Do you take reviews seriously? Or do you outright discard the opinions of critics?

Do you take reviews seriously? Or do you outright discard the opinions of critics?

Why would I care about the opinion of one random kid that can't play videogames?

Why should I trust critics at all?
Sup Forums is a lot more honest

The only thing people should consider are demos and they should be mandatory for every single game.

No, I find a critic I like and I follow his reviews.

Did you know that IGN has more than one reviewer? It's annoying as hell when people post LE 7.2 TOO MUCH WATER and WHOA GONE HOME 10/10 PINNACLE OF GAMING
It's like people think IGN only has one reviewer

>Or do you outright discard the opinions of critics?

Only when they don't mirror my own opinions

No shit they have more than one reviewer. I just don't find their reviews to be that creditable given their awful reputation. But this really isn't about IGN just reviewers as a whole.

>Do you take reviews seriously


i dont trust them but i take them wayyy more seriously than Sup Forums

>It may not be pretty

No, not ever.

too much water was a legitimate issue
water parts were shitty, so reviewer listed them as a con


I go off of what Sup Forums does. I know to avoid games talked about too much, meme watch. And avoid games never talked about, mirrors edge 2

stop talking about this bullshit, i hope that sticky from yesterday results in you fucks being banned for blatant shitposting.

>Do you take reviews seriously?

>Or do you outright discard the opinions of critics?
More than that. I consider high reviews from some critics to be a reason NOT to buy the game, when I'm close to a decision.

Example: Every place or reviewer that gave gone home a 10, and most places that gave it an 8, is a place that I'm likely to use as an antirecomendation.

I don't trust Sup Forums to know what I like. I DO trust Sup Forums to be hypercritical, and identify every conceivable flaw in a game.

IGN got someone who is not a fan of Dragon Ball to revirew a Dragon Ball game. If that doesnt tell you how retardedrevirewers are I dont know what will.

They should have gotten a guy who doesnt like hipstrer meme games to review that aids ridden game

I kinda trust yahtzee. Other then that, reviews give a general vibe of the game. Provided you can read between the lines.

Reviews are pretty unnecessary now. There are several ways to tell if a game is going to be shit now. One easy way is the check the box for an EA/Bethesda/Blizzard/Activision logo.

I read reviews, as well as online discussions and watching gameplay videos, to get a general idea of the quality of a product and then from there I decide if the product still interests me or interests me more etc.

Ultimately a lot of games I like are panned, sometimes by both reviewers and the community, but I can still enjoy them so I never see a bad score or a good score as an absolute. But usually there's some worth in reading this stuff to at least know what you're getting into.

>I know to avoid games talked about too much
If Sup Forums love/hates something, I usually try it.

That a place like IGN couldn't muster a single normie anime fan to review it is shocking.

They don't need to fine a antihipster. Just one who doesn't completely lose his shit at indy garbage.

This is not a bad rule.

I don't take anyone's opinions seriously other than my own. No matter what anyone says, you won't know if you like a game until you've tried it. I can usually tell by watching one or two videos whether I'll like a game.

Sup Forums's taste is legendarily shit and has only gotten worse since the reddit mass migration.

No. It comes down to credibility. Why would I listen to dumb liberal arts graduates that couldn't find a better job, other than be a pseudo-games expert and shill, and couldn't play games?

It would be like asking a blind man (from birth) what the sky looks like.

Trusting any one source is a horrible idea, Sup Forums included.

>Sup Forums is a lot more honest

Sweet baby Jesus. Sup Forums is full of entitled contrarians who hate a game one minute and then hate it the next. Taking anyone's opinion on here, ESPECIALLY when deciding whether to actually play a game or not, is about the dumbest thing you can do.

They're not critics, but walking living ads, and well, trusting on their words is like trusting those penis enhancement spam mails.

Sup Forums is very good at pointing good games that aren't being heavily marketed.
But anything with more than 5 million dollars of PR budget will be ran to the ground here.

