Now, even after all that, if you still are thinking: “Why 2017!? You promised us 2015, and then 2016! Now it’s 2017...

>Now, even after all that, if you still are thinking: “Why 2017!? You promised us 2015, and then 2016! Now it’s 2017?!!!?!” Well, the biggest factor in the 2017 release date is attention to detail. When we show off Persona 5 footage at E3 next week (Next week!), I think you’ll understand what we mean. We’re making sure every bit is in place. Persona has exponentially grown as a franchise, and considering that this is our first numbered sequel since 2008, ATLUS is taking its time to ensure this is the best possible experience.

What is going to happen, and what went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Persona has gone down the shitter ever since P4 became a cash cow and the popularity blew up

now the fanbase is filled with the lowest common denominator

Delaying is good.
>but muh duk nukem, muh mgs5!
If you think the reason those game sucked was BECAUSE of the delays, you're retarded.

Game had to be restarted in development because it started when last gen was still a thing.

Pretty clear to me.

Literally no one will care about P5 next week because E3 is going to have massive XV focus.


For the localization, what have AtlusUSA been doing this whole time.

I don't think anyone cares about XV. Or rather, everyone who cares is already fully sold on it, and won't care about new info.

>At the moment, the game will not allow us to gut 75% of it for DLC. We're working on improving it.

>US has to wait 7 FUCKING MONTHS after Japan
How do I avoid spoilers?

Join the military.

You don't, FATLUS has fucked over every western fan with this bullshit

No dual audio after all that time. Just die.

good thing the ps4 is region free. importing this 100%. even adding 10 hours of gameplay doesn't justify a 7 month delay. and fat chance they are even doing that.

I can forgive the delay so long as they include dual audio. But we all know that's not going to happen, so fuck Atlus USA.

English dubs are worthy of your respect, user-coon.

>valentine day

thanks Atlus-sama

To be fair, this is only Atlus' second major game in HD, and Catherine was relatively minimal in comparison.

how have you done so in the past?

>no English release close to the Japanese one
What the fuck have they even been doing with all these delays?

Either Atlus USA has been sitting on their fucking asses or Atlus JP literally only just gave them the game to translate. Either way, it's infuriating.

She had better have a dick.

Mark my words you fucking console losers. You hear me right now? Loud and clear? Well good, you better listen the fuck up.

I did NOT spend $600 on my GTX 980, another $300 on my overclocked i7 @ 4.10ghz, 16 gigs of ram, and deluxe cooling systems to keep this beast at proper temperatures to NOT fucking play Persona 5. You hear me you little faggots? I have spent WELL over $1000 on my gaming rig, and I WILL play Persona 5 on it one way or another. I abhor, I hate, I LOATHE the idea of even thinking of some cheap shitty console from Sony being allowed even 30 yards from my basement. If I need to make a fortress with my pizza boxes, Big Mac boxes, and liters upon liters of piss bottles to keep that shitty underpowered piece of plastic toy away from my very being and my beautiful prized possession (that's my PC in case you didn't know, fucking low IQ peasants), then so be it.

Atlus, I will ask nicely once more. You WILL port Persona 5 to the PC platform via Steam, it WILL obliterate the console version, and I WILL pirate it just to spite you dumb fucking slant eyed gooks for daring to even spite us; the proud and powerful PC master race.


Imagine If they got the game localized faster by dropping english dubbing. Win win for everyone


KOWASHITAI is being handled by NoA, not Atlus USA.

>Square Enix can do four simultaneous WW releases in four months
>Atlus can't release their biggest game on time even after years of delays
>still don't know Europe exists
This fucking company. Are they literally the worst Jap publisher after Konami now?

Atlus USA is still localizing it, just under NoA's watchful authoritarian eye.

At least there will be a day 1 undub.

>tfw I was literally thinking of joining the military
Air force bootcamp is only 2 months.

What then?

I haven't.

No, it's Nintendo Treehouse. They said themselves they're the ones localizing it.

Oh I forgot about Europe. Didn't NISA, the main euro publisher of ATLUS games, recently part ways with them in Europe

Joint with Nintendo, who actually has experience with making HD games, albeit still quite limited in the grand scope of things.

So? You're gonna listen to Japanese audio you don't understand one bit and read cucked English localization.

And I'm gonna enjoy every second of it!

That sounds miles better than getting earraped by dub

>Eight fucking months until neet pussy

>ATLUS is taking its time to ensure this is the best possible experience.

Yeah, you're a weeaboo sucker too lazy to actually learn Japanese.

>dating sim
>release on february 14
>best possible experience
>no dual audio
>have to endure 5 month of endless spoilers from retards everywhere

A weeaboo sucker too lazy to actually learn Japanese who is going to enjoy listening to his seiyuus with the glorious undub!

