> what are your expectations
> Anticipations
> Worst case scenarios
> How are you watching it

Let's also share secrets .

Here's what I know. You wont believe me and it's probably why it isn't reported anywhere. Half life 3 at SONYS conference but its multiplat. On PC, ps4, xbox one

Xbox live will become free and they'll just do a subscription model that'll be similar to PSplus back in the ps3 days when they have you " free" games.

You won't see Scorpio but it'll be teased. You'll see the new model that'll output 4k though.

Beyond good and evil 2 NX exclusive . I know about Nintendo's treehouse thing but apparently they're going to announce this. Night be coming to Wii u. I really don't know. I just know it's a Nintendo exclusive.

Sony had a Spiderman exclusive . Who really gives a fuck . Does anyone care ?

That's all I know.

Other urls found in this thread:



My expectation is disappointment.

I'm only watching the last three, all in sheer disappointment with room for surprise, if any.

timetable is wrong sony is tuesday here in nz

Hope they skipp jokes and funny moments and just talk about the games. If they dont stop,well at least i will have fun watching e3 2016 cringe compilations

3dpr lies about tw3 being the last and surprises everyone with another saga or bloodborne 2.

if neither of these happen then ill stay mad.



All I want is Forza Horizon 3 and Frank West as the protag in Dead Rising 4, if it's some randy I'm dropping the damn game all together.

Dear Santa, I want:
-Dishonored 2 gameplay footage
-Hitman Thailand gameplay footage
-At least one new original IP with a cool concept and gameplay footage that is coming out this year

If BGAE2 really is a nintendo exclusive I'm going to be mad. Most of it's fans including me are playstation users and I'm not buying a shitty dying console with no good games just to play it. Fuck you nintendo and your selfish exclusives. You took Bayonetta 2 from me and now this?!

Best thing about E3 is the nightly Giant Bombcasts. That's it.

Knack 2 is rumoured, I hope it's legit just to see the reaction here on Sup Forums.

I have no real expectations though, Sucker Punch working on Spiderman might be interesting, as long as the writers aren't the same ones from Second Son.

Xbox Live won't be free, there's no reason for them to give up that cash cow.

>mommy wont buy me another console for 3 more years

>Dishonored 2 gameplay footage
>Persona 5 gameplay footage
>New Crash Bandicoot details
>Info about the new PS4
>New Star Wars game
>Ubisoft's press conference is still cringeworthy shit
>Something cool that's been barely hinted at but not revealed, like maybe something from Platinum or DMC5

Worst case
>Despite Atlus saying there'd be Persona 5 gameplay, it's just another trailer and a lot of talking on stages that people may write about but you'll never see.
>Motion controls or some other gimmick overshadow everything else again
>Nothing about Crash

How are you watching it
>I'll find some videos when I get home from work. I do miss the days when I worked in the afternoons so I could watch some conferences and report to my friends that started work earlier than me.

I mostly only care for Nintendo each year so this E3 will be a bust for me over all. At least it'll probably be a fun watch though.

Dunno, managed to avoid the hype so far
If we're talking anything, new inFamous or Fora Horizon coming to PC would be nice
A new battlefront, so they can keep raping the corpse
On that theatre thingy with Sup Forums, drinking games when

Get hype

I still want Banjo.

Binary Domain 2.

>3 days
>still no collage

South Park FBH
Spider-Man Sucker Punch
Uncharted DLC
Kingdom Hearts 3
Bully 2
Last of Us 2


>Sony had a Spiderman exclusive . Who really gives a fuck . Does anyone care ?
>not caring about a fucking Spiderman game
kys you faggot kys

>wolfenstein 2
>prey 2
I will nut in my pants during Bethesda's conference if this happens.


I'm not even a Sonygger but if they come out with Crash Bandicoot it'll probably fuck me up big time. I'll buy the PS4 or .5 or whatever and never talk shit about Sony again. Fuck you Sony for possibly making me do this you animals.

>-At least one new original IP with a cool concept and gameplay footage that is coming out this year
Good news, pepe! Ubisoft™ is launching a new triple A IP set to release before march 2017!

