I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor

I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor.


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It was a liberal who wrote the script
And he was a jew

He's a deconstruction of the typical GTA player, user.

GTA 5 is a deconstruction/reconstruction of GTA.

Yeah, the GTA5 writing on the whole was pretty fucking bad. No idea why that game got good reviews.

>bad characters
>unfunny writing
>bad/neraly non-existent plot
>missions are scripted as fuck, and usually pretty boring
>Terrible selection of music

Honestly, I think its probably my least favorite GTA game. I had more fun with Chinatown wars.

The whole torture scene actually really turned me off to Trevor. I thought he would at least refuse to do so, or maybe torture the FIB guy instead or something. Instead, the writers tried to have their cake and eat it too, and Trevor went from being something of an interesting character to a try-hard caricature.

Trevor is the most forced, unfunny and pathetic character I have ever seen in any entertainment medium. Most GTA V characters are the same, but Trevor takes the crown.

Everyone in that game is a try-hard caricature except the black guy, who is just a blank slate.

Oh, fuck off.

GTA is just parodies of shit stolen from films and TV. The writers are the Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer of videogames.

>It was a liberal who wrote the script
What a surprise.
>And he was a jew
double whammy.

Why normies/pleddit like edgy characters Trevor and Sup Forums likes Micheal?

man am I the only one who fucking loved Trevor?

>3 years later Sup Forums is still crying that he killed the protagonist of the shittiest expansion to a GTA

there are far, far, FAR worse parts of the story than trevor. there was no thought put into it at all because as we all know the game was purely designed to push the cash shop.

>literally makes fun of stupid feminists in the game

Never played GTA4 or its expansions, but when I found out he killed a previous GTA protagonist, my Mary Sue alert system triggered

anyone found any good script trainers for the newest version of gta 5 yet\\

Huh? I don't remember killing the guy from that biker expansion to gta 4?

>lamar was the only good character because he was essentially a squawking stereotype.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, nigga.

Rockstar threw away so much by not making a Lamar a playable character.

No, there's plenty of idiots like you. I remember reading a forum post about how one guy "couldn't stop laughing and had to stop playing because he was doubled over crying laughing" when Michael said "You're a hipster!" and Trevor's reaction ensued.


And GTAV is a parody of GTA as a pop culture icon. How dum r u.

You're not alone

I liked the drunk Chinese business man.

But yeah, the characters in that game blow.

But Liberals hate Israel.

But the Liberal agenda is controlled by jews. Its a double blind bluff.

>No idea why that game got good reviews.
Because thankfully games are reviewed on more than just their writing. David Cage would be fucked otherwise.

The fuck does Israel have to do with Jews?

The writer aren't that self aware, they actually believe their own bullshit.



As I noted in the post the gameplay, music and characters weren't too flash either.

the game would have been much better without Trevor and missions were co-cop with Michael+Franklin in a Kane and Lynch style

>The fuck does israel have to do with jews
I can't believe people like you exist

Can somebody explain to me why a crazy, paranoid redneck guy who hates/distrusts the government and is a CRIMINAL would have a fucking smart phone?


it tried to be "serious" give me a award i really want to work in hollywood and the 'satire' was shit.

A very bad game. A lot of potential in single player killed by the shit story and the online shark card jewing.

Does this explain why michaels son was literally jonah hill ?

This is what they want you to believe

>liberal hates jew

But they love them at the same time, its like a unconditional love between a dog and a abusive master.

Because, like humans in real life, humans in video games can also be hypocrites. I know it's weird.

>final mission deathwish
>kill a guy while he's playing basketball
>kill guy in a limo driving down the highway
>kill a guy while he's riding a ferris wheel

what an intense mission

same reason he proudly displays and shouts his name despite being wanted by the FIB becuase Michael ratted him out.

I don't think you understand the definition of hypocrisy.

>The fuck does Israel have to do with Jews?

Are you actually fucking retarded?

