Other urls found in this thread:
>Glorious Team Cat has the most wins.
>Dogfags win due to children giving them the popularity vote.
I was mildly annoyed.
>game can't handle ties so it always gives a point to the first option
>catfags thinking a 1% lead means anything
>catfags are STILL salty that they lost
I remember how BTFO catfags were
>Literal Stockholm syndrome to their cat masters
>dog actually cares about their owner
I was a catfag then, I'm a catfag now.
even after all this time catfags whining still makes me smile
every contest needs a loser. thanks for doing your part
cats are literal, honest to god meme animals
the only reason we have them around is because egyptians and shit thought they had religious value
The fucking salt was amazing. Never had a splatfest so satisfying since.
Cat owners are literally delusional and deny the fact that cats don't actually care about them they just like them because they pet them and give them food. Catfags are the biggest cucks in the world.
dogs are actually useful while cats just sleep for 16 hours like the lazy fucks they are
I'll change my mind when cats can do cool shit like pilot planes
That's one single dog that became a meme.
Cats as a species are a meme.
Kek you really want to play this game faggot?
>cats vs dogs
>dogs win
What were you expecting?
Say what you want about cats but mine is really laid back, bathes himself, hunts vermin, and doesn't annoy the hell out of you at night with loud noises. They also don't afraid of anything and don't go crazy when they hear thunder.
only cute cat out there.
>Nyan Cat
Since it's obvious where this thread is going, I'm just going to dump random dog pictures I have saved.
I want that cat to fart in my mouth
Normies never heard of any of the shit youre posting.
Keep cherrypicking, catfag.
How's this?
I'm actually a dogfag
No more memes, time for cute. Unless someone wants to contribute to the thread.
Dogs of course.
Samoyeds are cute
The cutest
Don't click this.
Sleep tight, pupper
I'm fairly sure cats are part of a hivemind
dogs r better than cats
Dogs are superior.
Dogs are best animal on land and sea
I miss my dogs.
Birds know which is better.
having a cute overload in this thread
Me too
: (
That they do.
> catcucks are still salty
>can go to heaven
So the pit bull that chased me in the street is going to hell?
Don't remind me.
>going on the internet and telling lies
The ones you are posting are actually good though
I don't think a dog would go to hell for keeping some tripfaggot away from their owner.
>hated by animals on instinct
Sounds about right.
But he was gay.
Sorry to hear about that, guys.
>get St. Bernard bro on the way back from Disneyland as a kid with my parents
>expect lots of wacky girl-attracting Beethoven adventures when I'm in high school
>he dies when I'm just starting 8th grade
>vet says he lived a long time for a St. Bernard
Why is this allowed?
>read this
>remember beethoven 2nd being a movie i liked as a kid
>find this on google
The west will never get black vs white ink like japan got... fuck this world.
The bigger the dog the quicker they die, it's not fair since Bernard's are some of the friendliest dogs but it's life.
Beethoven is hoarding the secret to Bernard lichdom, but refuses to share, lest his movie deal is threatened
best thread on Sup Forums and it's about dogs.
corgi best memedoggo
post more corgi
He is Beethoven, the doglander. Born in 1992 in the streets of hollywood, and he is still alive. He is immortal. For 24 years hes been a comedian. A lover. A dog.
I'll see what I can do.
I had a girlfriend who had a basset. I can't say I miss the dog more than the girl, but it's pretty close.
Sorry to the user who wanted Corgi pictures, it turns out I only had a few saved and most of the pictures I found for looking up corgis were just stock photos.
Fuck off cat hipster
Cats can be comfy, but dogs are forever bro tier.
Yellow Lab mustard breed. Golden Retrievers are also top tier.
-kin are faggots but I kinda wanna be a dogger now.
Haha red the fatty had to run!
>STILL being upset that the superior animal won
Gotta go fast
People all around the world kept cats around because they're great at killing vermin like rats and gophers
only true for farms.
they're not good for cities though.
At least you got some exercise
Until the modern era something like 90% of the population farmed.
They were great for cities since they helped keep the rat population under control (see example for example the famous cats of Venice) while being less of a pest themselves. Rats were serious issues anywhere food was stored, that goes double for cities which rely entirely on food storage systems.
>catfags still salty
If user is a little bitch then does that make them a traitor?