air compared to everything else

This is one of the biggest shitposts of all time and this person's opinion is not even remotely representative of the game


i never said difficulty is bad but it wont make a shit game good

Didnt classic doom sample a shit ton of music tracks for its ost?

Because i rember it did and would thunk that at least cause of it using already liled stuff that the ist turned out at to at the very least to be considered decent.

There's literally nothing fresh about Doom, though. It's some of the most generic and non-innovative FPS design ever. It shamelessly steals from other FPS games instead of trying to make something new. It feels like a game designed to appeal to people who think that WWII FPS games are "fresh".

Guys, i think this fucker is from polygon.

Meh, somewhere 3/4 through the game the constant action with the same enemies did finally start putting me into that weird stupor that constant action games that have the "slog" do.

I think the biggest thing is that there's wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too few kill animations per context/character. They should have had 3 or 4 different executions per each angle of attack, weapon, proximity to a wall/pit/environment piece. I've literally seen the same execution four times in a chain and it makes it boring fast.

>to be "a game" means the only logical conclusion is to lock you into clearing arenas generally smaller than the average MP map

So is Quake not "a game" to you?

>bullet sponge enemies

Yeah, you really have never played this game. The SS wrecks every non-boss enemy in the game. So does the Chaingun, so does the Gauss Cannon, AND you can fucking cancel animations by switching weapons to do even more DPS. Combine that with grenades, alt fire, and power ups, enemies die quicker than fucking Doom 2.

Careful m8, those are dangerous insinuations


oh, so the bigger the funnier uhh
also nuDoom cucks can't enjoy unlimited power of modding with their shitty "snapmap" thing

I recommend anyone who played Doom 4 and enjoyed it, to play Ancient Aliens for Doom 2.

Not only does it show where Doom is at today, you will actually gain some understanding why there are people out there who realise Doom 4 is nothing more than a over-hyped cash grab.

He doesn't know you can shoot demons in the back that's why he thinks they're spongy

You complain about how you can abuse a mechanic for easy wins and got refuted that it is only possible in lower difficulties. You complained about needing to play the game in higher difficulty for it to be difficult and you answered that difficulty was not your gripe with it.

What the fuck are you on about?

>There's literally nothing fresh about Doom
Agreed it stuck to its guns and polished it. Its a breath of fresh air from all the barrage of modern FPS's that tries to "innovate" every yearly release yet sticks to a very few ideas.

Bullet-sponge as a term does not mean "takes a lot of damage.

Bullet-sponge means that an NPC absorbs attacks from the player character, melee or projectile, with no visible effects, as if the damaging item were just being soaked up into the enemy to disappear. DOOM does not fall into this category because enemies visibly respond to being shot with recoils, blood splatter, etc.

Limitations of a modern engine

What you just posted only works because the game is from 23 years ago so naturally you can shove as much shit as you want into it without it complaining

What i meant was modern dev's inclination of making the game a "cinematic experience" and how they take away control from the player to "show you something cool" that they made.

>Being too young to see the first 3 years of absolutely shit-tier maps being made for Doom

> Comparing over 20 years of evolution of editors, source ports, and maps to maps made for a 3 week old game.

user, if you aren't shitposting then you're really just dense.

Look at E1M6 and then the response post. You said that DOOM's map design was linear and boring when that sample map favors E1M6 a good deal. It had nothing to do with size. Go to bed.

Where did you even get this weird definition?

I think you're talking about enemy stagger here

>You complain about how you can abuse a mechanic for easy wins and got refuted that it is only possible in lower difficulties.

i dont know whos ass your pulling this from


He's got a point though the music sucks ass in D44M

you must think im the same retard you responded to, theres more than 1 user browsing Sup Forums autismo

>Where did you even get this weird definition?
Common usage from the origins of the term in the 00's when polygonal shooters started exploding and you could tell good shooters from bad by whether or not the devs bothered to put in NPC reactions to damage. If not, your bullets would simply disappear into their polygons/models. It's been bastardized over the years to just be used by youngfags to refer to any enemy with a lot of health, becoming basically a completely useless term that holds no actual value information on the game.

>I think you're talking about enemy stagger here
Yes I am.

teh moar u no