I'm not complaining but...why did they model here underwear?

I'm not complaining but...why did they model here underwear?

Other urls found in this thread:


because they knew shitheads would look up her skirt.

if they didn't people would bitch about them not paying enough attention to detail

Remix ruined it.

Why not in all seriousness? Not modelling looks bad.

Because there is nothing sexual about a minor wearing underwear.

Your questioning of it just makes it seem like you're sick.

You can look up kairi's skirt near the end of 2.



Because not doing so would be worse.

You're not a man if you didn't check up selphie's skirt

Not modeling them would be way more jarring.
If a player is going to be able to see something, it should have a model.

Its not like they gave her a cameltoe or something actually lewd.


This is what I was talking about!!

I don't even look up skirts in video games as a turn on I'm just always curious.

Like the bottom looks awful no matter what.
Regardless of the character, not modelling it looks like complete shit.

Because her model was probably some of the first thing they made in development ast to help better get down the look of the chacters and thwir designs. So they made her model to cover all bases incase they were to go back and change stuff around and if they needed it later to do some other stuff in cinamatics or gameplay that would look super shitty if the void was put in instead.

And since they a big company they need to keep their people espeically art people since their shit tends to be done the fastest given how development works. That they need to keep them continuously working or lose money on them not producing shit so they get shoved of to.make shit for other projects and its better for them to cover all thier bases instead of having to put currents prohect on hold and delay them since some would need to go back.and nake more new shit for the old.shit instead of hurying uo with the newer shit so thw developers can get started with thier shit.

>tfw I fapped to those in the original

What a fucking way to ruin my childhood.

>What a fucking way to ruin my childhood.


I'm sad now.

It's bad enough that you're getting truthed by a College Humor video but you don't need to cry about it. Just stop crying about your childhood being ruined. All the things are still there.

no! its to late! Its like the time I got mad about Sonic's arms being blue! My childhood is ruined!

I have a hacked PS3
is there a way to mod back the texture into the game files?