>video games
never ever

I play the game and rely on my own opinion as tastes are completely subjective

Yes, but it depends on the writer. It's important to remember that unless the game is outright broken in some way, a review will be based on a mostly subjective experience.
If a new Musou game comes out and I wanna know what's what, I'm not gonna read the review written by a guy who's never played a Musou. It's a waste of time.

Trusting the hivemind is a mistake

I prefer Sup Forums because most of the time they'll exaggerate a game's flaws instead of blatantly lying like reviewers do. Constant "20 TICK 20 TICK" or "DOWNGRADE" threads are annoying but at least I know what the possible flaws of a game are instead of getting tricked by undeserved 10/10 scores that pretend a game is absolutely perfect.

buddy if you dont think Sup Forums blatantly lies about stuff you gotta pull your head outta your ass

why would anyone here lie? maybe exaggerate, but lie? theres nothing to benefit from doing so on the internet, especially not an anonymous forum

This, it's the only good answer. I'll enjoy games and I won't give a fuck about "game journalists" or Sup Forums.

There are tons of flaws in that game, also it copies the fucking the Road novel to the very end.

It's better to read "the Road" than play Last of us.

you shouldn't care about some stupid critic who thinks he's a big deal

As long as you are having fun, that's all that really matters

Why should I trust an obviously sold out reviewing site?
A game can be the best thing ever created on this Earth, but if it's not shilled to death, known and appraised to the entire word then must be shit and they're going to give it a 2/10. IGN are cucks

they're just opinions from people.

they only matter to fucking retards and normies.

in turn, i only care about reviews from people whose opinion i respect or know.

>Needing validation from strangers for the media you you consume
No one is this pathetic.

I'll usually take semi-critical or outright negative reviews more seriously than ones full of almost nothing but praise. If I can read a list of a game's perceived flaws and still want to play, that's enough for me.

>why would anyone here lie?
you would be suprised how much "console war" fagging can effect that.
v doesnt lie about a game being good, it lies about games being bad, especially when a game is associated with a company they dont like.

IGN and Gamespot are inarticulate fucks who produce low-quality analysis of games. Gametrailers/Easy Allies are the only reviewers worth listening to.

I used to write reviews as part of my job at a gaming news organization.

I would say throw the average review in the trash. I was afforded much more liberty than most writers to be honest about my reviews and even then, the process is flawed.

Some things to keep in mind:
>If the game isn't out and they're just reporting on some press demo, don't trust a word of it. Press demo shit is always made to be a much better tailored experience than the game itself.

>If it's a new release, don't just it. These things come out and have to be reviewed very quickly by whichever writer they're assigned to. In most groups, writer preference is kept in mind, but only loosely. Writers have to review games they don't like, and so can't give them fair evaluations (Some dick that only likes facebook games is sometimes assigned MGSV to review).

>Additionally, these games are RARELY finished by the writer. Ain't nobody have time for that with the dozen other articles you have to write per day. You put in a few hours most of the time. Always under 10. This is worst with new releases as well.

Basically only trust "Retro reviews" or more in depth analysis of games. It means that the writer A) likely got to choose the game themselves, and therefore is familiar with the standards of the genre and B) actually played the thing through.

>Anything from IGN.

What, did you just pop out your mothers womb or something?

>implying I take reviews seriously after the bullshit they spewed about Lost Planet 2 and The Wondeful 101 being "okay" or "mediocre"

I don't trust many opinions. If Sup Forums happens to suggest a game that looks interesting, I try it. So far, they haven't let me down.


I don't trust anyone except myself and very few developers. If a game from a series I've never played before or a developer I don't trust looks interesting I will wait for the game to be released it already hasn't and then I will check out its gameplay and make up my mind there. If a series lost my trust I will never play a future game from it again and if a developer lost my trust I will be very skeptical of buy one of their games in the future.

Professional critics are all full of shit, user reviews are overrun with children and plebs, Sup Forums le reddit and other forums are full of fanboys and/or people who hate everything, youtube reviewers can be OK if you trust them, friends can be ok if they haven't let you down too much in the past.

You're right, LP2 is bad.

>Do you take reviews seriously?

Not anymore I don't.

