What free games are you enjoying with your newly hacked 3DS?
What free games are you enjoying with your newly hacked 3DS?
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a9lh+Luma master race here. Doing the hack was more exciting that actually playing the games, I got undubs of my games and then never played them
Also, I haven't been playing anything since the past few months.
Currently waiting for ZTD leak.
Why is RXTools shit on these days?
I've been out of the loop since January.
I just downloaded Rhythm Heaven 3DS
It's in japanese but it plays fine even if you can't read it. Very fun
>these days
RxTools has been dead for AGES now, guy behind it completely stopped working on it.
It still works I guess, but literally every other CFW alternative is so much better, even if only for a9lh
It's not and it's still the safer way.
Why it's "shit" compared to a9lh: a9lh boots 100% of the time, and boots faster.
That's literally the only benefit.
Because it's dead. Even if you didn't want to do the a9lh, switching to Luma3ds is fucking easy
I hacked my 3DS primarily to play Stella Glow undub. I'd been wanting to play the game since its release but listening to Atlus's dubs is physically painful.
Now that I've finished it, I can do the same with SMTIV and such.
>a9lh boots 100% of the time, and boots faster.
if that's literally the only reason to switch, I'm not switching. I rarely reboot my shit, so why should it matter if it takes 20 seconds instead of 45 seconds.
>Tfw Dragon Quest 7 and 8 are doomed now thanks to pirate fags
i hacked my 3ds just to play some MH4
and i felt what it's like to be a nintendogay
now i don't even remember where i left my 3ds to collect dust
My N3DS just took 7 actually. You also don't need to waste memory on the nand partition, plus since the hack loads before any other code, it's possible to save the console from a brick without a hardmod, if you're stupid enough to let it happen.
It's not.
a9lh is also virtually unbreakable, so it's a lot safer, AND you can even recover from a hardbrick without hardmodding!
It doesn't use emuNAND, it's patched sysNAND, so you don't need your emuNAND clogging up your SD card.
Also makes installing VC games as easy as they should be
and finally, what that user failed to mention is that it boots up over twice as quick, almost as quickly as an unhacked 3ds
It's worth it.
I just installed a game through the QR thing on FBI but the it just stays stuck on the 3ds loading screen when I start it up, I tried deleting and reinstalling it but no luck. Did I do something wrong?
I had the same problem with a game from doing that.
I just ended up getting a premade CIA file and using that instead.
I guess some QR codes dont work very well
my 3ds is 10.6.0
is it too late for cfw without oot?
sounds risky. probably isn't, but I'd rather not fuck around with sysNAND.
lot of nice pros, but I'm not about to go through all that shit again, when it's working just fine.
If you don't feel like doing a9lh then at the very least you should switch to Luma. It's as easy as just switching files and since emunands are shared you aren't losing anything.
Even a child should be able to see why something that's still being worked on is better than something that's dead and hasn't been touched in like a year.
That's what I thought too, but the process has been majorly streamlined and is surprisingly safe.
The only downside to upgrading to a9lh is that it takes a decent chunk of time thanks to nand backups.
Heck, I was still on RxTools when I did it as well, but I'm definitely glad it did, and honestly I ended up enjoying it.
RxTools works for now, and if you really want you can stick with it, but it'll break soon.
I'd at least recommend you switch over to a CFW that's still getting updates.
Get AL9H+Luma CFW. You can skip steps 1,2,3 of this guide. I used it to go from RxTools 2.6 to AL9H+Luma.
.g seeddb decryption.
Believe newer versions of FBI can download the required seeds from the CDN or just inject the seeds from files.
I'll go with this since it looks easier.
Can't remember what I'm running to have boot options at the start, but I hope it doesn't break that.
Nekketsu Kouha Kuniokun SP Rantou Kyousoukyoku,
Also just discovered that they are bringing this one over as River City Tokyo Rumble.
Hope they bring the rest of the Million Kuniokun's and the new Arcsys one.
No way. You can fix hardbricks and play GBA games without having to install them on both NANDs. It is also impossible for nintendo to fix.
I'd enjoy it more if it didn't remind me that I'm a dirty pirate every time I launch it though.
just finished the Luma3ds install. was very simple like you said. what I'd like to know is if I still need to keep rxtools on my SD.
I launch into rxTools on a 4.5 3DS by clicking 'DS Profile Settings' on the settings page.