So basically because Rockstar was too lazy to come up with a clever way for Trevor to get into contact with other people.

Pretty fucking dumb I agree. I expected his sequences to have a shit ass old nokia thing

Yes pretty much.

So is the conservative agenda.
Hell, the Republican party is one of the biggest dicksuckers for Israel.

Not that the Democratic Party isn't either. Hell when the members of the party voted against support for Israel as a platform, the party heads veto'd it.

I honestly have nothing against Jews as a race/religion, but Israel's fucking shady.

>The fuck does Israel have to do with Jews?

very least they could have done was him using a obsolete old phone like the one you use in the first scene in 2004 or those throwaway track phones

east coast new yawk "elite" are worse.

I wish GTA games actually ended at the climax. The climax of V is the Big Score, yet for some reason the game putters on after that. They should have found a way to end the story along with the big score.

IV had the same problem, the climax is meeting Darko and yet the game continues on to a boring, unrelated resolution.

maybe there was planned single player dlc but they just said fuck it we're making bank on online jewing.

>The fuck does Israel have to do with Jews?

I dont even

>The fuck does Israel have to do with Jews?

>The fuck does Israel have to do with Jews?

>inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded

dan houser really has his head up his ass with his hamfisted american social commentary, even max payne 3 had some shoehorned in

i'm not even a burger but holy shit dude move on

What the fuck happened to subtlety in satire?

He's a crazy asozial drug dealer, why wouldnt he have a phone, he probably stole.

He can't with people, but wants to.

How the fuck could you misconstrue MP3 as anti-american? You spend the whole fucking game shooting up shitty favelas, party boats, and soccer fields.

>the writers tried to have their cake and eat it too
what does this mean?

>shitty favelas, party boats, and soccer fields.
They are the victims of America's insatiable lust for blood.

You say that when the meanest, coldest jokes in most Rockstar games are about Europe.

Fuck, I'm half jewish and I'm saying this.

this is true, but only because they kill muslims while falling for every zionist tactic.

whit'cho yeeyee ass haircut


>that focus on enhanced interrogation
>America's obsession with reality tv and celebrities

He did a pretty solid job.

i get the feeling its not his phone. he probably just steals phones and uses them till they get cancelled ( the body is found ) or, that weaselly guy he forces to do all his shit basically deals with it.

>>America's obsession with reality tv and celebrities

It would have been edgy and on topic back in 2006-2008, but now it felt super passe

>dude lets make every character in the game a cuck
Bravo rockstar


Anti-technology thread?

You clearly don't pay enough attention.

The highest rated broadcasts in the US are reality tv shows.

>Jews trying to influence white kids to be scared of relationships with women in fear of being cucked

Color me surprised

that dosent make the joke NOT old

How do you think the cuck meme started?

> muh writing

Just because it has more realistic graphics and more fleshed out characters than previous era gta games, doesn't mean you should suddenly expect great writing or characters that are not walking caricatures.

The only reason you're complaining, is because they raised the bar on so many levels, but gta has essentially remained the same. You expect great writing and deep characters because they try to make more fleshed out walking caricatures now, but it's your demands that have changed, not gta.

Whats the sauce behind this image?

Some Japanese porno. Don't know the name but I believe the screenshots came from a video on Xhamster.

no i dont.

I want to have fun.

realism over fun is hard to balance but shit the game just isn't fun.

Writing being bad is only one aspect.

I for one don't want gta to change. I don't want an amazing story, nor realistic characters. Gta 4 was a bit over the line on that front, they went closer to their roots with gta v and even make fun of gta story telling and characters in the game.

If you're complaining about the story or characters of gta v, you're not a gta player. The characters should not be more ought out than in V. The level of humor and writing has remained very consistent throughout the games. There is no bad GTA game. They are all great.

