Since some giga nigga deleted the last one for because of free key giveaways.
Fuck off.
Also by coincidence, just got this game, what should i expect at first Sup Forums?
Since some giga nigga deleted the last one for because of free key giveaways.
Fuck off.
Also by coincidence, just got this game, what should i expect at first Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Also by coincidence, just got this game, what should i expect at first Sup Forums?
Any tips as a first time survivor? Heard a lot of things from the killer perspective, but not much about the survivor team, other than cheese with toolboxes and look down for traps.
-When repairing generators, listen to the sound cues. As long as you listen out for it, you'll never fuck up
-Learn the layout as much as possible. Memorize that shit ASAP. Where your exits are, where the big landmark is located (giant tree, abandoned factory, shed) and any areas with a ton of traps to drop.
-Try to stick to an area with a bunch of generators grouped together
-Personally, I don't repair generators all the way. I just leave them up until they have one more second of repairing until they work. Reason I do this is so that I don't give my position away and I can repair a whole string of them that are nearby while the killer is out searching. In the event that I have to run and hide, I can always come back to it and finish it later or hope that one of my team mates runs across it. Once I have 3 of them done, I start repairing them one after the other and make a run for it. If I learned the layout well enough, I repair the generator closest to the exit sot hat I can get on that shit quickly and escape.
-Fuck your team mates. They're probably idiots. Let them run around like idiots and get hit. I'd only risk my ass saving them if I'm confident that I can do it and get away with it. Main reason I say this is because a lot of people just fucking suck. The worst ones are the ones that DC right away as I'm on my way to save their ass.
>As long as you listen out for it, you'll never fuck up
Yeah, unless the success zone is RIGHT at the start of the animation or you get several back to back
Naw nigga, we good
I honestly never even noticed the sound until someone in /vg/ mentioned it
Speaking of which I think the mods deleted the old thread because some dumbass started another one while the current one was still active.
We're not allowed to discuss this game because of referral links not being allowed. Enjoy your blatant furry circlejerk/alt right whinefest with mod approval
>Watching some guy stream some matches as survivors
>He goes out of his way to help his team members after he opens the exit
>Saves one girl while the killer is right on top of him
>Both of them get downed
>Killer takes the other team member to a hook
>He finds the hatch
>Other team member refuses to give up
>Killer comes back for him
>Hides in the bushes near the hatch
>Gets picked up
>That exact same moment, other player gives up
This is why I don't help anyone
>unlock the flashlight and decide to test it out
>it's actually pretty fun
>the Killer finds the Meg on our team and starts carrying her away
>jump out and blind him, he drops her and we get away
>later he tries to come after me
>blind him again and escape
>eventually he catches up with me and hooks me
>instead of leaving, he stays in front of me and starts sperging out and hacking away at me for a good minute or two
>he's so preoccupied with his tard fit he doesn't notice the rest of the the survivors have repaired the last generator
Which one of you faggots was it?
If you're a Survivor:
>either get stuck with a retarded team who won't even bother activating the generators, or a decently good one that will sweep the map in only a few minutes
>being practically invisible if you crouch and try to make an effort to hide when you see the Killer, who can't see shit because he's playing in a first person view
>having access to the most broken items in the game (Medkit, Toolbox)
If you're the Killer:
>spergy Survivors who will purposely lead you in circles when you're chasing them
>having to deal with Survivors wrecking your hooks
That's pretty much it. Playing as the Killer sucks unless you get a really good, competent team of Survivors that can give you a challenge without sperging out on you.
I've had an easy time as a killer. Never lost a match unless you count disconnects.
Don't get tunnel vision, read them, and set up traps in vault happy areas.
I also noticed that survivors are fucking stupid and will run into traps if they see a loot crate from the distance. Place a trap in a grassy area and theyr'e fucked.
Anyone want to be a lad and help me off this thing?
Way to get the thread deleted, faggot.
Buddy, you've got a general anyway.
>game is only under a week away from being released
>it's still a buggy, glitchy mess
I really hope it'll have more to offer than just maps with the same single repetitive objective and gamebreaking bugs because I can't see it lasting long. There are two other games with the exact same premise coming out that were announced before this, and I get the feeling that it was rushed out as quickly as possible so it could come first.
I made an image guide to the game. Hope it's not too shit.
You should also throw in a mention about Toolboxes. If you have one, they're definitely a game breaker.
Also, if you're a Survivor and you get hooked, don't even bother trying to escape. There's a very small chance you'll get off, but all struggling will do is speed up the ritual and kill you faster 99% of the time. It's pretty much an instant game over unless you have a team that cares enough to rescue you.
So, what's the best thing to do when you're hooked? Does struggling increase the chance of getting stabbed?
I should learn to scroll down
Have some big tits for my incompetence.
See If you struggle, you're just going to go directly to phase 2 where the spider legs start coming out. Your only options are a) waiting for your teammates to rescue you, which may or may not happen if you get stuck with spergs, or b) mash buttons anyway to hurry up with the instakill so you can try another game.
Is there a survivor perk that guarantees their escape or something?
Every match I'm guaranteed to see a survivor escape entirely on their own.
>have to do some fucking chain letter shit to get a beta key
So how do you rank up?
I've been stuck at 18 for hours now despite winning all the matches that didn't end in a disconnect.