Still better than MN9
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Well at least my dick will enjoy Miriam regardless of the quality of the game.
looks pretty cool to me
>8 years for a new Castlevania game.
Bullshit Lords Of Shadow 2 came out 8 years ago.
You make it sound like OoE isn't the best Castlevania.
I like the idle animation.
You're never satisfied, are you?
I don't see any problems with this.
>And they give us a 3D remake of Order of Ecclessia
How so other than the female protag?
At least it's 2d gameplay. Finally big companies are learning that 3d platformers were a goddamn huge mistake.
Still a bit early to tell if the game will be good or not but that looks pretty good to me so far. At that stage MN9 already looked like hot shit.
Literally nothing wrong with this or OoE are you retarded OP
>implying a 3D remake of Order of Ecclessia wouldnt be great anyway
What are you on faggot?
>already looks more polished than MN9
Doesn't look terrible yet.
Cautious optimism
The level is what you'd see in OoE. The protagonist is a mostly blue woman with dark hair and symbols on her body, including one on her exposed back. The treasure chests are 1:1 copies.
This is Order of Ecclessia 2: 3D but changed enough so that it is legally distinct.
Wouldn't be the first Castlevania to do that, either. Legends had it; Legacy of Darkness had it; the Dracula X games had it.
Sup Forums has honestly led me to believe they just shit on any kickstarter that gets finished.
Fuck it I'll buy Mighty No. 9 and Bloodstained. They actually look decent.
Lords of Shadows is a thousand times better then your shitty IGAVANIA games.
I really don't like that the last couple Bloodstained threads have been very shitposty. I knew it would happen after more info got released but goddamn.
>And they give us a 3D remake of Order of Ecclessia
I am absolutely fine with this.
Those animations and environments look top tier as fuck. Day one buy for me.
after so many dissapointments. I dont really blame them
>tfw Armikrog was shit
Atleast Shovelknight turned out great
Not to say that Order doesn't have things going for it, but it has some big flaws. The levels are very simple, and mostly straight hallways. Left to right, right to left affairs.
Here's your (you)
>Lords of Shadows
The first game was pretty good. The DLC was a rip-off tho.
Mirror of Fate was garbage and LoS2 was disappointing as fuck and didn't even give us a decent ending.
One of my favorite elements of Order was the comfy village. I hope it makes a return. I liked that there were normal people to talk to rather than just merchants.
>Iga making an Igavania
What's the problem here?
>The treasure chests are 1:1 copies
By that standard, about 900 games are remakes of one another because they all use the Red Cross' logo on first aid kits. It's a treasure chest, and probably a placeholder graphic at that.
You're basing all of this off of a handful of scenes. What's more, the game is clearly inspired by the Castlevania series, so without a doubt it's going to have similarities, especially if we get so nitpicky that having a "water level" makes something a "copy" of another game which so happens to have a "water level" too, a common element in a HELL of a lot of games, particularly platformers.
The only problem I really have with this is that with 3D, it's much more obvious how floaty you are. Maybe get some of that sweet Alucard afterimage going on to smooth it out.
>3D remake of the best DSvania
Ehhh i'm rather fond of LOS2 (If only because you get to play as Dracula, and he plays really fucking cool. Like a Vampire Count from Warhammer) but yeah...ending really pissed me off.
Why does he name the genre after himself, even though he was only the Assistant Director? Wouldn't Hagi-vania make more sense?
probably because he can't call it Castlevania, and his name is Iga, not Hagi
I'll give you that. It is one of the few comments I have about the game so far.
From what I hear, Armikrog was just average.
Seriously, too many people shit on a kickstarter game for not being as high quality as the stuff nintendo and capcom can shit out on a daily basis. As someone who wants to get into game development, it just seems unreasonable and discouraging.
produced most post-SotN games
He didn't want to call it Metroid-vania because that's not actually what inspired the team to make SotN the way it was. Also I'm sure he wanted to avoid any potential problems with using the term and made a new one. Also Igarashi's been more involved with the games than his co-director, who left the industry.
Why is the point that he was a co-director such a point of contention for you shitposter-types?
>. As someone who wants to get into game development
Ayyyy lmao
>Ayyyy lmao
Deserved, am I wrong though?
