Late night kingdom hearts thread

Late night kingdom hearts thread.

Why was pic related poorly designed again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lack of hitstun for the most part

This exists

>you can be invincible whenever you want to be, some commands make this happen, dodge rolling, shotlocking, etc.
>keyblade doesn't really knock anything back
>retarded secret boss fights

Its still miles better than DDD though.


1.5 and 2.5 are HD Collections of the games
They are not new titles

2.8 is an HD Port of the 3DS game, Dream Drop Distance
Plus it also has a CG movie "Kingdom Hearts x: Back Cover" which is ties in with the mobile game Kingdom Hearts Unchained x
Plus it also has Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2, this is a Prologue to Kingdom Hearts 3

1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 has all the story content of the entire series you need to know before Kingdom Hearts 3

DDD makes me worry for how 3 is gonna be like

Do you have to play them all in a particular order, or can you choose what you play/watch?

Always best to play it chronologically


When you load the game you can pick which to play from a menu, you don't need to "unlock" the other parts if that's what you're asking

I haven't played birth by sleep yet. What exactly is happening here?

Thank you for providing that explanation that nobody needed.

Shit I meant release order, that was one hell of a brainfart, BBS before KH1 would be dumb

Thank you. That's a pleasant surprise as I've seen many people upset from the assumption that they would have to play all the mobile games again.

Eh, it's not really poorly designed. There is more to design than pure mechanics. It's just not as good as 2.

I haven't bothered to watch the 365/2 movie or the re:coded movie
Is it a big deal if I don't or should I watch them?

>Eh, it's not really poorly designed
Yes it is.

Why the fuck does this series have so MANY fucking spinoffs?

Blame FFXV's existance

they didnt know how or want to end it

shit was being made up as they went

I on the other hand can't wait. Nomura already brought in time travel and I want to see what he'll throw in next.

The only thing I would tell people to watch is Re:Com (only if you don't like that card system), Days(You'll only miss some small stuff by watching, nothing too important but stuff I thought was neat like the scene with Xigbar and Xion in wonderland) and Re:Coded (this one is actually pretty fun but its okay if you watch it).

The boss can clone himself and he can do that to you.

With 365/2 you'll miss the Xion stuff and what was going on with Roxas while sora was a sleep and Re:Coded sets up the master test and other things.

Everything is canon there are no spinoffs.

Tall brunette being gang raped by black men.

It's one of the bonus boss battles. and it's completly bullshit

It's a solid game until the bullshit secret bosses. Why does Sup Forums always think in extremes? There are more possibilities than "It was shit" or "It was GOAT."

Once the people who only played 1 and 2 come into this thread and start bitching about >KH1.5 Recoded Birth 3584382/2 2.8 Final Chapter nuthin maeks sense :^)
it might come in handy

>mfw the canon of Kingdom Hearts

Makes sense


They really expect people to play all those bullshit games to understand the whole story.

Rip Hisoka

>There are more possibilities than "It was shit" or "It was GOAT."
I know there is, but BBS is just shit all the way through.
>It's a solid game until the bullshit secret bosses
No it isn't. The only good boss fight is Magic Mirror, the worlds are both tiny and empty and generic enemies range from boring to outright annoying.

I'd hardly consider Terra's first boss to be anything besides bullshit.

did Chrollo really?

don't actually answer that..'m not up to date...

>shitty gameplay
>shitty story
>awful voice acting
>Boring worlds and awful level design
>lame bosses
>worst minigames of all the games in the series except for that monopoly game which was alright but got old fast and was pointless
only redeeming quality was playing as lingering sentiment for the last 10 minutes of Terra's campaign. And even then the shitty gameplay almost ruined it.

He isn't dead puta. If anyone is going to wreck hisoka, it's gonna be Gon.

And now if you have a PS3 you can get caught up

That spoiler was real?

Gameplay rankings
>Too much like Sora
>Maybe I should just eat some nails and wash them down with bleach instead

Hardly a problem only present with secret bosses. Lack of hitstun makes many fights complete bullshit like Ven's Stitch boss. Gotta be on your toes not to get one shot. Or Eraqus.

Also, the fact that you needed to grind for abilities rather than getting through levels was shit. So you'd just spend time grinding out the essentials.

There are no spiinoffs.

>Everything is canon there are no spinoffs.

That's the fucking scary part, and NO HD remakes might be for normalfags, but the games has to be played on their fullest to get a true understanding.

HxH spoilers for this week were real

>They really expect people to play all those bullshit games to understand the whole story.
What? You expect me to go through the story in order to understand it!? This is stupid.


