There are people on Sup Forums who are okay with the microtransactions in this game

>there are people on Sup Forums who are okay with the microtransactions in this game

Is it okay when Blizzard does it?

So the only additional cost to maintaining the game online is shitty cosmetic that are barely noticeable and that you don't even have to buy (no really, don't, it's not worth it).

No, seriously kid, grow up and get your head out of the fucking sand and go out there learn what real shitty micro-transactions are. I'm being nice to you here but Overwatch has many problems but those loot boxes aren't one, at least from the consumer side.

>maintaining the game online

The game is overpriced as fuck, with very little effort and money put into it. No reason for it at all.

Time to get a real job, Jaquan

Do you a single fucking fact to back that up?

I'm never okay with microtransactions and neither are a lot of people, but that doesn't stop it from becoming the norm from here on it and there's nothing we can do to stop it

the blizzdrones are real.

>tfw friends see no problem in buying boxes


>Just don't use them

grow up faggot

Who the fuck is okay with microtransactions?

Remember all those CoD microtransactions?

Let me fire up blops 2 and see how many skins I can buy...

All the micro is strictly cosmetic, but it's still scummy how it conditions you into wanting loot boxes.
>give out loot boxes rapidly initially
>slow them down to a trickle as you gain levels
>no way to disable them
>huge fanfare when you open box

Because nobody cares about loot crates.

I don't care about selling cosmetics but I do think it's a bit scummy when they ask money for the game already and it's really barebones

Have you seen this game? The graphics, gameplay, music, it's all generic and low effort, can easily tell.

40 bux isn't a lot of money, but for a shitty online only game with no depth or content would make this overpriced, especially when there is better alternatives for free

You need to milk the autists who pay for skins if you want your game to last with free updates

>get a box every time you level up
>also get the option to buy them
>literally 0 effect on gameplay unless you think "Oh hey there's a friendly hockey playe-HEY WAIT A SECOND THAT'S ACTUALLY THE ENEMY LUCIO!"

What's the downside?

>Have you seen this game? The graphics, gameplay, music, it's all generic and low effort, can easily tell.
This is an opinion not a fact.

There is no downside. Its just another classic Overwatch shitposting thread that everyone seems to fall for. The cosmetics are totally harmless and add nothing to the gameplay. You could argue they take away aspects of the game, but you can get the same shit for free.

I'd be willing to pay more for a game with all the content unlocked from the beginning, if it meant them not having to rely on milking skin hoarders to pay their bills

niggas can't be dickriding dis hard

The fuck are you on about mate?

Those loot crates are shit and designed to cash in even more than regular microtransactions.
Why can't you just buy the skins, sprays, poses and shit you want, or at least the coins to exchange for them? Instead you have to hope you're lucky enough to get a decent item that you wanted or some coins to save up for it. I'm also stretching it out with the "lucky" thing, since I'm pretty sure the "RNG" for loot crates is somehow rigged.

>I'd rather waste my own money than have others waste their money so I don't have to

I probably oughta stop falling for obvious bait.

I hope they make some good skins for Zarya and Lucio soon. I'd settle for a legendary skin for Zarya that changes literally nothing but her hair.

No dickriding, just waiting for something other than opinions.

Retards wasting their cash won't make me unlock 100% of the content from the second i start the game

>but it's just skins mate
Content is content, i don't give a shit if it's horse armor or nt

You paid to beta test a game designed to never be finished, they will keep releasing "free updates" until they need more money, then Blizzard will start phase 2, paid Expansions, there will be Vanilla servers and new servers for the different expansions.

Surprisingly people keep falling for this, and they seem to enjoy being fucked in the ass.

ok but microtransactions in this game are aesthetic. Its not Pay to win

It's a carbon copy of TF2.

>playing ratherwatch
cuck game with a cuck name

There should still be unlock-exclusive skins that can't be found in boxes.

Otherwise I'm not too bothered as long as cosmetics are the only thing you can buy.

That would mean Overwatch has 9 heroes

get a job?

>Paying to look pretty when you can do it for free if you dont suck shit
Paying for boxes just singles you out as being a shitter.

The REAL problem with Overwatch is the fact that it took the fucking CSGO box approach where you can get fucking duplicates. The system only works if you can sell the items you dont want, not when you're too lazy to set up a changing inventory. Its wasting money for fucking common items and its retarded.

>goes back to playing weeaboo sim 26b and League of Legends


you must be used to ratherwatch's shit hitboxes because you really missed the mark on this response

>aesthetic bonuses only

>you're not barred from obtaining anything for free

>microtransaction just quickens your returns if you're an impatient casual

>after 50 hours you'll have unlocked everything and/or have the gold necessary to unlock it

>he still thinks Overwatch is a competitive game

This is why you're stuck playing LoL

wolf skin hanzo's ult has a much quieter startup

>no way to disable them
"Please stop giving me free things"
Don't fucking open them then. Jesus christ you people bitch about the dumbest shit

Sup Forums is infested with Blizzard shills

Just say Battleborn and the cucks will shit post