So? OoE's only problem was the linearity and it looks like they want to fix that. What are the alternatives? SoTN 2.0 or AoS 3.0?
>Why is the point that he was a co-director such a point of contention for you shitposter-types?
Because Symphony and Rondo are Toru Hagihara's games. Iga's eclipsed him because he became series producer, but Hagihara is way more important.
Hagihara was Producer and director. Iga was the Assistant director. It's not an equal relationship.
>but Hagihara is way more important.
Apparently not as much as you think since he didn't direct CotM, AoS, PoR, CoD or OoE. Neither did IGA but he's been involved in the development of more Castlevania games than him.
Nope, but I guess people just assume more money = more quality in games, and some of the latest kickstarter games that get shitted on got millions on their funding
>tfw Dragons Crown was made with a 1M budget
>MN9 had 5 times the same budget
At the end of the day, its the developers that make games great, not money. I still have hope for Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee
>>tfw Dragons Crown was made with a 1M budget
Dragon's Crown was also headed by George Kamitani who did a FUCKLOAD of work for no pay on it. It's not really fair to compare Bloodstained or MN9 to it.
All of those games are massively derivtative of Symphony. And Hagihara was the man behind that game.
But you fuckers act like because he isn't involved the game will be shit. The dude isn't in the industry anymore and IGA never claimed to mastermind the games and praised the dude a lot in interviews so why do you care?
Symphony is massively derivative of Metroid and Hagihara wasn't the man behind that game.
>SoTN 2.0 or AoS 3.0?
Both of those sound better.
Most people think Iga alone directed Symphony. Others think he's behind all the games.
And having the most talented person NOT behind the new game is a big deal. It means it will very likely not reach the same level as Symphony, despite the bigger budget, and 20 years of technological advancement.
And Symphony was massively derivative of Super Metroid. Your point?
CotM was already better than Symphony. Games are better when they actually have some challenge to them.
Symphony surpasses Super Metroid and builds upon it. It's not just a copy.
is Bloodstained going to have an ancestral family like the Belmonts?
that was one of my favorite things about Castlevania, the eternal blood feud between the Belmont bloodline and Dracula
Doubt it. This is Order of Ecclessia 2.
You blew it. Symphony was great but outside of maybe the music and graphics Super is a better game in every way.
What level? What exactly does the game excell at that other games which came after it don't besides maybe the dark atmosphere?
As far as the handheld Castlevanias, just graphics and music. Every other aspect has been done better Toby at least one of the GBA and DS games.
Dunno, man, that presentation reminds me much more of the PSP version of Rondo of Blood.
>endless variety of weapons, spells, attacks
>bigger map
>better graphics
>better music
>more secrets
>more details
>better bosses
It really feels like the next step. The CD and Playstation architecture allows for so much to be added. I'm STILL finding out little things I didn't know about SotN.
Better than what? What are you comparing it to? The DS games are better at every element you listed
He wasn't involved in CotM, AoS, PoR, CoD or OoE and they were fine.
>a 3D remake of Order of Ecclessia?
Fine by me
>better bosses
>bigger map
With terrible level design.
>endless variety
Many of the weapons are copies with slight stat differences.
The handheld games are fine, but they feel like smaller games in terms of scale, graphics, and complexity. Compare the amount of gear and attacks in Symphony vs. the handhelds. Although it cheats a bit with the inverted castle, it IS a much bigger and longer game.
He's comparing it to Super Metroid. And he's still wrong.
stop falling susceptible to confirmation biase.
>but they feel
So you're ignoring how big the games actually are? All of the DS games are longer than SoTN and none of them rely on flipping the same map. PoR has more gear too with much more varied movesets plus better balance. Also you're assuming that bigger is better which isn't true in the first place. In fact it's more impressive when a game squeezes a lot of use out of a small map because it requires creativity.
Just now it doesn't appear to be that way, but there may be something there. Each of the characters has potential for this in what backstory we do know, not to mention the castle's backstory.
>endless variety of weapons, spells, attacks
>better bosses
All of that made pointless because of the broken RPG progression making the game a joke if you explored the map for a while
>bigger map
with more boring design, few part really stand out compared to metroid
>better graphics
>better music
>more secrets
>more details
Has someone actually quantify those?
