Ask someone with over 500 hours of Fallout 4 on Xbox One anything. I'd go take screenshots for proof, but im too lazy

Ask someone with over 500 hours of Fallout 4 on Xbox One anything. I'd go take screenshots for proof, but im too lazy.



Why did you think this attention whoring thread was worth making?


this is my question too.

Well thats a complicated question. Honestly? I enjoyed it. Yea, its a shit sequel, but as a game on its own, its a-ok.

>inb4 muh rpg elements

Fucking hell, its already been established that its not an rpg. Look, if you can give me more specific questions, sure. I'll answer them.

What is your favorite part of the game?

Worst part?

Did you play the previous Fallouts? Tactics/BoS don't count.

Do you prefer 3 or New Vegas?

Did you care about Fallout 4's lack of internal consistency when it comes to the Fallout Universe?

Not OP but the consistency goes to shit after 2. In Fallout 2 society had more or less recovered, it was just different. In 3 things go back to scary Fallout 1 levels of anarchy, even though its like 200 years after and nothing major had really happened since. Gah, it pisses me off.

Favorite part? The new power armor. it clings closer to the established lore, aside from the dumbass fusion core thing. Honorable mention to the Brotherhood being more west-coast

Least favorite? Voiced protagonist/dialogue wheel

I played Fallouts 1 and 2, and Tactics

NV because its just better, but I really like 3 because muh nostaliga (got me into the series)

yes I fucking care. I try my best to pretend the inconsistencies arent there.

Did you enjoy it

For the most part, yea. but look at
for more details

Alright, I'm satisfied that you're not a moron. I'm glad you had fun with Fallout 4, I can't play for longer than 20 minutes without rage quitting.

Thats how I felt at first.But I somehow had a feeling that it would get better. And you know what? it eventually kinda did. Plus the DLC is actually good.

But why 500 hours? What do you even do at that point?

>Shilling this hard.
Get fucked, your game is shit Todd.

I bet I have more than you, OP, also on the Bone.

Fuck, I don't even know. All I know is that I was messing around on my main character and noticed that I had over 400 hours on him. My other characters combined, its a bit over 500 hours. I... guess I actually liked the settlement building. It was comfy

Not OP but I'm
Settlements and murder sprees.

What do you think of the range of games on the Xbox One? Do you wish you'd bought a PS4/PC?

I plan on getting a PC. I have a steam account and a fuck ton of games, but my computer is a potato. As for the Xbone, the range of games is pretty okay, though, and I like the Xbox exclusives more. Plus, 3 free games every month is noice.

Why haven't you bricked your console with "mods" already?

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Because the mods actually work pretty well, although im upset about the 2 GB limit.

Because im not a virgin who spend all their time complaining on an image board about the smallest issues in videogames.

My father has 60 days on fallout 4 on xbox one


Will I ever get a gf?

Probably. Mail-order brides are always a thing.