Imagine being this delusional

I'll wait till 2057 to play KH3

He's not dead as of yet however he's in a tough spot

>implying he'll just off one of the most important characters

>shitty story
>awful voice acting
I don't agree with these at all.

>Boring worlds and awful level design
To be fair it's because it was a PSP, a handheld game.

Hisoka is most likely rusing chrollo but people love to blow shit out of proportion. It's almost as if people forget Hisoka has always used tricks in battle. They are also working on a hisoka backstory one shot so it's obvious he ain't dead

Nigga idgaf about the clown but it's obvious he ain't dead

>To be fair it's because it was a PSP, a handheld game
Re: Coded had much more interesting worlds and level design while also having superior gameplay despite being on a weaker handheld.

Hisoka is done nawimsaying

uh huh

>I know there is, but BBS is just shit all the way through.
Not at all, command deck, D. Links, shotlock were interesting for most of the game. You have to remember these games were spin offs, yes spin-offs, the gameplay was not meant to play exactly like KH1 and 2 it was meant to be a handheld spin-off game. The story is the only thing that isn't a spin-off.

>No it isn't. The only good boss fight is Magic Mirror
I had fun with most of the bosses

>the worlds are both tiny and empty and generic enemies range from boring to outright annoying.
Could say the exact same thing about KH2. In fact KH2's worlds are the most empty, boring, generic worlds in the series. They are literally just hallways. You walk forward from cutscene to cutscene and fight some really weak enemies that's it. I still liked the game but acting like BBS is different from 2 is dumb. Hell BBS actually is better than 2 in that sense because they feel like actual levels and not just a walkway to a cutscene. I still like 2 the most because of the end-game content but don't act like BBS is any worse than 2 for the worlds.

>blame a game that didn't really exist until 2013 for spin-offs that started in 2004
Are you retarded?


So how did this "spin offs" thing start anyway? Because "Kingdom Hearts 3" wasn't the title for it?

Just went to Sup Forums I needed that laugh

> command deck
Ruined the purpose of leveling, introduced grinding for abilities AND most of the abilities were complete shit.

>I had fun with most of the bosses
Literally how? Terra was at a disadvantage all the way through and no hitstun made many bosses messy

rubber and gum will win the war

I don't care about the gameplay not being identical to KH2: I care about the gameplay being shit. Not once did I compare it to other KH games so I don't get why you're going on this tangent. Shotlocks were purely designed qte garbage, there was nothing interesting about D. Links and the command deck is poorly balanced shit. Re: Coded also uses the command deck and I like that game because it doesn't play like shit.

>Could say the exact same thing about KH2
Again, why are you bringing up KH2 when I never once compared the two? Yeah, KH2 has terrible level design but at least that one makes up for it by having good gameplay.

>Terra go do this evil thing
>ok, I will for no reason at all
>Hah, you fell for my evil plan. What a well written and crafty villain I am.

>Ventus go home
>Okay, I won't make you go home and just continue to let you run around in danger until you eventually fuck everything up since I'm a dumbass.

>Xehanort you deformed me and tried to destroy the universe!
>here's a get well card my frend
>Oh I can't stay mad at you. Want to meet my new students, one of which is having issues with darkness?

>This is considered non shit writing

Also Terra's and especially Aqua's va's were god awful. At least she's not shit anymore going by the trailer to 2.8. Neither is Terra's I guess, since Ursus is being voiced by his va in BBS I think, and he sounded alright in the trailer.

Jesus fuck everything that Terra did, Aqua and Eraqus were the real fuck ups in birth by sleep.

i just played one part and i just couldnt bring myself to continue playing, the whole game feels so shallow

You mentioned worlds being tiny and empty. What else am I supposed to do with that but assume you meant the previous games had better worlds? You exaggerate how bad it is. The game is not hard enough to be unfair until the end game. I never had any problem with the bosses until eraqus. I don't really know what you expect me to say if all you will use as arguments is that it was "shit"

I liked most of the game, and had little problems with the bosses. I agree once you get to the latter portion of the game it starts to get shit and really not even worth playing, especially as Terra. I only did the extra bosses as Aqua because fuck doing it 3 times.

Like it was said before, none of the games are spinoffs. You just have integer-numbered games that are slightly longer than the rest of the games in the series.

