Favourite area

>Favourite area
>Favourite beam
>Favourite upgrade
>Favourite missile combo
>Favourite boss fight

like i remember all that shit nigga fuck you

That sky city thing in 2
Dark Beam
Wave missile combo
Dark Samus fights from 2 were based

I only finished Metroid Prime 3 because I got lost on the first one and didnt have time to try the second one because I borrowed them Roast me I deserve it

2 was the best of the series, and you're a shitter for not being able to beat 1. 3 was shit and so are you.

>3 was shit
no it wasn't

don't feel too bad m8

I got 1 when I was still a retarded wee lad and couldn't even get past the first area

I came back like 7 years later and beat the whole thing and it's still one of my favorite games ever

I've never beaten 2 though, got stuck because I couldn't find a tiny morph ball corridor to progress and dropped the game. Eventually looked it up but then just dropped it again a little bit later. Couldn't deal with the tedious bullshit of having to constantly backtrack to a portal and back again when I hit a dead end in one world, not to mention all the areas looking the fuckin same and the stupid ammo system plus having to stand in bubbles every 5 steps in the dark world like an asshole

never even got to the light suit

you really should try to get through 1 though, it's one of the pinnacles of video games in my opinion

Sanctuary Fortress
Annihilator Beam
Screw Attack
Ice Spreader
Dark Samus in Sanctuary fortress. Especially when you sequence break and have no dark visor.

>Favourite area
Phazon mines for the atmosphere.

>Favourite beam
Toss up between the Wave and Annihilator Beams.

>Favourite upgrade
X-ray Visor.

>Favourite missile combo

>Favourite boss fight
Too many to pick a single boss. It's a three-way between Thardus, Helios and Chyykka.

These opinions are entirely subjective and everyone else's opinions are equally okay.

Phendrana or Sanctuary Fortress
Wave Beam
Boost Ball
Tie between the Wavebuster or the Ice Shedder. Both were incredibly useful.
Dark Samus on the elevator in Sanctuary.

You forgot this one OP:
>Favorite Sequence Break

Varialess Magmoor

Still gotta do that run.

Any of the mockball ones.

Well, that's not Prime Trilogy.

Mockball sequence breaks are fun though.
How about Wrecked Ship without grapple or speed booster?

Fug I'm stupid, but in that case I say space jump boots as soon as you land on Tallon. I never did that sequence break, sorry user.

That one always almost gives me a heart attack to watch, I can't imagine trying it.

phendrana entrance, that music sounds like icicles
Ice beam, due to how your arm crystallizes when you charge it
Thermal visor, when you first get it its like Woooah!
Wavebuster is the only one I ever used against the invisible drone
Quadraxis, that thing is huge and has many stages and the first time you get in this area and think "shits about to go down" but it doesnt

Varia suit with bombjumps in Zero mission.

i tried the "double jump first" in Prime 1 for hours until i realized that i have a new version without all those exploits. replayed it on Dolphin and got it after a dozen tries

I did the sequence break to get Ice Beam first, and got the fourth energy tank. I'm still too slow.

You should be able to get space jump first in all versions of prime, it's just harder in some versions. You have to do a combat visor scan dash in updated versions whereas the original release lets you use the easier scan visor dash.

Torvus Bog
Wave Beam
Uh... Screw Attack? I dunno.
The fight with Dark Samus in 2 on the Elevator

I liked Prime 2 a lot, if you couldn't guess.

>Favourite area
Sanctuary Fortress or SkyTown
>Favourite beam
Nova (w/ X-Ray), Plasma (Prime 1), Annihilator
>Favourite upgrade
Space Jump, honestly
>Favourite missile combo
probably Super Missile since it's the only combo I ever really used
>Favourite boss fight
Too hard to decide, gotta go with Emperor Ing + DS3

-Cloud City in Prime 3

-Either Exo "Green" Beam or Plasma Beam from Prime 3.

-Space Jump from Prime 1. All the skips and tricks...

-Dark Beam's Black Hole.

-Tie between Ridley Prime 1 and Emporer Ing Prime 2.

Ice, maybe. Same thing about your cannon freezing over.
Can't pick, man.
Just super missiles. Love the way they throw pirate corpses.
Either Prime itself or the last Dark Samus fight.

Anybody else going to buy Federation Force out of brand loyalty? I feel a little bad about it, but I'm sure I'll get at least a little fun from it.

Fusion was better, so I'll focus on that instead.

>Favourite area
Sector 2

>Favourite beam
Charge, duh (free screw attack)

>Favourite upgrade
Diffusion Missile

>Favourite missile combo

>Favourite boss fight
Omega Metroid

Sanctuary Fortress

Nova Beam

Boost Ball

Sonic Boom

Dark Samus in the elevator, that sequence was incredible.

Fusion had better boss fights than the Omega Metroid. Nightmare was awesome.

I even went out and got an original unpatched GC version of prime 1 just to try my hand at sequence breaking, never managed to do that first jump.
I feel only shame.

Early Plasma Beam

It's funny how they made Thardus weak to it

Just keep working at it. Don't hold down B for too long on the second tap. In fact barely press it. You get more distance at higher altitude the less time you hold B. Also aim for the lower edge of the cliff.

It's an easy one to pull off once you know how. And if you're skipping Spider Ball to get into deep Magmoor Caverns it's convenient to just pick up.

Pretty sure it's impossible in the Wii remake

>Babby's Halo ripoff

Man... that just looks like it feels less satisfying than normal boost dash. I'll stick to Gamecube, thanks.

>Favourite area
Ing hive temple
>Favourite beam
Wave beam
>Favourite upgrade
Heat visor
>Favourite missile combo
Ice missle
>Favourite boss fight

Plasma Beam
The Phazon suit, that shit was sexy as fuck.
Wave Beam Missle Combo
Metroid Prime

I still nees to play echoes , I have a copy but I have no fucking gamecube and I gave my wii away.

I fucking retarted for giving it away.

Phendrana Drifts
Wave Beam
Hyper mode (or whatever the phazon mode in 3 was)
Ice missile
Dark Samus in elevator

Also, I just finished Zero Mission for the first time a few days ago. It's really great and I'm ashamed I didn't play it earlier. I even managed to collect all the items after completing the game. I'm not sure if I was more frustrated by the shinespark chains or the morph ball mazes.