Meme DmC all over again

modern girl "edgy", black hipster and some retarded anarchist


>modern girl
u wot m8


>People will buy this SJW garbage
>People on Sup Forums will buy this niggerpandering shit

don't forget the 10/10 score

>yfw it's just as bad and broken as the first one but it gets great review scores because diversity and pandering to the san francisco game scene


what if devil may cry was a girl

Looks pretty sweet. Since I'm not a thin-skinned, easily triggered Republitard I can look past some of the 'pandering'.

I told you guys the SJW meme would destroy the gaming but you told me I was being a racist, machist, bla bla bla...

That's why IGN , metacritic, destructoid, polygon, etc should be removed from the web.

At least DMC had decent gameplay

>getting cucked by a digital nigger
well that's a new one

DMC 3, 4 and Heavenly Sword is way better though.




Oh, will you just admit you're a racist?!

I miss it when Sup Forums was left leaning





I can't tell the difference between a hood and a hijab

>Game does well
>"The power of diversity, folks!"
>Game does poorly
>"That dastardly racist Goober Gate! This is why we need more diversity!"

>Will get good reviews regardless of how good/bad it does

Islamic Hijab Hacking Unit

I don't see how this relates to the misinterpretation of a beloved character with 4 previous games.

Also what's wrong with making a fictional video game character/group of hackers grounded in real life parallels to the real world?

I don't really identify with the look/motivation of the characters Ubisoft is presenting, but to me it makes the most logical sense to have "hacktivism" characters like this.

This game is literally Mr. Robot : the game.

Looks meh, but the ctOS is a cool concept.

>new Western game announced
>Sup Forums shits up Sup Forums for a week straight


No we did not. Sup Forums is not a single person.

I hear that being thrown around all the time, and the last 5 supposedly "SJW" games all got mediocre reviews.

It kind of still is. It's just so far up its own ass trying to pretend to be Sup Forums for fun that they might as well be for real.

>>Will get good reviews regardless of how good/bad it does

This comment was brought you by Bernie Sanders University

because women and minorities scare Sup Forums.

>Heavenly Sword
as much as I found DmC boring as fuck. It is still leagues better to play than Goddess of War. Plot was better than DmC, but yaoi fanfic of DMC is better than DmC

I am, what of it?

me on the left

It's so progressive :'''''')

Companies like Ubisoft will die out if retards stop giving them money to promote agendas like this.

But they won't. They need the next Battlefield as soon as it comes out to play with their pals. It'll be too late for them to wake up when Battlefield:1944 features all-black American soldiers killing Evil Aryan Nazis.

the only reason Sup Forums is full of left retard shills is because they want to be contrarians to Sup Forums

End thread now.


>Meme DmC all over again
No it isn't.
This game isn't shitting on an established character by making him edgy.
The game itself looks like the same Ubisoft garbage except they're in Gaytown, CA.

>not calling it Dindu_Dogs
Really Ubi??

>They need the next Battlefield as soon as it comes out to play with their pals. It'll be too late for them to wake up when Battlefield:1944 features all-black American soldiers killing Evil Aryan Nazis.

this will be the DLC user.

>SJW will find another hobby and quit playing games
>Ubisoft, EA and DICE bankrupt


Thats a hood not a hijab although it looks like one.

how did you find that old photo of me and my family?

>I told you guys the SJW meme would destroy the gaming but you told me I was being a racist, machist, bla bla bla...
You'd be wrong even now.

>That's why IGN , metacritic, destructoid, polygon, etc should be removed from the web.
What? You mean the same IGN that gave, what, 7? 6.8? To the new Mirror's edge?

And Metacritic that doesn't do anything on its own?

And then some more sites that just give out arbitary numbers and at best, preach to the choir.

Detroit Police Department

>To the new Mirror's edge

Because they have to give a bad score to a AAA game in order to push the indie/hipster meme

>Because they have to give a bad score to a AAA game in order to push the indie/hipster meme
How delusional can someone be?
So how come they gave Uncharted 4 a 9.0?

