>want to play wow
>remember that one quest
Want to play wow
Other urls found in this thread:
>want to play WoW
>remember there's no WoW, only Warcraft themed Clash of Clans 3D
>remember that one quest
All of them?
>Want to play WoW
>remember that you can choose what quests to do because you're not a retard like OP
>want to start playing a shaman
>remember the totem quests
If we're talking about vanilla WoW then what you just said is bullshit
>Want to play WoW
>Remember Cataclysm and Warlords of Draenor
in before someone shits on MoP
You can skip every quest if you want to in vanilla you tardo.
>Want to play wow
>Remember that Cata happened
>Deep Ocean, Vast Sea
> want to play WoW
> remember that one quest
> remember that cataclysm happened
> that quest doesn't exist anymore
So this is what melancholy feels like
>Want to play WoW
>Horde goes full retard in PvP
I think we'll end this conversation here
Other than the final step of the Onyxia attunement chain and possibly one or two quests of the Shifting Sands line what quests were actually worth doing?
>Want to play WoW
>guild keeps talking about Bernie Sanders
>want to play wow
>remember that i got to 60, exalted in AV, invited to a raid
>immediately after i lost all drive to play
That alliance raid in EPL where you kill the horde questgiver
In Dreams chain brah
>not convincing them to donate more money to him and laughing at them behind their backs
>resub to wow
>had 3 level 100s from last year
>remember how shitty garrisons are
>remember that Id have to do TBC, WOTLK, and MOP leveling again
>all of the guilds on my alts that had 600+ members are deserted with people being last online for months or a year
Nathanos Blightcaller?
This better not be the Fordring's son questline. That was frustrating, not fun
Finding Mankrik's Wife
The entire Booty Bay questline
If you level from 1-100 and you consciously avoid Booty Bay at level 35, you are a colossal faggot.
Those don't exist anymore, welcome to six years ago.
>want to play wow
>im a niggerfaggot
>Go kill some pirates
>Now grab their maps
>Ok now kill the admirals
Gr8 stuff m8
>Want to play WoW
>spent all my money on hamburgers
The only ones you """cant""" skip are in the beginning which take like 2 minutes each. You can literally grind from 0 to 60 without ever doing a quest. Dumb fuck.
Well you already named more worthwhile quests in vanilla than there are in all of the cataclysm rework, so there's that.
For NEETs, he was clearly the best option.
Used to log into WoW daily for garrisons, now log in twice a week at best.
>every single duskwood quest chain
If you insist
I guess I do have weird taste in what I find enjoyable in WoW. I loved desolace as horde for example.
>Cataclysm was 6 years ago
>new Undead
>running in and out of Lordaeron with no mount
>want to play WoW
>remember I got perma banned back in 2006 for something I didn't do after being subed for two years
Fuck you Blizzard and your early WoW shit.
>walk into STV
god damnit
>Obligatory stealth missions
That shit was prevalent in games in the early 2000 and they sucked
>Cataclysm's 1-60 areas are as old as Vanilla's were when they were updated
Yes thank you for educating me, if only everyone played like you we'd all be having a great time.
Maximilian of Northshire
John J. Keeshan
Subject 9
The Day Deathwing Came
Battle of Darrowshire
Pretty much prove you wrong
If you actually do want to play, just email them about it. There's a big chance they just unlock your account because they're so desperate for subs at this point.
A similar thing happened to me after my original account got hacked and permabanned. I just opened a ticket like 8 years later and they were like oh yeah sure here you go.
>want to play wow
>remember how boring it was
Seriously the game was a chore. A friend got me to play it and it was like doing my laundry or the dishes except I get rewarded with xp afterward.
Clearly hasn't played this tier.. Legendary quest chain is mandatory for raiding nao
It takes 4 months
Really? I may do that.
I quit after lich king. Even lich king was shit. Anyone that played after that was stupid no life dumb fucks.
That all might be right, all I know is that I made a conscious effort to do both the alliance and horde 1-60 experience just through questing after cataclysm and I don't remember a god damn thing about any of the quests.
>still wanting to play WoW
Fucking Kek
I was pointing out how you didn't have to do quests you didn't like faggot. That doesn't mean you have to do 0 quests it just means if you don't like it don't do it. Dumbfuck.
The motherfucking zhevra hooves. not only is the droprate abysmal, but there are no fucking zhevras because everyone is killing them for the fucking quest.
>not playing on a pve server
Blame yourself
After all these years has anyone found Mankirks wife? Also, LFG Lazy Peons.
>Kids who were born when WoW came out will be graduating in 6 years
>Kids who were born when WoW came out are in middle school
>Kids who were born when WoW came out will be in high school in 2 years
>tfw spent hours actually reading quests, following directions, and traveling around the map to do them
QH killed wow
The fucking chicken escort quests in vanilla
Pristine Yeti Horn quest in Winterspring can eat my asshole.
battle of darrowshire was a great quest. i think one of the only non-instance related quests that recommended having a raid group. the reward was shit, but it was fun to do.
got ganked so many times trying to do that quest
>Want to play WoW
>My old server is now a ghost town
I don't want to pay for transfers
>have a discussion with some of my guild mates recently
>talk about barrens quests, horn of arra'chea, Legend of Stalvan, Mor' Ladim quests, all those big quest chains
>onyxia attunement
>thunderaan gank raids
>AQ effort
Sadly out of the 25 people on teamspeak it was like 4-5 of us that actually played back then.
