So how many overwatch threads have you filtered so far
So how many overwatch threads have you filtered so far
Just this one.
I just stopped coming here mostly. /tg/ is getting better now that there's a quest containment board.
Just this one
only one
all of them
I don't bother filtering
I just ignore threads about games I don't like or don't care about.
I'm in this thread for Yuru Yuri
Just this one.
and just like that OP has lured all the faggot overwatch thread creators
The one I hid was from last week.
how do I use filter?
inb4 summer is here
The shills now not even include the name "Overwatch" in the title
I hope everything Overshill related will be banned from Sup Forums
Who is she and why does she look so adorable
you hit the minus sign next to a post or a thread if you want to hide it, if you want to filter it, you need Sup Forums X and some knowledge of expressions
such as /namefags/i;boards:v
>not knowing one of the most popular shows on Sup Forums
You need a Sup Forums pass.
>filtering Overwatch threads
Get out hugbox cancer
Of course this fucking autist would actually tell him. Go fucking kill yourself already and stop making thousands of fucking posts.
Sup Forums is full of normalfaggots
Why is she missing an eyebrow?
>he does this while posting another umaru reaction image
people helped me when I posted here
why is it weird if I do the same
Why would you tell him to kill himself? What is wrong with you?
you're doing the right thing. don't let anyone tell you otherwise
>tfw Overwatch killed gaming
It's been fun bros
he can tell me whatever he wants
I just don't understand why he's doing it
Because spoonfeeding retards is wrong and it keeps them away. Which explains why you're still here.
Kill yourself.
Lurk for two years before posting.
I don't watch Cambodian cartoons
>le funny meme xD
>haha guys look at me im such an old fag
I've been here since 2005 I don't act like a total candyass
Slit your throat, newfag.
spoonfeeding is when you disable the person from fending for himself
helping someone jerk off is not spoonfeeding
>tfw you ask for a single small advice and accidentaly start a shitstorm in a thread
I knew that I needed Sup Forums X for that, but had no idea how to set the filter, maybe I didnt look at it enough or something
i freaking hate overmeme shills! Literly undertale tier
neo-Sup Forums think it's cool to be unhelpful sourpuss like it's the norm. When you are in a position of in need and someone provides sauce, they are like God and Sup Forums hates that
why are they all missing noses?
Is she grabbing her ass?
Noses aren't cute and they are the sign of the jew
vague statements with a close up of an noseless anime girl in the OP means that its the designated shitposting thread
>Sup Forums
Good job newfag. Kill yourself immediately.
>Sup Forums
>this triggers the neo-Sup Forums
every time
oooooho we got ourselves a real badass here folks.
There is literally nothing wrong with capitalizing the v in Sup Forums, it doesn't change the meaning at all. It's actually more accurate.
Way to my prove my point, dumbass.
Lurk for at least 2 years before posting again.
That's June 9th 2018
This applies to you as well. 2 years.
>"s-shit he's right now I look like a goof ball"
>"better call him to lurk moar"
you talk like an average leddit poster.
...none because I am not autistic enough to be bothered by people actually talking about games they like?
Where is he right you fucking moron? Have you even been here for 2 years? Its Sup Forums not Sup Forums
Hang yourself.
You retards just keep on fucking coming.
sure, but there's always 10 threads up at the same time. Why not just stick with 1?
t. neo-Sup Forums
Depending on the context it can be Sup Forums. Nice memes though kid. You made yourself look real mature.
>"I'm offended by a single capitalized letter where it should have been like!"
Great rebuttal. No need to post any further.
Its never Sup Forums you fucking dumbass. Start lurking more and posting less.
Go drown in a pool full of your own lukewarm diarhhea.
Just this one.
This is real reddit talk no more proof needed. Are you pissed because hernie sandals lost?
>it's never Sup Forums
spot the newfag
Look at that, a newfag from Sup Forums is also an idiot.
I thought I told you to stop posting. You're embarrassing yourself.
>look at that
stopped reading right there
thanks for the help on bumping my thread
It's never Sup Forums? I don't think you've heard Moot say it can be called Sup Forums. But I'm guessing you don't even know who that is. Please stop posting to avoid further embarrassment thank you.