Can I actually switch to Luma while using this method? Everywhere I read says I have to be on 9.0-9.2
Sadly nothing, I'm on 11.0.0-33U and I can't be bothered to hard mod it.
I use RXtools. Whats the easiest best thing to switch to that loads faster?
Also anything with a way to coldboot. my sysnand is like 4.5
What firmware version do you have and what game did you install?
Woops, meant for
Do I need to update my systemnand to 9.2 for al9h? Is it possible not updating it? I am on 4.2. Also is it possible to use this with gateway. Since I wasted money on that, I at least want to use it for. 3ds
Will AL9H+luma allow me to use my old original R4 with my 3ds?
Yup, you don't even have to do anything additional either, I think as long as the card had worked on 3DS at one point it will work.
Guess I'll have to give it a try then.
>newly hacked 3DS?
Where have you been all this time?
Anyways, my 3ds has been collecting dust since I've already played the Devil Survivor games and Fire Emblem Conquest. Nothing else looks good.
What about Zelda user-kun
ALBW? I forgot about that one. I guess I'll play it sometime, thanks for the reminder.
currently waiting for my new sdcard
Already have a gateway card with both sysnand and emunand on
Should I even bother with a9lh? I don't wanna spend an entire day and I honestly don't care booting speeds.
>mfw RxTools
>mfw I have so much progression saved on RXtools's emunand
I have already 2 CFW options but is there a way where I can save all the shit I've done on another emunand, I had tu switch to Luma because God knows when is RxTools page going to be taken down.
I switched to Luma from RXtools the other day. If you just want to pirate, keeping emunand is fine. I won't bother with a9lh as well.
Just be careful with your gateway. If it's not original, chinks will brick your 3ds when you update GW.
Can you downgrade from the most recent firmware? I don't want to try to install A9LH and lose everything to a softbrick.
Stop using browser hax and use something else.
>Can you downgrade from the most recent firmware? I don't want to try to install A9LH and lose everything to a softbrick.
Not without hard mods, no.
trust me I've tried but nothing seems to work that's why I did a backup CFW.
I Honestly would do this to my 3DS but there's fuck all titles I want to play on their apart from Monster Hunter, plus it runs slower on my first gen 3DS. So nah.
I have been on this shit since the week it came out
Going to ask this here since I haven't gotten any responses from /hbg/ yet.
Does anyone have experience with buying shit from 3ds-flashcard.com? Every other site that sells DSTWOs looks completely unlegit and probably will sell me a fake.
But I didn't hack it and I won't hack it either.
Who /loadiine/ here?
Xenoblade runs pretty fucking good even on a Class 4 SD
Literally been living a seperate life on Animal Crossing, tried pokemon but I got bored as per.
I'm on 5.3.2. The kernel exploit freezes my system more times than it works, its really frustrating. Any tips?
if i were to buy a 3ds tomorrow, would this hack still work with the mot current firmware?
I got an r4i gold 3DS from nds-card.com
still waiting on AA6 and ZTD
hopefully they leak early so I can spoil all the buycucks on Sup Forums
I wanted to try out Fire Emblem, but couldn't get the CIA to install properly, so I settled for Bravely Second instead.
AA6 spoilers already got leaked, friend.
Guess I should get started early.
Never tried that site before. If you say they're legit, than I'll just get my DS2 there. Thanks user.
They're the only ones that accepted paypal as payment, so i tried it and everything went well.
i have a 2ds, 3ds xl, 3 standard 3ds's and one fire emblem n3ds xl...
just yesterday i decided to try and hack one of the old standards after the 2ds hack failed right out of the gate with ocarina of time powersaves not working at all... and after like 10 hours of bullshit i got 2 of the og 3ds's downgraded to 9.2 and hacked with a coldbooting RXtools (im too pussy and tired to fuck with any of these 100% launch rate a9lh and i don't know what luma3ds is)... and i need to know does anyone know a site where i can get cia files of cool homebrew apps that can like give me infinite playcoins or hack in mario kart or other fun stuff like that? i need suggestions so far all i have is fbi and freeshop installed
Playing some smash and link between worlds
Should I skip FE: awakening and just play fates?
I'd say go for it. Just play it on Hard/Classic and get ready for flat maps.
You just wanted to let everyone know you were an elite hacker, didn't you.