Do you agree with Previously Recorded's review of Uncharted 4?

Do you agree with Previously Recorded's review of Uncharted 4?

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fucks off

No user, this isn't about Rich and Jack, it's about Uncharted 4 and their review of it.

The first few hours of UC4 are pretty boring. The game doesn't get good till Scotland. Regardless, Rich and Jack have terrible taste and love all sorts of pre release indie garbage.

Rich in particular is an ADHD fuck who'd probably hate anything that starts slow.

That's not a review. It's a LP.

No it's not, they clearly review it as they're playing and end the video with a conclusion.

Not really though. He enjoys Stardew Valley and that game is the definition of slow. He just games that tries too hard to be a movie.

Regardless of the game I don't take any opinion of theirs as anything to go by because based on what they like I think their tastes don't match mine.
Some of their complaints border on retarded at times.

>Rich in particular is an ADHD fuck who'd probably hate anything that starts slow.

You mean Jack, right? Because Rich is the guy who refuses to skip cutscenes, ever.

Well he is a Crack baby


Exactly. I really agree with Rich on most things though. I watch a movie when I wanna watch a movie, when I play a game, I want to PLAY.

>It's okay if the game's shit for several hours

Neck yourself.

>fake tension
>tons of scripted bullshit
>plays out the same no matter what you do

iv'e never played Uncharted 4 or any Uncharted game but things like that get on my nerves

soon this cancer will be purged. Just need to wait a little bit more

I'm not going to watch it but i'm just going to assume they don't like it.

Anyway how come every time some e-celeb says they don't like Uncharted like Cr1tikal and that other cunt there is always this one fucking faggot who makes a thread about it?

No one cares

I think Rich and Jack should stick to what they actually know instead of talking about games.

Jack isn't that bad. I wish they'd put out Best of the Worst more frequently.

But I never said that. Padding out the game with "cinematic" walking simulator bullshit was UC4's biggest flaw. TPS segments are great, but half of UC4 is just walking around climbing on shit.

Same problem the Last Of Us had.

pre rec has gotta be one of the shittiest shows about gaming I know about. these fucktwats have practically none understanding or care about game mechanics. all I hear them yabbling about is how they personally felt playing and afterwards make a big deal out of theme, art or anything really except game mechanics.

AIDSmoby should fucking be gone already and Richie needs to focus on redlettermedia.

Is Uncharted the most fucked game series in history?

The Sonyggers will overinflate the quality of the game by attacking anyone who doesn't give the game a 9.9999999999999/10.

Devs will ignore legitimate criticisms about its ludonarrative blah-blah-blah because of the Sonyggers will buy the game anyway. So, the series can't ever improve.

Also, the series is currently being held to ransom by an Israeli sewer rat who suddenly wants to pick up the cause of feminism to generate free publicity.

And the people who just want an Indiana Jones adventure didn't buy an Xbox One so they can't play the superior Rise of Tomb Raider.

Talk about poisoning the well!

While I agree that UC4 is fucking horse shit Rich has the worst opinions, he was playing GTAV at one point and complained the whole time about how there was no difference between the PS3 and the PS4 version.

>understanding or care about game mechanics

But user. There are no game mechanics in Uncharted 4.

They are right about the platforming. Uncharted has some of the most mindnumbing, unsatisfying platforming I've ever experienced in a game. The scripted "oh shit nigga you about to fall" moments got old real quick too.

I love the first 3 Uncharted games but they are 100% right on this one

I can't exactly agree because i haven't played the game, but i do understand their frustration

A few weeks ago i replayed Enslaved, and half that game is "platforming" if you can call it that. Just like in the video i actually tried to kill myself by falling and shit, but it was impossible, the only times i could jump the character would authomatically point at the nearest safe ledge. The occasional QTEs they'd try on you were laughable

So,the rest of ND games don't take 4 hours to not be shit


Yea, all these modern games have fucking horrible platforming.
Shit's horrible.



They're not wrong.


[gets up and silently walks out of the room whilst every person i know mocks loudly and laughs at me]

This is why everyone hates RLM if it is not jay and mike. These two are contrarian and they make sure everyone knows it.

