I literally take 1000s of screenshots of every game I play. I don't do anything with them...

I literally take 1000s of screenshots of every game I play. I don't do anything with them, I don't really post them anywhere, I don't show other people, I hardly even look through them myself, yet I still constantly take more. Does anyone else do this? I have over 30 gigabytes of pictures that I don't think I'll ever willingly delete.

you have a virtual hoarding problem

I took screenshots for years of fun times I had with friends I met in online games. I would call them close friends despite never meeting them. They were people I played the game with for hours, spoke to outside of the game, saw what they looked like, used the same forums as them. I played this game for about 8 years or more, many of them came and went, many of them I never heard from or saw again. Despite the fact I don't play the game anymore and haven't in many years, two remain, I speak to them and play other games with them, I have known them for ten years.

Sometimes I go through screenshots, some of them dating back to 2003, I see these account names and remember them. We were so close at one point and they just disappeared, a lot of people. I wonder where they are when I look at them, I have vivid memories when I see screenshots of my old friends and the moments we shared. Almost put back in time, into the early 00's as a teenager. How my home looked, the computer I had, school, music I listened to, it brings it all back.

You should post some of them. I want to see what it's like to have friends.

Me too OP

I used to do this to record my experiences in games but I realized it was too tedious and was getting in the way of my fun.

Nowadays I only take screenies of REALLY good shit I want to look back on, and also a few character and scenery shots.

Not with screenshots, but I have that amount of random pictures that I hardly ever use. For example, I have a couple hundred scenery wallpapers that I don't even use as wallpapers anymore. I still add to my collection every now and then too.

Don't even get me started on my random games that I've collected and never even played.

Yeah, I think I can agree with that.

you are alright

It was a really great game.

I know what you mean. I've had that happen so many times, and it just feels like you die a little inside. I had two whole guilds of people disappear on me, so I know the feeling well.

I have a 2 total biscuit harddrive. One TB is shadowplay footage.

The difference is, that footage is good times with friends. I like to go through it every now and then to reminisce. I'd like to upload some of the best moments to youtube, but the effort involved in editing is just too much. There's no point in uploading the raw footage because the moments may be great for myself and my friends, but it'd probably be lost on strangers.


It's mostly just stupid shit like this. This screen is from 2008 or 2009. Just silly nonsense in chat.

I hoard too. Will post some when I get home


The animations and the music were top notch. If this guy had a decent budget, I feel like he could pull off something great.

I think it's ok
If this keeps you from boredom, why not?
I save a lot of images too. Recently started making screenshots.

I do the same, OP.
I sometimes set FRAPS to take a shot every 60 seconds just to see if it capture any cool moments.
If I could make FFXIV's /icam my screensaver I would/

yes, occasionally i get to post them when they are relevant

Now's the perfect time, go nuts.

what is that?

I screencap a lot as well. In FPS games I bind the screenshot button to mouse 3-4 so I can take those split-second kills. I rarely upload them to Steam though.

Is this how I submarine