>The game is not hard enough to be unfair
I never said it was hard, dipshit. The reasons why BBS mechanics are ass have been repeated numerous times, but here's a quick recap:

1. Hitstun is either inconsistent or nonexistent for the majority of enemies and bosses
2. Gameplay is extremely poorly balanced: the majority of commands are complete garbage, shotlocks are retardedly overpowered on anything they work on
3. Command styles are pointless and just slow down combat by forcing you into transformation, which briefly pauses the fight
4. Bosses break out of stagger randomly and regular attacks are pointless
5. Damage scaling is fucked: if you have even a bit too little strength or magic, you have to chip away at enemies forever whereas once you're above that threshold, everything melts: there's no inbetween with fights either taking way too long or being over in seconds.

And those are just the big issues with BBS.

So many spinoffs

All of those are mechanics. My original post mentioned there is more to design than mechanics. I agree that those are all problems but the game has numerous ways to get around those problems for most of it. It is really only at the end, when the game really challenges you, that the flaws ruin it. I wouldn't recommend BBS to someone if it was the only KH game they would ever play but to someone who wants more KH I would recommend it and I'm sure they would enjoy it because it is at least a pretty decent game. It is like DS2, it has glaring flaws with its mechanics but it isn't irredeemable.

>Maleficent needed to have her true DARKNESS power unlocked to become a dragon in KH1
>she did it just fine in BBS

So if the level design is shit, enemy design is shit and the mechanics are shit what exactly is there to redeem this piece of shit? There's no excuse for a game that's so heavily based around combat to not have at least passable combat. Literally the only good design in this game is the art direction.
>It is really only at the end, when the game really challenges you, that the flaws ruin it
No it isn't. The game is a fucking snoozefest because combat just isn't fun regardless of what you're fighting.
>the game has numerous ways to get around those problems
So what? The game is piss easy secret bosses included: that doesn't excuse the godawful gameplay.

>Best that boss while waiting in a full doctor's office with my mom
>Shouted out "FUCK YEAH" in celebration.
>Mom pops me in retaliation
>Psp falls
>Battery shoots out
Good times.
>50:00 min le autistic KH youtuber
he makes a pretty good case about this.
Skip to 24:40 if you just want the gameplay bit

Oh man, I fucking love analysis vids like this. Thanks a bunch for the post.


>level design is shit
It's passable
>enemy design is shit
They were mostly fun
>the mechanics are shit
Woah, I never said the mechanics were shit, just that they had flaws. Do you realize how shit games can actually be? This game has pretty decent mechanics honestly. Look if you don't like it you don't have to play it, but I just can't believe you actually think the game is shit and not even at least decent. THis is what I meant about extremes, if you were to say the game is decent but not really worth playing unless you like the story I wouldn't have argued because that is a fair opinion.

There's also this. More on the mechanics than anything else.

>They were mostly fun
Not him, but saying "fun" means fuckall.

Birth by Sleep got too popular like SMT3 or DQ8 did so it's cool to hate it now

Getting the shit beat out of her by Aqua nerfed her strength

>Not him, but saying "fun" means fuckall.
So does saying "shit." I just responded with the same kind of argument. Man, I am not even saying the game is great or anything just that people exaggerate how bad it is.

>THis is what I meant about extremes, if you were to say the game is decent but not really worth playing unless you like the story I wouldn't have argued because that is a fair opinion
I already told you I don't only look at games in extremes. I just happen to genuinely think BBS is a pile of shit and I don't get how this is so fucking difficult for you to understand. Re: Coded is a flawed but fun game. BBS is a flawed game that's not even worth playing even for its shitty story. Many of my favorite games are flawed, but none of them are flawed to the point where they're genuinely unenjoyable like BBS.

I could deal with most issues if Critical wasn't "you hit shit, you take tons of damage".

I fear KH3 will end up the same.

Yeah, I've seen Biz's vids. At first I thought it might not be that bad, but after trying to Plat this shit... oh man.

It's difficult for me to understand because to me it is not that bad. That is pretty straightforward logic if you ask me. But alright, I guess you think it is shit then but I disagree.

>It's a solid game until the bullshit secret bosses.
That's bullshit. It's just easy enough until that point that you don't notice. When a game is easy, it doesn't matter if it's well-designed or not, you'll have a fairly mindless but possibly enjoyable experience either way (though a game with well-designed mechanics will hold up better than a poorly designed one, even if they're both mindlessly easy). It's only when a game gets hard that you have to understand and fully utilize the mechanics, which is where the actual quality of the design becomes apparent. KH2 itself is a perfect example of this, except for KH2 it had the opposite effect of showing everyone how good the game really is.