Most people just sat there silent because they started in cata or even later.
>want to play wow
>level through TBC dungeons so quickly you don't get to enjoy them more and are instead dumped into WotLK hellhole
You and me both. I played on fucking Chogall, where being alliance you needed a raid group to just go from point A to B. Took me hours upon hours to do this stupid ass quest. Drop rate was shit and I got dropped about once every minute. Fuck that stupid quest.
Just skip the quest bro, no biggie~
>>want to play wow
suicide is the only option
>friend talking to me about Yogg Saron in HS
>mention that fight was the hardest thing I've done in WoW
>"Huh what do you mean?"
>tell him that he was the most ridiculous hardmode boss in the game
>"Oh right, Hearthstone is based on warcraft stuff, I forgot"
>Having to kill 8 of those invisible panthers
>Collect all the pages split up into like 5 different quests so it takes up an obnoxious amount of space in the already crowded q-log
>"Travel to the other side of the world to deliver this for me!"
Legend of Stalvan, The Mor'Ladim questline, Missing Diplomat, Shady Rest Inn, Fallen hero questline in Blasted Lands.
Bet there are more I can't recall now.
This makes me sad.
>Want to play WoW
>remember I'm not in highschool anymore
>remember that I have responsibilities
>Remember that I know no one on the game and have no desire to get to know anyone
>Remember that I can just buttfuck through LFR and get that "good enough" experience
>remember that I don't give a shit about learning strats anymore
>remember that I've become what I hated back in the day
>remember that I've become the "It's just a game dude" guy
And I feel no incentive to learn it anymore. Fuck, I have to call a plummer tomorrow and get the furnace fixed. Also I'd rather spend time with my wife.
>mfw I was a part of the gank squad that would roam around that area and kill people on sight
What's worse, the story you just said, or the countless fuckwits who hit level cap, go through old raids for X-Mog and proceed to tell you the fights weren't that hard.
like, fuck, fuck you dude, yes they were, AQ40 was hard.
>vanilla wow hunter quest
>collect antlers in azshara
>12 hours later..1/4 antlers
Will Sup Forums be buying Legion?
>quest calls for "perfect" items
>drop rate is .01% because "you ruined it while you were fighting :^)"
>Want to play WoW with Friends
>They play Alliance
>modern wow
its all about LFG dungeon runs now
>remember the good old days of WoW
>Remember westfall
>these cunts
you mean the one retard who got fucked the moment any competent player showed up
i liked to take a detour to fuck sorry asses like you
People who play hearthstone who have never played WoW make me uncontrollably angry. They don't deserve to play it.
>you will never play vanilla WoW for the first time again
>all of un'goro crater
What are some of the comfiest questing zones and which ones are absolute shit? I'm looking at you, silithus!
1 HUH: It's okay, I got this
2 HUH: Uh oh.
4 HUH: Release spirit to nearest graveyard?
whoa its almost like people are born daily or something
>that like 0.1% drop rate on Helcular's Rod
>successfully avoided booty bay on kronos because it was literally vietnam with rogues on every fucking turn and corner
Yogg is Ulduar,you're mistaking him for c'thun, the one from vanilla
>That water totem quest for the shamans
Like, really.
>college friend is addicted to World of Warcraft
>people won't stop talking about it at school
>Finally give it a try
>So many people on screen at once? THIS IS AWESOME!
>Start exploring and leveling
>realize all too soon every quest is
>collect these
>Kill X of X
>Try PVP
>Hey, playing against others players is cool
>You get no experience from PVP, and use resources like potions, which you have to rplenish by playing the dreaded PvE
>Keep getting one shotted by people in extravagant pvp armor who refuse to level up and just stay at level 19, 29 etc.
Post cata 90% of zones are absolute shit. It's especially bad for places that used to be super comfy, like Thousand needles, Barrens, Loch Modan and SIlverpine.
>want to play WoW
>remember most of my favorite zones and dungeons were reworked into shit
>remember superspeeded leveling in TBC, WotLK and Cata originals
>remember terrible MoP zones
>remember Draenor garrison
More like remember the state the game is in right now and start crying.
they removed all class quests years ago
>want to play WOW
>realise I'm not a faggot
The lvl 15-30 defias storyline was cool as fuck desu, it tied well into the overarching story of stormwind and the alliance onyxia attunement quest.
>want to play wow
>remember there is nothing to do in the game
>tfw got really into WoW at the last half of TBC
>tfw got to experience the WotLK events
>will never have experiences in an online game like I had with the WotLK content ever again
I really want to relive levelling a character in Wrath again but private servers just don't cut it. and there's been too many unenjoyable mechanic changes for the game to even feel the same anymore