Try out Expert Mode because it might be interesting and new

>Try out Expert Mode because it might be interesting and new
>Early game is fucking dogshit
>Enemies get double HP and deal double damage
>Enemy AI is now more aggressive, something terribly hard to counter due to their greater HP
>Bats, originally a nuisance, are now extremely difficult with the ability to four-shot a new player
>Can't try taking the buffed enemies one-on-one, as Expert Mode makes more enemies spawn if you take what the game deems 'too long'
>No new or accessible equipment to help out starting players
>Have to flee rather then fight most enemies, which doesn't work when collecting materials as you only are pushed farther into the caverns
>Getting ores/loot requires dying a multitude of times due to increased enemy spawn rate in places you've been

This isn't 'Expert' mode, this is fucking bullshit

How do I deal with this

Other urls found in this thread:

they call it expert mode for a reason.

I think you already know what im going to say OP.

Two simple words that'll take you far

Use dirt blocks to build a tiny bunker around yourself. Wait until daylight. Use hammers for better stagger early game.

Kill yourself shitposter.

>blue slimes doing 80 damage when you jump to hardmode

Get yourself some shelter ASAP. Having a defensible home to reduce enemy spawns and a safe place is absolutely vital to getting up and running.

>tfw never can get into hardmode

The beginning is the best and always will be.

>Complaining about difficulty in EXPERT mode

wew lad

>try hardmore
>wtf it's harder?

OP here

I found an Ice Blade and it's been helping out a bit, even though it's Tiny

Where should I go? Explore or go underground?

heres what I have so far

>Expert Mode is meant for people who are considerably knowledgable to the game and want a new playthrough
>lol 2x hp and damage lmao
>wtf arent u supposed 2 be smart or something at this lol how are you so bad

fuck off

git gud faggot

Wow OP

It's as if expert mode is intended for experienced players that have the skill to fight pre-hardmode enemy attacks without taking 20 hits.

Op is right it's bullshit especially eater of worlds and plantera

What the fuck did you expect from expert mode?

Expert mode is best anyways, more loot.

How to make hardmode harder without typical "enemies are damage sponges" crap.

-Make material harder to find
-Let Corruption and Hallow spread immediately but at at a slower rate
-Make day last shorter and nights longer
-No health regen or pick ups until you can go back to your town's campfire
-Allow material like branches and gel to degrade if they stay in your inventory for too long

The Eater of Worlds is glitched to never despawn so in reality he is the eaiest.

Plantera however is complete fucking bullshit. I had to grind for hours because the only way I could beat it was by DPS racing it and it's drop isn't even that good

I expected new content and features to the base game

Maybe there is later on, but this is a fucking chore to get through


Terraria is still a shitty game designed for grind-obsessed autists, full story at 11.

>New content and features
Hahahahaha, sorry dude, that's not the case.

This sounds like a pain in the ass instead of fun

2x Stats to mobs always keeps you on edge and you have to be careful because all enemies can easily kill you

>Plantera however is complete fucking bullshit
Just build an arena around a bulb

The only thing in Expert that's actually bullshit is Moonman.


>Get dirt blocks
>Scavenge along the surface for treasure chests to get okay items to start with
>Close yourself off when mining so you don't get murdered
>Put more lights on everything so you don't get surprised

Expert is only kind of hard at the start because the first weapon is shit.

If you get ANYTHING in a surface chest that can be used as a weapon you pretty much have it made all the way until a boss, at which point making a proper arena will let you take on anything easily enough.

The only hard boss is Skeletron and Eye of Cthulu is easy if you have a grappling hook for movement.

Just be patient and play safe and you can get through Expert mode.
There's really nothing else you can do about it.

>Expert Mode is meant for people who are considerably knowledgable to the game and want a new playthrough
Knowledge (aka "Night hours you spent scrolling the wiki") has nothing to do with it. it's a mode for non-scrubs who know how to kill things without getting killed.

Just nurse cheese with overhangs for the eye laser.

Makes for an intense ass boss fight that isn't took hard if you're quick to react

>No new shit
>Just artificially ramped up enemies

that's actually retarded, what the fuck

>Find Expert mode too easy
>Patch the game so that enemy spawn rate is about 500% higher, increase limits too
>Game is in "blood moon" stage all the fucking time
>Even more insane when an actual invasion happens
>Play that on mediumcore expert
>Have a blast, play until Moonlord

Just acquire skill my good man, the game becomes more fun the harder it is.

Newfags don't remember...

Maybe you should have wiki'd what Expert Mode does rather assume when jumping into it, idiot.

Why the fuck doesn't this game have mod support?

At least Guitar Hero gave me a new fucking button to press you shitposting faggot

Technically it offers new content in form of new moveset for bosses and their new loot.

>Comparing a rhythm game to a adventure game


There is literally nothing wrong with having a commie block

Expert mode actually is pretty easy. I used to die ten times to Plantera, while in Expert mode I killed it at the first try, yawning. Probabily because I learned to prepare a lot with potions and good equipment (I died to Golem tho ;_;).
The only hard ones were the fucking Skeletron and the Moon Lord.

