
Daily reminder that if you don't give your commendation to Mercy in every match then you don't deserve to play. Maybe Reinhardt if Mercy already got Epic.

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Nice meme, healslut.

I'll bet your a Zenyatta shitter.

>Playing worthless shit instead of Lucio
Stop being bad

Overwatch looks so bad.

It's a 7/10 kids game made for sjw

There's literally not a thing SJW about it.

Nah its just tf2 with waifus

Make me

>TF2 with waifus

I'll take 8.

"I'll be watching over you"


>mfw can't play Zarya for shit, but can make it easier for another by giving them a damage boost and eating damage for them with the bubble

Depends on the rest of the team. If they've got enough offense then the Lucio isn't needed and Mercy's extra healing is nice.

Not if they are complete fucking shit.

Only if your card says heals 40% or more of damage dealt.

Zarya/Mercy is fucking great. A full charged Zarya with Mercy damage boost just cuts through a team like butter.

Closest thing is zayra but character wise she is Sup Forums tier. I am sure they will change that eventually though

there isn't and never will be enough mercy fan art.

>tfw I get epic and neither mercy got one card

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

This. I've played Mercy extensively and it pisses me off when I see dumbshit Mercy's following a shielded Reinhardt around and not healing or buffing other people. Usually they waste their ults to revive one person who spawns in surrounded by enemies so they instantly die. Or the ones that just run around with their pistol out instead of healing. Fucking shitter Mercy's are cancer.

Stop it. I just finished playing for the day.

>Mercy will never nurse you back to health

thx user u rly helpd

ecchi deliverer is the only good tripfag

pasta kinda wasted on RED.

>Being wrong

How do you change the font?

More along the lines of semi-tolerable.

>She couldn’t help herself, she loved it.
>In school, she was always focused on her work.
>As a scientist, she was married to her work.
>She knew many men, and they all seemed to respect her.
>But these men were different. Hard, aggressive, without fear.
>They looked at her unlike the men she knew.
>She kept a cool exterior, but inside a fire had started.
>Stoked red hot, she was simmering with wonton lust.
>It happened, and they took her again and again.
>The thought of their unbridled desire, taking her like an object.
>These men didn’t care about her mind, just her body.
>She couldn’t help herself, she loved it.

Reminder that POTG and commendation gives NOTHING. So you might as-well not vote, or vote for your friends, or vote for who ever the fuck you want

what do getting epics do? more exp?

absolutely nothing


That's not really a good way to go about it. Sometimes there are situations where a Mercy could be playing perfectly and not get that many heals. You can't heal a flanker deep behind enemy lines or someone getting instantly killed by a Mcree or Widowmaker. It's easy to tell when they don't deserve it beyond those percentages.

>No genderbent skins


Really you just need to have a feel for it. If you see them darting around healing everyone, if you see rezzes consistently of 2 or 3 or more, using the damage buff when topped off.

>tfw a level 60 said you were the best mercy they have seen

I always mention Battleborn if I do really good and I end up with 0 commendations for a MVP or 3-5 gold medals. The butthurt is amazing if people stick around next game to hear me talk about how much skill BB takes even though I've never played BB.

Usually play 76 or Zenyatta. Zen is really good in pugs because you can sneak around people while keeping a heal up and flank people with a discord or charge ball.

Shouldn't the belt be BAFF?

Most Mercy players are so bad I match or outheal them with 76. With Lucio I don't even have a chance to heal the team.


deliver some fucking ecchi you filthy commie

Absolutely not.

that's not a thing and you're retarded

Bad Ass Father Fucker instead of Bad Ass Mother Fucker . tripfag has a point .

>Mercy has highest popularity
>Mercy has lowest winrate


t. Lucio, master of supports with a higher winrate than you fucking fuckboys as well as extremely effective environmental killer

I don't want to make a new thread but I have a question.

So tell me, how do we counter torb/bastion spam against a defense team? I just can't do it.

pls bully me more senpai

Haha, I get it! She's from Switzerland because her flag is a med-pack!

fuck off buffless bitch

>Mercy with her hair loose


>buffs your health with his ult
>buffs your move speed

Sup retard, what's it like to get cucked?


>commending people who aren't yourself
>not leaving the SECOND the game ends
gg ez
leave game

So you're retard. Figures you agreed with a tripfag after all.

