Fishing lvl?

Fishing lvl?


Need fire

Can someone start a fire?

making fire, 5k

>playing RS3
>not playing Oldschool RS

Fucking kill yourself, pleb.


Fishing in video games is usually awful, but I think pic related may be the worst offender. Nier is mostly amazing otherwise.

I used that because I didn't find a good dock picture of old school that wasn't 100x100

Buying harpoon 800gp

I remember everyone saying that fishing for lobsters was the best way to make money for f2p.

Dunno if that's true or I'm misremembering it.

Idk if thats true or not, but I used to spend hours fishing for lobsters back in the day. Made a lot of gold, that way.

Cyan:wave: > > > >

Nier fishing was amazing once you knew how to do it
>pulling up that sandfish for the first time

Is Sup Forumsscape any good?

It was for a long while.
Fishing for swordfish was shit because you'd get 70% tuna

Depends on what you mean by best. Lobbies were good because they gave a decent amount of XP, didn't require a super high fishing level, were easily accessible, and were in constant demand since they were standard food for PKers. Stuff like mining runite probably netted more money per hour, but you'd have to grind all those mining levels and go into the wildy.

It was good for the first few months after launch when lots of people played and there was a good community.
I got bored with it and came back a few months later to find 4 people on spoutibg memes in global chat. When I tried to ask some questions about old players I remember people just said "m8 you're a literal who fuck off, stop pretending to be oldfag"

Haven't touched it since but I'm guessing the release of f2p 07scape fucked it even further


Good one

>play osrs today
>running the abyss for chaos runes
>100 coins per rune
>fuck this
>need 31 crafting to do Lost City to get into Zanaris for cosmic runes
>look up a crafting guide
>says to just spin flax into bowstrings
>flax costs 7 gp
>bowstrings sell for 170 gp
What the ever-loving fuck. Has it always been like this?

Didn't they make f2p available alongside membership like it used to be?

I haven't looked at runescape in years.
I know Sup Forumsscape had everything for free (most of which was broken in some way) but the reason why runescapes grinding was bearable was the community. Sup Forumsscape's community is a bunch of autists spouting memes who can't get their parents to shell out for real runescape membership



. Help! I'm in the water!



i never played RS but i love the memes even though i dont understand them

lol noob

Selling harpoon 1k

>thread makes me want to play OSRS again
>haven't played for over a year
>log in
>account banned, jesus christ here we go
>pic related

Is there any way to get the account back now?
Obviously some chink got into it and did this during the time I wasn't subscribed.

I really don't want to start all over again.
I had some pretty decent stats.


tried playing "oldschool" RS, and if i am forcing myself to enjoy something, i am not actually enjoying it.

so i stick with actual Runescape, thank you.


soz already sold

Oldschool Runescape was good for nostalgia, I play it from time to time, but that is all it is good for. The dealbreaker for me is that none of the quest lines will get resolved, so I stick with RS3 because I actually enjoy questing.

Yes they did