I should update it with the Square enix thing but I'll wait for the FFXV presentation.

Same but I'll still talk shit about Sony.

I just want a nostalgic trip of the E3s of years past. Let's see some awesome, cringy, or memeworthy E3 moments pls.



prepare for disappointment

>-Dishonored 2 gameplay footage
Most definitely is going to happen.
They've just had magazine coverage of the game, so new footage is certain to be out.
>-Hitman Thailand gameplay footage
That's also probably going to happen, along with some info about HiTMAN's retail release next year.
>-At least one new original IP with a cool concept and gameplay footage that is coming out this year
Maybe, but probably not out this year.

The legacy of tom calancy lives on...

It's in 5 days not 3..


EA starts it off in 3 days (June 12th).

> what are your expectations
Mostly a shit show that will be inadvertently funny with a few games that will peak my interest
> Anticipations
My long distance hope is a source engine 2 presentation during the PC conference.
> Worst case scenarios
Its going to be shit in a serious not funny way. A extended conversation on vr. MOAR SPORTS, and how the future will be with TV.
> How are you watching it
Drinking alcohol with a lovely bunch of faggot on the internet.

>xbox live will become free
As long as people are willing to pay for it, they will never give up that multimillion dollar cash cow

I really want to see some For Honor gameplay footage, some more Horizon zero dawn info, and some interesting new ips

Life is strange season 2 please

Kill yourself underage 9gagger.

>It's in 5 days not 3..

>what are your expectations
Not much really. I don't buy many games until at least a couple of weeks after release.
New Spider-Man Game, more info about DooM DLC, Fallout 4 DLC/PS4 mods, and of course we'll have some conference cringe.
>Worst case scenarios
Political jokes about Trump and Hillary.
>How are you watching it
Since I'm a britfag, It'll probably be watching the conferences after they've finished on youtube/waiting for a summary video.

>I watch E3 just so I can bitch about it later on Sup Forums

Has anyone ever gone to E3? I live pretty close to LA and am considering going next year. Would it be worth it or nah?

>I watch E3 just so I can find some new cringe memes
There's no public entry to it, but I believe they're doing some public event tied in with it nearby.
If you really want to go to a public gaming event, Gamescom in germany is your best bet.

You have to be part of the media and apply to go, you don't just show up.

Oh wow, really? I always assumed you just had to get tickets in advance and anyone could go, with people like devs and reviewers getting free access

How did squidward become the face of e3?

>Since I'm a britfag, It'll probably be watching the conferences after they've finished

Pussy. I'm a britfag but I always stay up for the conferences.

E3 hype seems to be at an all time low on Sup Forums. The only thing I see regarding E3, are those godawful squidward edit threads.

I can't say I'm very excited either. I don't give a shit about anything any more. I'm moderately curious about the NX and Zelda. But that's about it.

Well some of us have school in the morning.
second year of sixth form

I started the meme 4 years ago and it stuck, one of the things I'm proud of.

Hype is low, true, but there have been a lot of different E3 threads. V/n/ threads, regular E3 threads, card prediction threads, Nintendo at E3 threads, E3 leaks and so on.

>sixth form

user why? The correct thing to do is leave school at 16, go to college and then uni. Sixth form is completely useless.

In the UK, they've changed the law so that you have to stay in full-time education until you're 18.

>I started
You sure did.

>Half life 3 at SONYS conference but its multiplat. On PC, ps4, xbox one

Normally I'd just laugh at this, but.. I can feel it. This year guys, it's finally happening.

>source 2 releasing in like 4 hours
>all the leaks in the past year
>that weird half life crossover thing happening with diablo

Yeah but college counts as full-time education, as long as you do it's cool.

Red Dead Revenge

Well, I'm already in Sixth Form, so i might as well ride it out.

Here's another thing shown before E3 even started.

Thread theme:

That uniform though, you could have avoided that by going to college!

Are we still doing these?

Red Dead Revengeance

Nintendo is going to suck a fat dick.

Are you trying to make these rumours sound as fake as possible?