>We've waited 8 years for a new Castlevania game. And they give us a 3D remake of the best Castlevania game?
This is exactly what I wanted, what I payed for, and I'm satisfied with it. Hopefully it keeps up. Her running animation looks a bit stiff, but I bet they'll add a little more flair to it. Love her standing animations.
Music, atmosphere all feels like a new castlevania. Which is what I wanted.
AoS is the best Metroidvania, and he wasn't involved in it. So it doesn't mean anything that he isn't involved in this.
Comparison of map size between the games:
Symphony of the Night: 1,890 squares (both castles)
Portrait of Ruin: 1,846 squares
Harmony of Dissonance: 1348 squares (both sides)
Order of Ecclesia: 1,335 squares
Dawn of Sorrow: 1023 squares
Circle of the Moon: 980 squares
Aria of Sorrow: 928 squares
Super Metroid: 1409 squares (with a margin of error due to diagonal rooms)
Super Metroid Redesign: 2849.
>female character
Someone who is really passionate about his game and is willing to work on it for free is not a fair point of comparison for kickstarter projects?
Why doesn't her black skirt flutter when she's jumping around? Or is that armor?
Yeah kinda, most devs would not do that also most game directors are not also the president of the company and head artist.
It isn't a reasonable expectation for any game to get an amazing artist willing to do all the work for fuck all pay. What is this childish worldview you have?
This looks like good 2.5D. They even have the same sliding animation when the character changes directions. Michiru Yamane score feels right at home.
Also, the main character is cute.
I can deal with a lot of what you said, but
> better bosses
is just straight up wrong. SotN bosses were almost all incredibly easy and you could even feasibly trade hits with them.
>most devs would not do that
I dunno, lots of kickstarter videos mention how they worked on the project for at least some months with money from their own pockets, at least the ones that have something to show beyond concept art
Isn't that dude like, one of the most talented vidya artists in the world or something.
looks better than mighty flop 9: delayed edition
but this game will be delayed for sure, there's so much shit they need to get done that they will surely run out of time or they will be chewed out if they don't deliver (on time and not just after release as free updates but it is something they will have to resort to if they want the game out before 2019) almost everything they promised which is all the modes, biggest castle yet and multiple playable characters, online etc
They release test footage for the character navigation
>this game is shit, where's the scenario
They release update with scenario this time
>uh, this, i... so it's just a 3d remake of OoE?!
Man, fuck you, fagott. Fuck all you faggots. People like you SHOULD be ripped off by kickstarters. You can never settle for anything, even when a good game is actually rubbed in your face. The game as it is already made all these faggots' money worth it.
Shut the fuck up, sit back and let people who actually work with it do their thing.
I believe in Iga. He has experience running projects on budget and on time with modest budgets.
It appears so from the update but they are promising a playable demo so it's likely they have much more than just an empty level done that they're not showing.
Iga appears to actually know what he's doing, at worst we get something on par with shovel knight, valdis story and shantae.
Aren't they doing a staggered content release for the multiplayer? As in it comes after the actual release.
All the handheld games were cheap. I think like 1 million dollar budgets. He ran 5 out of 6 of those.
Dude basically drew all the characters, backgrounds and assets for Dragon's Crown.
Don't fucking forget Princess Crown.
The guy deserves the success he's gained.
Looks pretty sharp.
I'll try not to die between now and release.
IGN/Gamespot review
Snazzy soundtrack
Classic 8 bit metronidazole feel
It's on ps4 and Vita
Too hard
Opponent moves like stuck in sand
Its on Xbox, NX, 3ds
Music is too scary
4 out of 10
>1 million
I don't believe you.
Man, what a waste. All that money, all those animations on some new untested property. And it doesn't even look that good. Has a kind of flash game look and feel. Plus weird/creepy designs, and not in the good way.
>where all da niggas at? too racist
>We had a funding goal of $400,000 to make Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, and being new to crowdfunding, we weren't sure if we'd reach it. Boy did you guys surprise and impress us. 18,558 Kickstarter backers pledged $776,084 in the first 30 days of our campaign, and things didn't stop there!
>We opened a PayPal store and linked Backerkit to our website bringing in another 2,974 backers and an additional $171,853!!
>This brings our final total to...21,532 backers and $947,937!!!!