Why did Sup Forums choose Sup Forums to be their shitposting ground and not Sup Forums?

Comics and cartoons are getting fucked over by these people far more than video games.

Please go to Sup Forums instead.

Edginess/obviously forced progressive agendas isn't a problem

It's only an issue when it's shoehorned into well-established IPs

Watch doges is still a relatively new IP, there's literally nothing wrong with this other than that you just don't like it, not like the first game ever interested me to begin with anyways

Sup Forums is everywhere these days.

>So how come they gave Uncharted 4 a 9.0?

Because they can't afford to shit on every AAA game because it's where their money source comes from

Uncharted, CoD and others will always get 9.0+


Yeah, right. I'm delusional..

>sequel to a game that was complete trash, filled with bugs and built entirely on lies
>every single thread is about omg fucking niggers sjw ruining vidya and not anything else

>>every single thread is about omg fucking niggers sjw ruining vidya and not anything else

Because it will be trash, bugs and poor textures but will get good reviews because niggers and SJWs

I miss Donte. I miss those days in general. Oh to travel back in time.

>Making threads and outrage about something that hasn't even happened yet.
>Caring this much about a game you expect will be shit.

Watching Dogs 2 getting 10/10 scores will be another slap in the face ....

hopefully more people will wake up to the reality that video games by Ubisoft and EA are nothimg more than SJW pushing memes

All I want is to hit civilians with the baton because they pay for hentai.

Sup Forums is full of retards, they will never wake up

they've replace the baton with a cue ball in a sock, the ultimate weapon of the dindu tribe

KFC chicken

You kind of are. Are they unable to use the word emotional or something? From the highlighting I would of assumed it was all copy paste, but they don't even use it all in the same way.

That's cherry picking at its finest. I could do the same and grab reviews of dark souls and highlight the word action.

You're fucking retarded

A meme is going to get elected president and all the pundits will try to claim they're not "cuckservatives" to save face.

There is no escaping Sup Forums memes anymore.

>Reviewing movies based on gameplay
>reviewing games based on emotion


11 million illegals going back to Mexico and Central America


How come every single thread I go into tonight everyone has their anti-sony shitpost folders uploaded? Why is everyone so perpetually butthurt about Sony?

Every single thread even if its unrelated has a crying sony wojack or a screencap of reviews or those cheap youtube screenshots tyring to shittalk games graphics, every single fucking thread lol

You are not even trying

The only thing here that can be passed as "anti-sony" is the truth about Uncharted

>those are fair reviews

Never said that. But you've already shown that you lack basic reading comprehension, so now I'm wasting my time.

Because this place is mostly full of 18 year old edgy try hards who only care about muh dank may mays

Why are you making this comparison? Watch Dogs 2 doesn't ruin an existing character or shit on its own fanbase. Ubisoft can do what they want with it.

>Never said that. But you've already shown that you lack basic reading comprehension, so now I'm wasting my time.

Reviewing the based on emotions is logical to you

You should go back to the hole you came from and never return.


>DmC is just to show the companies pushing the "edgy" hipster/SJW meme.

>Sony will get a exclusive DLC where you play as a gay in San Francisco hacking homophobic computers


You should stop damage controlling and allowing Sony to fuck your mind up this bad lmao

>damage controlling

You and other Sonyggers reported that's why I had to post more than once the same image

Now get lost kid.

When will thwy,make a game starring a stereotypical enlightened fedora neckbeard

>not wanting a based trans protag

another SJW episode

Do you not realize it yet friend?
All of these threads, all the people yellying SJW and niggers, making threads about them. They're not your avarage Sup Forums goers they're marketers stirring up shit to get people talking about the game that and because your avarage Sup Forums user is 16 or younger so they're gulliable and easily manipulated

>They're not your avarage Sup Forums goers they're marketers stirring up shit to get people talking about the game that and because your avarage Sup Forums user is 16 or younger so they're gulliable and easily manipulated

So you think niggers in Watch Dogs 2 will make hipsters buy more copies?

but devil may cry already had a fanbase before they ruined it. literally no one enjoyed watch dogs.