Attackers incoming in 30 seconds

Attackers incoming in 30 seconds.

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Overwatch is shit on par with CS and any moba

yeah but memes are cool.
I don't even play the game, I just bought it so I could understand all the OC.


So what you're saying is "man, I really hate when things are popular".

you got the quote wrong you DIP

No user, I like things that are popular.
Just not those things.

No one cares anymore

So I told Overwatch is a shitty TF2 clone with a $60 pricetag and a cashshop and she called me a "cuck".
Nothing else, she literally leered over her laptop screen and said "cuck".
I know she posts here frequently, but I didn't expect that type of language to bleed out into our real lives.
I kept explaining that she just likes because "lol epic gamer gurl like me doritos! xD" and she didn't bat an eye before saying "cuck" again.
I just gave up after that, there's no reasoning with cuckposters.

But fuck you Sup Forums and fuck Overwatch, you guys ruined my woman.

>woman who likes videogames
You fucked up, never ever get a girl into vidya cause she'll be a casual faggot everytime; and if she's not it's only because you're so casual you make her look legitimate.



Dude, when I hooked up with her she was into Mountain Blade (one of the second ones), she also made Doom mods.
Now literally all she does is grind Overwatch, draw Genji and OC and tell me I'm a C word.

so many versions of this

the overwatch meme database is full force

Overwatch meme thread i guess


Well I hate to break it to you but you're casul my friend.
Lucky to have gf with (previously) good taste though.
Mine just watches lets players from her MacBook








I'm I glad she's in there and we're out here and your the Sheriff



Tracer's ass < Genji's ass

>pick Genji
>see Hanzo & Widow on enemy team
>switch to Winston
>make life miserable for their snipers
>Hanzo quickly changes to Pharah
>Widow keeps running from a gorilla dieing atleast 10 times through out the whole game

why are widow players so retarded?

Mei's ass though

Half the time hanzo and widow players cant aim for shit so they spam.

Shit you got me there, she thicc boy


Go blog somewhere else you massive faggots.


>tfw I main poo in loo


>Dat junkrat winrate
My nigga

Fuck, I wish Mystery Hero was a permanent brawl. I like being forced to try new characters, even if it's someone I'm terrible with.

Fuck me hurry up and buff Zenyatta and nerf Widowshitters Blizzard.

Why the fuck are these useless cunts so slow and patching broken shit, it was the exact same trash in WoW.

I know League gets a lot of shit on here, but holy fuck at least Riot patch shit regularly. Blizzard are fucking useless.



It'd be better if I hadn't kept joining games 5 seconds from ending but you probably already know this feel


Overmeme thread?

Overmeme thread

Yeah i do all too well m8



I love Grandpa 76

Mystery Brawl is fun as fuck. Great way to learn all the heroes and still have fun doing it bc the enemy is doing it too. I don't really feel like experimenting in normal mode.

Who's on attack here in these pics?


holy shit




names I've started calling the characters instead

Junkrat - Trashmouse
Roadhog - Streetpig
Winston - Harambe
Tornbjorn - The last white man in Sweden

you guys got any?

I choked alittle at the last panel, fuck you


Widowmaker - A terrible player
Symmetra - A lost game

Okay, that got me.

How has Reaper turned into my favorite character?



>I literally bought a meme game for the memes
Pure, refined cancer.

So this comic has me thinking: who's actually a bad guy? Reaper, Widowmaker and?... Honestly, they don't even seem like bad guys since they're technically overwatch members themselves. Why are these guys fighting each other?

Fuck Red Team

Reaper, Widow, and Symmetra are villains. Actual gameplay is not canon

Those drawn over versions really fail to give off the vibe the original does with its facial expressions.
Winston shouldn't look sad or angry.

He's so over-the-top it's hilarious, and the game knows it - none of the other characters take him seriously

He literally has "*teleports behind you*" as an ability
He "reloads" his shotguns by throwing them away and pulling a new pair out from under his trenchcoat
He says angsty shit like "this is my curse" when he responds
He says "hi" in the most awkward voice ever



We need more villians

gud got


All of my friends that I play with have their own names for McCree.
>fucking cowboy cunt

Also Roadhog and Junkrat

They're more chaotic evil though

Isn't Junkrat and Road-hog villians too? International terrorists?

le high noon man

also s76 is le sights man

They just want to rid australia of big, dumb, omnic scum. Nothing wrong with that.

They hate omnics and blow shit up, but are willing to do some good if they can cause some destruction along the way, like in their comic

>no American women in Overwatch
What is Blizzard trying to tell us?

I call Mei "fat bitch."

But she's fat, so that ass is irrelevant. Fat people should be culled on sight.

I don't think Symmetra is a villain

The Vishkar Corporation is shady, but I think she's legitimately trying to do the right thing


She might have good intentions, but the fact remains that she's working for a corporation willing to commit arson and murder just to further their own development.

>Symmetra - A lost game
>hero with the highest winrate in the game

Yeah, but there's winston and roadhog. close enough

I guess the question comes down to how culpable she is for the actions of her bosses



>soldier 76 and mccree

Papa 76 is THE best meme of OverWatch

>American WOMEN
>he doesn't want a slutty girl with fake tits in the game

>console players


I call roadhog pigger, myself


I call Winston "Gorilla Man"

Junkrat becomes either Vermin varmint, trash gerbil, or waste weasel.