Wall of Flesh gives an item that grants a Character their 6th and Final Accessory Slot, which unfortunately can only be used in Expert Worlds unlike everything else.
Mechanical Bosses drop materials to create the fastest Minecart, allowing for ridiculously fast travel before acquiring teleporters.
All the other bosses drop various Accessories that range from Meh to Amazing, and they have better loot rates too.

Most of that green text sounds exactly what a expert mode should be like though?

Follow the item progression very strictly. Don't go skipping tiers. On normal mode you could run around naked until you got meteorite armor. Go get wood armor and work your way up.

Enjoy making an arena for EVERY boss fight. You'll need it. Teleporters are extremely helpful for later in the game. So are minecarts.

Why do people who have modern clothing, knowledge and equipment willingly move into your tiny ass village full of hideous monsters, undead and hell right under it?

Expert mode has new boss mechanics and drops.

Did you expect a fucking blue and orange button as an addition?

If you want to cheese the early game very easily:
Destroy 2 Orbs immediately, mine the Meteorite and craft yourself Space Gun and Space Armor. Enjoy your easy early game. You're probabily going to change equipment only against Wall of Flesh.

good fucking luck, that works in normal but you're going to get slaughtered by the Corruption enemies if you try that on expert without proper gear

>Pony character included in image
Youre a fucking idiot you know that. You just killed this thread by attracting that shithead barneyfag.

Build a whole map rails and blast him off with projectiles.

I don't know how I started on 'no content'. All I said was how slow and bullshit this early game is, considering theres no helpful or new gear early game

it was a joke

>party girl
good thread while it lasted

Expert corruption fucks you in the ass pretty bad

Party Girl isn't MLP.
There's a similarity, but he knows better.

Oh forgot, here's how to cheese the midgame farming and bullshit op Hardmode monsters instead:
Find a Spider Nest before Hard Mode. Farm Spiders with long range weapons, so that they cannot destroy you, Spider Staff and Armor and every Hardcore monster is just a little fly. Enjoy your mining.
You literally need a Wood Boomerang to fend off Corruption enemies and throw some bombs to destroy the orbs. The heck? You just need some Defense (even Wood armor), Rope, Bombs, a weapon to fend them off, and that's it. If you're lucky in the first orb you find a weapon to destroy them too.

Regdigit stated she was inspired inspired by an MLP character.

party girl is inspired by pinkie pie though

>try out the hard difficulty of a game
>it's hard


>spider staff cheeses expert mode
>all you need in expert normalmode corruption is wood armor and a boomerang
holy shit just admit you're playing normal and not expert
this is SHIT advice for expert mode

terraria's fucking shit anyways, fucking roody-poo 2d garbage

>No new or accessible equipment to help out starting players

All drop rates are higher. Bosses drop entirely new items. You can get dev items, too. Expert Mode is greater risk for greater reward.

Honestly, I don't think you've played the game properly until you've played Expert Mode. Not because it requires gitting gud, but because it adds even more content and expands on the boss fights.

Unless you're completely braindead with a Wooden Boomerang you can fucking kill every enemy in the freaking game, because the AI IS RETARDED, unless your dodging abilities are complete shit.
With the spiders you easily kill every Hardmode enemy, so you can dig your mine to craft armor to beat the Mechanical Bosses.
And no, I don't play Normal mode, because after Expert it's so easy it makes me cry. You probabily just need to get gud bro. Terraria is freaking easy, the only times you can die is to bosses, traps and other incidents such as monsters falling from the ceiling or fucking Medusas' bullshit. You can't literally die to the initial monsters retarded AI.

Even after all these updates the game feels empty, like it needs more to do for each tier of armor.

Needs more things like the dungeon and the temple and the Crimson to explore.

I hope Terraria 2 does better on that, since it's going to have a lot more space to work with (as in, infinite space)

Mechanic and Dryads are the best girls

Prove me wrong
Pro tip: youcan't

Truffle is best girl.

yeah well fuck you too

Expert Mode is literally just artificial difficulty.
>More enemy HP
>More enemy attack power
And this is literally all there is to it. There's no REAL challenge except the fact that the enemies are harder to kill. They just take longer and require perfect execution every single time. You fuck up once you might be okay, you fuck up twice, back to spawn you go. It would be better if the only expert mechanics weren't enemy based. Maybe new equipment that requires a shit load of resources or having to eat and drink. I don't know. I'm shit at game design. But surely someone could of thought up something better than "Idk just increase the stats and make things harder to kill"

Get a slime mount and its super jump will carry you until Skeletron.

Until Moonman, I'm happy with pretty much all of Expert minus some gotcha bullshit like WoF's supersonic low-health speed. It seems like giving in to make a special arena just for after beating everything else with just wings and a platform, but he's just way overbalanced considering you don't even have the final armor tier until you clear him.

The Eye of Cthulhu and the Slime King are legit harder AI wise though

thank you mr skeltal

>There's no REAL challenge except the fact that the enemies are harder to kill
If there's no real challenge, why you keep getting pwned while we have it alright? Desu senpan, it's just that you need to git gud

>You fuck up once you might be okay, you fuck up twice, back to spawn you go
And this is bad... how?