Even then, it's easy to see how blatantly unbalanced and shoddy BBS is. The stiff, disjointed melee attacks and movement abilities are immediately noticeable, some Commands are clearly better than others even to a casual player, and Shotlocks completely dominate boss fights up until the final chapters where the game arbitrarily decides that bosses are just going to start avoiding them 100% of the time because they couldn't think of any other way to balance them. It also guts a ton of the things that lent depth to KH1 and 2 (like weapon parries, deflecting projectiles, and a proper shortcut menu), and the environments are some of the most bland the series has ever produced. Grinding out melds to get abilities is clearly inferior to the ability system in the previous games, too. In KH1 and 2, you naturally get abilities just by playing normally (though you do have to grind forms to get all your abilities in 2), and then you have to strategically manage your AP in order to equip the ones that will benefit you the most. In BBS, you go out of your way and grind to acquire them, but once you have them they're all automatically equipped without any restrictions. It trades actual strategy and decision making for pure tedium. There's no way to defend it.

I got bored by the time I got to Neverland with Ventus (did Terra completely) - hitting chip damage on fucking everything was ridiculous. Would require grind grind and more grind to start getting anywhere.

And I was playing on proud as well.

But those are all mechanics. :^)

>Most of my friends have only played KH1 and 2 because "side games" on other systems
>They haven't played 1.5 or 2.5
>They won't buy 2.8
>They will buy KH3
>They will bitch and moan about not knowing what is going on

PLEASE Square, release a collectors edition that has 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 on PS4.

>level design is mechanics

Why is this series so inconsistent with it's plot? Sometimes they're good (See KHI, CoM, II and 358/2 Days) and then there's trash like BBS, Coded, and Dream Drop Distance. Seriously, what the fuck?

Anyone else enjoying Unchained X? Trying to find a party that is super active but I always wind up just carrying the rest of them. Not really a hardcore player or big money spender but half empty parties of people that just log in every day for the jewel bonuses gets annoying.

In Leopardis if that helps. Might not mind switching though.

The environments issue really stands out in the HD version. It's a problem with most handheld games that get ported. They don't fair well with the image stretched and resolution upped. These things were meant to be viewed on tiny screens. I'm not trying to give them a pass, but I can see how some corners had to be cut for the sake of navigability and hardware limitations.

>Sometimes they're good (See KHI, CoM, II and 358/2 Days
>358/2 Days

>tfw we'll never get another story as good as CoM


>Boss fight
>Try to fight as I would in literally any other KH game
>Spam Dodge and a single Ability for 20 minutes

Fucking BBS and it's stunlocking shit.

>358/2 Days
>let's pull a pointless character ouf our ass so we can explain one minor plot point in the most retarded way possible and make her the focal point of the plot instead of just telling a story about the characters people wanted to see

How is Days bad?

I actually agree with you except for this part.
>When a game is easy, it doesn't matter if it's well-designed or not, you'll have a fairly mindless but possibly enjoyable experience either way
I've played games that are easy but really boring like Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite. I just think BBS is honestly not that bad, and even though it has flawed mechanics they still work better than some games. It's why I compared it to DS2, I see Sup Forums rip on DS2 but I honestly can't understand how Sup Forums can hate the game it is a pretty decent game that is better than a lot of other games. I feel the same way about BBS. Both of them have flawed mechanics.


There are a few /khg/ parties that are still active. You'd have to switch to either Vulpes or Ursus though.

If you want to stay in Leopardos, I would check the KHInsider forums, there's probably at least one party for every Union there. The community there goes pretty strong on χ

Gee I wonder why

Literally the only storyline that even comes close to being comprehensible is KH1. You can make an argument for CoM, but I tend to disown it because it feels like they decided Sora would have to revisit all the old worlds because of copyright issues or whatever, THEN they decided a story to explain (or excuse) that.

Every other game is the series is a cluster fuck of retcons and bad guys going "I MEANT FOR YOU TO THAT HAHAHA!" I remember even 13 year old me was calling bullshit on how Yen Sid just hand-waved the borders between worlds in KH2.

bbs is pretty shit gameplay wise but this coming from a guy who sits round speedrunning kh2 every week

There's probably two plot-relevant scenes in the entire game. The rest is just shitty anime filler.

The one and only positive thing about days for me was the multiplayer aspect, I really hope they bring that into 3 or some other later installment.

>tfw I liked Days and had fun doing shitjobs as Org members

I think Day's major problem is that people wanted to play as Dual Wielding Roxas, and they were stuck with KH1 Sora for 99% of the game.