Okay fine. Here's your (You). But no more than that.

>let's take all things that made LP1 great and scrap them
>oh and shoe-horn in MP
>b-but you can still play with brain-dead AI
>New Akrid for a new environment?
>nah fuck that
>real antagonists

LP2 is trash, and its MP doesn't save it.

>are overrun with children and plebs
what did he mean by this?

>Video game critics

I'd rather trust the entity Sup Forums than critics.

>implying there weren't varied environments
>implying that co-op wasn't the best thing in the campaign
>implying the best weapons weren't there
>boss fights as huge as a fucking train
>also a train with a giant cannon
>not wanting pirates to unite together against the ultimate baddie

Sounds like someone played by themselves. But no if you're looking for trash, go for 3. 1 is great, but 2 is just a whole other game. And great other game at that.

Yahtzee Croshaw is the only reviewer I'll pay attention too, but you've gotta take him with a pinch of salt

I trust metacritic.

Because I like all games and believe in a level of objective criticism. Sup Forums nitpicks and if something doesn't align exactly within their personal tastes, it's shit.

I've had many people on here tell me Forza 6 is dogshit and should never even be brought up in a conversation talking about video games. But on Metacritic, the score is 87, and after playing it, I'd put it there because I see the overall sum and the triple a quality.

I just wanted another LP1 with more expansion and refinement.
Instead I got a Army Of Two reject with a LP theme.
I could respect it if the MP effort was genuine, but it was just shoe-horned in.

Discard the review of critics, but watch the video review to see gameplay and make up my own decision.

Nah, not do I try to listen to the opinions of Sup Forums

Case in point, the game in the OP: Undertale. Fine game, well worth the 10 dollars I payed, and lived up to the expectations the demo set a couple years prior. Perfect? Fuck no. But Sup Forums bashes on it way too hard because one, it's popular, and two, the fanbase is legitimately mentally challenged.

I 100% agree with those points.

>Sup Forums is a lot more honest


I outright discard the opinions of """"""""""critics"""""""""""""

when they fuck a developer

After Overwatch, I know what sites are garbage.

If any reviewer gave Overwatch more than 7/10 I know the site is worthless for an objective review.

How? I mean, I don't see how they could've continues with LP1 with the same ice planet. I mean, I guess they could continue the story and make it more survival-like, but it'd be he same thing in the end. And I don't quite care for the MP other than co-op campaign, so I guess that's why.

Also, Army of Two reject? Honestly, no other game can reach that level of shit. Even LP2, by your standards.

>After Overwatch
fuck off underage

It took you over 10 years to learn reviews are bullshit?

Into the trash it goes, no footage from YouTube, no buy

I only read negative reviews. If I'm looking into a game I don't need some schmuck to sell me on it. Just tell me what's wrong with it and I'll see if I still want it.

How come movie & music critics are taken seriously in their respective fields but not the same about video game reviewers?

I've not read or been on review sites/videos for over 4 years, I base my opinion on gameplay solely and don't need some random biggot telling me what is good or bad

The Road is a fucking plodding nihilistic borefest with neither a proper beginning or a proper end. If anybody but an already acclaimed author had written it, it would be written off as such.

Cause video games don't actually require any specialist talents or understanding to form a review

Because music and movies are art forms, video games aren't

Name one that isn't a bunch of hack frauds or other variety of internet funny mans
Those indie fucks tripping over themselves to discover the latest in limpdick listening while also praising any mainstream pop hit (YASSS MY QUEEN B!!) because not liking pop isn't considered alternative anymore?

You shouldn't take critics seriously.

I don't consider reviews at all. There's many games rated ~6 that I love and many rated 8-10 that don't appeal to me in the slightest. If I'm interested in a game but I'm on the fence, I can simply look up a gameplay video. It's so easy to do your own research these days.

Not really. It seems reviewers have very low standards. AAA games pretty much by default get a 7/10 unless there's something seriously wrong with them. As the recent DOOM debacle showed, it seems that playing games to a degree of competence isn't necessary to be involved in the publications that discuss them.