The bosses aren't just bigger numbers. They have harder patterns and are much more aggressive.

But really, I don't get what you were expecting. It's a mode designed for experts, so of course it's going to punish you for avoidable fuckups like getting hit by ordinary monsters, and force you to actually know how to avoid everything rather than just tanking every attack you haven't mastered how to avoid yet.

take that back
my hands are fine

Expert mode wasn't that bad.
Expert mode on hardcore, now that was still not overly difficult, holy shit git gud op.

>tfw you fight Expert EoC for the first time
>bring him at almost half health as usual, easily
>it then starts sprinting and screaming all over the place

>those high-pitched screams as he bolts around the screen fucking you up because you STILL aren't fast enough to dodge him even with a long trail of solid ground and/or platforms with Hermes Boots + Aglet + Anklet of the Wind

Its time to
Git Gud

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying that it isn't a real challenge when it's just the same game with higher numbers. There is nothing new about Expert mode other than "Hey you're gonna die a lot more this time around because le expert meme". I just want to see something new added to the mix other than things pushing your shit in. I want to play Terraria not Touhou. And you're totally correct saying the whole git gud stuff. With enough practice in Expert Mode, anyone could overcome it. But since it's still just the base game underneath with a dirty mouth this time, it doesn't really feel like much of a new experience like I think it ought to be.

It does, but each patch breaks them.

>There is nothing new about Expert mode
So you haven't even seen the eye of cthulhu?

And the only mods that can consistently keep up are Wavebanks, Texture Packs and that one RPG Mod made by a BR.

> I'm saying that it isn't a real challenge
If it isn't a real challenge, why do you keep getting pwned while we have it alright?

>it doesn't really feel like much of a new experience like I think it ought to be
Try gittin gud. It would be quite a breath of fresh air for you.

>Eye of Cthulu
>Now with more speed!

>It's not different
>Hey this is different and makes the fight more challenging

I fail to see any kind of real argument here other than slander towards myself.

>"Hey you're gonna die a lot more this time around because le expert meme"

It's more "you're gonna die a lot more this time around because normal mode let you get away with routinely taking lots and hits and not really knowing how to avoid most enemies, and now you're choosing to take away that safety net".

>Eye of Cthulhu
Spams more eyes, 2nd phase is earlier and now he has a very fast dash, dash no-stop when near to death
>King Slime
He drops Spiky Slimes now, very deadly and bullshit
>Eater of Worlds
Now it just oneshot if it hits you with the head and throws random projectiles everywhere
You first have to kill the hands and after that random spooky skeletrons everywhere
In the 2nd phase it has copies of itself that deceive you and become more invisible the more damage you deal
More bees and speed? Don't remember
>Wall of Flesh
Okay that's not very special, just more fast and the piranha things regenerate now
>Mechanical Bosses
Same as above, just more powerful and tough. The Destroyer is COMPLETE BULLSHIT with his regenerating drones, literally bullshit
He... Shoots seeds in 1st phase and he's faster in the 2nd? That's it?
>Duke Fishron
>1.3 bosses
No idea, played only in Expert against them

They started good with the first bosses and then just went with "more of this, more of that". Nothing special really, I enjoyed it anyway because in Normal the game is so easy

My complaint in Expert was Plantera. Spending 30 minutes to build an arena and failing means you need to track down another bulb and build another one.
Those 30 minutes are not fun or challenging.

>30 minutes to build an arena
>spending 30 minutes building an arena and not just luring plantera from wherever the fuck you find a bulb back to the arena

> it isn't a real challenge when it's just the same game with higher numbers
It seems to play somewhat different if playing as you used to kills you nonstop.

I do understand what you mean, I'm just taking the piss


Making everything have higher numbers means that you have to keep on your wits all the time and can't go rushing in like you can in normal mode. You have to actually master the game to actually play it instead of just turning your brain off and doing whatever.

I can't even play normal mode anymore, after 100+ hours of expert it just feels like easy mode now.

>Spending 30 minutes to build an arena and failing means you need to track down another bulb and build another one.

What the fuck. Just kite it back to your arena.

gitgud you stupid faggot. or stay in normal mode fucking scrub

I'm not implying it doesn't count, I'm saying it's such a minor change that it doesn't really merit any real change. Just like the numbers for HP and damage. Maybe if he had like a third form?

You can do that? The one time I tried it he did some teleport thing and insta-gibbed me. I figured it was some mechanic against kiting him.

Minor my ass.

The dashes are very hard on you with early game movement gear and it makes a pushover boss turn into an actual challenging fight.

You keep complaining about the numbers but you are aware that mobs get new moves in expert mode right? Jellyfishes have the electric attack, skellies throw bones, etc.

on this board, we have a saying we use to advise people to become better if a game is too hard
its 2 words that start with g
can you figure out the rest?

Thoughts on mediumcore or hardcore?
Haven't got to playing expert mode yet but beat moonman on a normal-mediumcore runthrough.

Well now that OP has (hopefully) learned Expert mode is fucking Expert mode.
What is your favorite class type to play?
Tank for me.

gay giraffe

Caster for boss fights. Summoner when building or mining ores.