That what you get for being

I hope every one of you faggots gets spoiled.

I just want to scream "PERSONA!!!" once again while fapping to awkard doujinshi and listening to black rap music, bended in my mum's basement while she's watching me.

Maybe Atlus didn't really think anyone wanted to play this shit series anymore.

>considering that this is our first numbered sequel since 2008, ATLUS is taking its time to ensure this is the best possible experience.
Then why is the combat, animations and graphics worse than #FE

This pisses me off so much. I want to blind play the jap version on release even though I would barely understand the story. At least then when I'm spoiled I'll at least have played it myself

>Dubs are fun!

What burns me the most about this is that they likely could be done with the localization months earlier than the current release date, but Papa Atlus is slowing them down to meet the Valentine's Day release.

They aren't


g8 b8 m8

After the backlash, the faggots are saying that they are currently negotiating for a Japanese audio DLC.

I guess smt apocalypse is slowing them down though that's still bullshit


Eh, not quite. Hardin spouted some bullshit that didn't mean anything.

You are delusional.

Don't kill my last bit of hope, user.

What can they possibly show regarding it?

Is Hardin the least likable man alive?

That's just Hardin doing the standard PR damage control routine. He holds no sway in the company. Nothing will come out of it.

What's with the herculean anti-P5 shitposting effort today? Clearly there is some shill behind it, but who could it be?

Thanks for showing us more bad animations.

People are disappointed because Atlus USA shat the bed yet again.

Thanks for letting us know that you're fucking retarded.

#FEfag. Look, he's in the thread right now.

How is PS3 emulation nowadays?

kek, doesn't exist

They did suck because of delays. Duke Nukem's last game missed the era where all the stupid shit that made it popular was good and funny.

People have been waiting for this game since late 2014 when they first announced it, building up hype for 2 years, then they are told that not only will the game come out next year, several months after Japan, making it almost impossible not to get spoiled unless you turn off your internet. And to just rub salt in the wound, it won't even feature the amazing japanese voice cast they spent a big part of the budget on. Meanwhile FFXV will come out at pretty much the same time worldwide and will feature 4 fucking languages.

people afraid of P5

To play japanese version can I just use a normal US ps3 or do I need to fuck with it?

I don't think it's that Atlus JP wants them to release in 2017 as much as the fact that they could not give less of a shit about anyone outside Japan, including their own international branch.

Of course you can


Not up to speed at the level you could play Persona 5. Your only option as of now is a jailbroken PS3.

It exists its just extremely limited

the shitposters have been waiting for this delayed news

Persona fans, some of them have been waiting since 2008.

Well you need to be able to understand the game.

Well, it's a good time as any to get scalped.

you just described me, while I'm pissed, FFXV means nothing to me

>Atlus USA found out about the delay to 2016 exactly when we did

this fucking company

I had no interest in FFXV, but now after learning about this shit Atlus is pulling I feel like I should just drop Persona 5 and go for FFXV instead, atleast those guys care, it's a shame since I've been waiting for this game since early 2009 when I first completed P4.

You can buy a PS3 on ofw 3.55 (the last crackable firmware) in the range of $150 if you look carefully.

>b-but international release is too expensive for us
>b-but we're not ready for it yet


Massive summon battles, nosses, new locations, new story trailer, new characters, setpiece battles, hype as fuck.

You don't actually believe that, do you? Sure, Hardin was probably in the dark, but the suits and localizers wouldn't have been.

you don't have to make a big deal out of this le

And by that you meant you will buy FFXV and not P5? kek

Delays are good.

They make NO money from delaying the game.
The development costs increase but the amount they charge is the same.
The fact they are taking more time to finish it can only be a good thing.
I know it's frustrating, we all want to play it soon, but in the long run this will mean a better game.

Nobody cares about the shitty combat and awful story. We care about flying around in a car and playing arcade minigames.

Fuck off, P5 is censored, nit dual audio and delayed to 2017 so naturally people are pissed.

Why would they let their PR head, the man who is supposed to be the face of the branch, repeatedly assure people the game was launching in 2015 if they knew better?

Wait this shit got delayed again? Wow.

>tfw live in Japan and actually know he language well enough to play the jap version, but actually prefer English voices
Yeah, fuck you too, Atlus.

Because he's a PR guy and his job is to say it's 2015 until his job isn't to say it's 2015. You don't announce bad news until you have good news, hence why it was packed with a new trailer.

There's no need to tell Hardin shit until you want him to tell everyone else. That just makes it harder for him to lie.

Stop lying, zainichi. We all know your Japanese is shit.

Everyone does.