Anyway, here's a real scoop, Halo 6 exclusive to PS4K.

And then, at the moment of truth HL3 is revealed to be a Xbox timed exclusive and will be on ps3 in 5 months. No mention of pc.
I sincerely hope that this won't happen but we have to be open to the possibility of valve fucking pc over.

No, exclusive to Wii U

Seems like no.

>Teen Titans GO
>Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
>Adventure Time
>The Goonies
>Female Ghostbusters
Holy shit.
They're just going all out with the characters.
Too bad the game still costs £65

Nintendo will win simply ogg of ZeldaU/NX and Pokemon Sun and Moon alone. Maybe they'll also finally unveil Pikmin 4 considering they said it was near completion back in September. Of course, even if they do win, no one on Sup Forums will admit it because hating Nintendo is the cool thing to do.

Honestly, they may do what they did with Portal 2 (allow cross-buy/save with PS4/PC)

He didn't.
Squilliam did.

>Walking Dead season 3 trailer of some kind
>More gameplay from Horizon and The Last Guardian
>The Last of us 2
>skyrim remastered and skyrim 2
>Hideo appearing at the Sony conference for something
>More Crash bandicoot cock teasing from Shawn Layden
>More dad-jokes from Adam Boyles
>More "we're all about GAMING" from Phil Spencer while he wears an indie game T-shirt with a blazer over it

Actually, you might be on to something there.
I think that a reason for the decreased hype this year is that Nintendo aren't doing a digital event like they've done in the past.
Instead they're just doing a 24 hour Treehouse stream of new games such as Zelda and Pokemon.

Knack 2

Why is this happening


>skyrim remaster
I hope not, game's not that old. Oblivion or morrowind would be more fitting.

>fucking Sonic

Wait, really? No, you are joking. Don't joke about it.

On top of the cost you need to buy legos for each new character set. It's literally a game with physical DLC

>reminding me of that fucking disappointment
Please user, no

Dead, there will even be gta 5 sp dlc before agent comes out

I hope the last of us 2 is coming sometime soon and not years down the road.

Memeposting aside, it was a solid 9 in my book

What's wrong with Knack 2? You don't want a sequel to the incredible successful 54/100 Metacritic scoring Knack?

But TFH is great you fag. It's a shame there's nobody online these days though.

Has everyone forgot about Mount & Blade Bannerlord? They will most likely give us the release date and probably announce co-op mode.

They keep renewing the trademark though, something is up with it.


> what are your expectations
Disappointment, presenters embarrassing themselves on stage to lighten the pain
Same was expectations
> How are you watching it
Sony's: Stream when it's on
Everyone else: Youtube reupload since they're are on at like 2AM

Wow, you mean the big selling game that even surpassed Mario 3D World in sales but only in UK because it was bundled with the PS4 console itself?

if it wasn't an imposter, he said he would have a thread tomorrow

Who else here /literally doesn't give a shit/?
Haven't been feeling more apathetic for an E3 in forever. They revealed all the good games, not even a shitty Ubisoft press conference interests me

Why the fuck isn't Nintendo doing a Digital Event?
It's been too long since their last Direct anyway.

>They revealed all the good games

What are you eheheing about user?

Many reasons.
First, last year the Digital Event was a clusterfuck and people hated it. While the Treehouse streams and NWC saved the boat somehow. So they probably thought no Digtal Event was the way to go.
Second, they are focusing on Zelda (even though they will show other games), so having a Digital Event only about one game was going to be disappointing.
Third, it's over for the 3DS and Wii U. Later this year, Nintendo will finally show the NX and its games. So you can imagine there isn't much left to show for those consoles.

America here, I have bad internet so I can't watch the streams. There anywhere I can catch the conferences still? I miss the hell out of G4 this time of year

I guess all the biggest vidya sites will have full e3 coverage.

Although they're the least accessible of the big three for me I expect sony to clean up for no other reason than everyone else has shit all for install base and PC isn't a collective front.

Anticipating good things from Firaxis and Larian on that at least

Microsoft is probably going to tighten the Win 10 noose somehow