Both are useless for 95% of the match

But he is a nigger

Do you think that mercy can use her nanomachine healing to regenerate her hymen?

this, my group simply look who got the POTG and if its not us, we gtfo to next game

Reminder Mercy has the lowest winrate.

>95% of the map
>every single time your team wipes you can get them out of spawn at double speed
>mercy can only revive you if you're alive, that's assuming you haven't already respawned
>that's also assuming she hasn't died to one of her many counters while lucio has amazing survivability at higher levels of play with his wallriding and knockback ability as well as serviceable damage that is independent of his teammates unlike mercy who needs to stop healing to deal damage


>giving a healer props for doing the single job they're supposed to
Healers only get commendations from me if they manage to get potg.

*she's alive

I bet you're rude to waitresses, faggot.


Not really since I don't live in some retarded country that requires the customer to pay the waiting staff to carry food as well as for their food.
I bet you kiss girls, faggot.

>he tips

Mercy's ult is the most bullshit thing in the game and needs to be removed or massively nerfed

>mfw I get a 4+ rez

I miss Kaepora Gaebora. He was a true Tripfriend. REDS a shit. SHIT.

Alright I need a link to that full image

auscunt here

I still thank my waitresses when they bring shit over.

fucking americans i swear to god



Anyone who likes Mercy is a big cuck

Post source you healslut

>he's a britbong reject
No wonder you can't read and assume i'm from fatistan.

>not preparing your own food
and who said I was a ameriburger?

Lucio is easier to play in pub games, so he gets more wins. Not hard to understand. Comp teams usually have both anyways.

Junkrat indirect fire or widowmaker if they have turrets in the open. If they have a Reinhardt, Mercy, bastion combo then a gimmicky but surprisingly effective way of beating it is doing the same but with two Reinhardts to make up for the time it takes to setup the bastions turret mode.

reminder that if you don't alt+tab as soon as the game is over you're nothing but a kid watching a video of something that happened in the last 5 minutes and require useless attention while wasting precious time

what do you think I'm doing here? Reading/replying between games.

>how do we counter torb/bastion spam against a defense team?
A good sniper, or Reinhardt with a Soldier or Zenyatta behind him

>enemy team on defense tries to be cheeky and do some mei + 5 bastion ice wall meme shit
>as soon as they pop up everyone on my team hops back into spawn except our genji
>he walks out and kills all 5 bastions with one reflect
>roll the team and they bitch about how underpowered bastion is
karma so intense it almost sent me on an ecstasy trip

What does she smell like under that suit?

Swiss cheese

I love when this happens in reverse too

>Genji flies right into my face
>stands there as his Deflect runs
>The second it stops I blast him
>"WTF Bastion needs to be nerfed"

>only characters they're interested in balancing are D.Va and McCree
>Meanwhile Torbjorn is useless at high levels of play

how is this okay. give him his fucking hammer swing speed back

>Gobbling this much cock

Torj is only good during his ult. Might as well as run Bastion instead

How do I read this chart?
Hanzo surely is picked more often and that russian dyke is picked much less than it implies.

You think making him strong in melee or slightly better and repairing and buffing his turret is the issue?

He seems to play alright in pubs, but I have no idea how they could change him to make him better for comp.

Maybe make his turret better but require scrap to build or upgrade it?

The best way would be to allow his turret to upgrade to level from level 1 with his ult, so you can just drop and pop. That would make him much scarier with his ult.

Past that, don't know what you can do. If his turret is too unkillable, hes broken. Its already annoying as shit fighting 4-5 of them on a team in pugs.

They could improve his weapons as well. Make his LMB a little easier to hit with or something,

But you'd have to make a new source of scrap

Those are competitive team picks, not pub games. Hanzo is essentially an inferior widowmaker and Zarya can negate Reinhardt charge pins and her ult can wipe teams if you combine it with another ult.

Zarya is amazing on coordinated teams. Which is not what pugs are.

>Its already annoying as shit fighting 4-5 of them on a team in pugs.
If the turret needs scrap then more than two Torbs on one team would create a bottleneck.

I guess you could place some around the map like health pickups.

Mercy healbot ult when?

I dont think that means what you think it means.
also Dva is sexy as fuck.

Never ever. Mercy is pure and doesn't want to partake in violence.

They are healing guns.