A lot of people had fun with it, including me. Maybe you've grown too old for it?

did everyone really miss the conversation micheal has with him after the first few missions in the car? about how micheal basically tears trevor apart with the proto-hipster thing? the whole point was trevor really is just a hipster hipster because hes just taking it the next step, and that him being offensive or crazy was all just an act because he dosent want to fit into any category?

the point is hes such a sad sack of shit he does it all to hide it.

>liberal jew combo
>not falseflagging

>not sacrificing ideals for sales

also he's a Canadian because it's just funny xd to be a Canadian

As a foreigner, I genuinely never got that expression. I mean it means wanting to do two things that would exclude one another, right? But if you have a cake, eating it would be the logical thing to do. I mean, what the hell else would you be doing with a cake?

It'd make more sense if it was the other way around. "They wanted to eat their cake and still have it."

English is just fucked up

Like look at the phrase "spare the rod, spoil the child", you'd think that would be anti-child abuse, but it's PRO child abuse.

Americans so gluttonous they can't do food analogies right.

That has nothing at all to do with the English language. The meaning is very clear. I do not know how anyone could interpret it as being against child-'abuse'.

Nico was far more fleshed out than anyone in GTAV. Just because you don't spend quite as much time doing pointless shit doesn't translate to a relative lack of depth.

You guys do know each gta character is a self reflection and parody of the real world.

Trevor is the deranged powerful gta player put into a logically unhinged character, he is more than just a "XDXD so randum" He is the troubled abused and confused lonely child behind the man that would be a gta player style character. He has so many problems, all stemming from bad roots.

Micheal is a stereotypical criminal who has actually for once moved on in life, and finds himself stuck in the cliche stereotypical world and self loafing his own awareness and hypocrisy. He is basically Sup Forums the character. A nostalgic hypocrite who knows he is a hypocrite stuck in everything retro living a stereotype, but keeps going anyways..

Franklin is a man there to hold a mirror to the average suburban white kid playing GTA to become a gangsta. Franklin doesn't want to be a gangsta, he wants to live a good and prosperous life, and he straight up says being a gangster isn't all it's lived up to be, and all it will do is get you into more and more trouble.

That is why jimmy likes him so much, to show that "The player" is literally jimmy wanting to be a gang banger, and trevor is the reality of being a impulsive risky tasteless maniac, it isn't as fun on the inside as the outside makes it appear.

>Paranoid redneck guy
How fucking shallow of you user, He isn't a redneck, he is a nonconformist narcotics dealer that hates authority, the guy drives a vintage niche truck for a reason, plus he has a Nokia windows phone, that is the most hipster phone of them all, but it's also strong, and cheap, and also how would the format of having three characters work if one character didn't have the same abilities? like if trevor had niko's badger phone.

Niko was just a young shallow version of Micheal and Trevor combined.
I keep doing all this crime and killing, and on the outside I seem fine, but on the inside I'm a sad messed up guy, and a fat hypocrite.

The only thing those two didn't do was sit down and cry.

Funniest thing I've read in awhile

>chakra attack with based jb smoove wasn't funny
You're probably a sad and lonely person

Niko seemed to legitimately want to escape from all the fighting. He only kept to it because of Roman fucking up.

Mike was quite different, he'd escaped shit and found that he still wanted it.

It's fine that they're different, given the relative horror of origins of each respectively.

Trevor just a crazy person with some personable aspects. I like the fact that to have a person who could fly aircraft as part of the cast was based off his child ambition to be a pilot.

if that's all true then that plan backfired because white suburban kids worship trevor.

>every player always enjoy runing around killing everything and doing retarded shit
>rockstar make a character around that
>hurr shit character
ast rockstar game worth playing was vice city anyway . fucking buyers remorse with everything else

its a little funny how he gets mad about it

It's okay that your sense of humour isn't sophisticated enough to appreciate the genius of Trevor. We understand.

Inb4 this gets screencapped

totally agree. that phrase has always annoyed me whenever i hear it irl.