Naughty Dog pls stahp

Disliking cutscenes and fake gameplay is contrarian?! No sir, I believe it is you who everyone hates!

>Disliking popular thing = being contrarian
By that logic Jay and Mike are huge contrarians.

Have you ever watched anything they do? They play games they plan to hate just to shit on them so everyone knows how alternative they are. And of coursethey are always the popular well known games.

t.naugty dog dev

Here is the thing sonypony, just because people dislike the majority of games on Ps4 that are heavily focused on the "cinematic experience" doesn't mean they are contrarians.

the original mario has more organic tension than uncharted 4

They liked Bloodborne, Doom, Dragon's Dogma, MGS V

Clearly your knowledge of these hack frauds is very limited, user. I would refrain from commenting on this topic in the future if I was you.

The fact they constantly say they like this pile of games A but not that pile of games B, but only ever play pile B shows this.

They did shit a lot on MGSV.

>They did shit a lot on MGSV.
In the end they liked it though

>but only ever play pile B shows this.
Nigger, they have reviews of fucking FTL on their channel.
Fuck off, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>pile A pile B yadda yadda

what the fuck are you even talking about?

are you a retard? you better be
Jay and Mike loves liked movies like X-men Apocalypse, Jay even loved that fucking new Jurassic Park movie, also most of their beloved movies are popular

>Trying to be funny ever
>Can't even laugh at a rape joke because his SJW software kicks in and he shits the bed
It's the worst when he's with mike and jay and you fucking know they have to salvage that shit or edit it out if they can't
They're finally rebounding on him with his shit though, like in their Pixels movie review.

You're making shit up.
Jay hated Jurrasic World, Mike liked it.
Both of them wouldn't reccommend XMA they just said that there are some interesting things in the movie.

why even post in the thread, just ignore it you big baby

>Jay and Mike loves liked movies like X-men Apocalypse
Stopped reading there.

i would normally agree but RLM don't really belong with the usual 'e-celebs'.

>watching BotW
>Mike mumbling something
>can't hear him to turn it up
>Rich starts laughing
>turn it down
>Mike starts mumbling again
>can't hear him

Is it really that hard with all that expensive as FUCK equipment to get any sort of audio level balancing?

so turn it up*

Its the best uncharted once it gets going.
Good gunplay and I love the grappling hook.
Especially in that chase.
Easily the best level not only in uncharted but a lot of videogames.

that said I wouldn't give the game to my mother.
Or to anyone that old.
They wouldn't know what to do with it.

These guys always hate heavily scripted games. Nothing much new here.

>movie reviewers
>can't appreciate pacing

Seriously nigga?

>4 hours
>still in italy
What the fuck?
Why are they so bad?

It's okay for Rich not to like the game, but the game is SUPPOSED to be linear and cinematic. Not every video game has to be a precision platformer. Sometimes just having a movie-like experience can be fun, especially for casual gamers. It's the same fallacy as when people attacked Heavy Rain for not having enough gameplay. "Wow, it's just a fucking movie!" Yes, dumbass. That is the point of the game. Try judging it on what it TRIES to do, not what different genre you wish it were.

Is it fair to say that I don't like either but at least Uncharted is good at what it tried to do?

>post your face when you found out rich hates trump

Rich Evans will save us all. I wish I could bear his children.

>Is it fair to say that I don't like either but at least Uncharted is good at what it tried to do?

No, because it isn't good at what it tries to do.

What it's trying to do isn't 'be a boring on-rails shooter', it's trying to make you feel scared or excited or tense along with its protagonist, but it can't do that because you know damn well the game won't let you fall off the cliff, it won't let you mistime your jump from the swinging rope, and if being shot in the face starts to hurt, you can just crouch behind a chest-high wall until you're all better.

>tfw no one will ever go into Plinkett tier depth of review except for MrBtounge
>mfw he makes videos once a year now

>you know damn well the game won't let you fall off the cliff
I fell of plenty of cliffs.
> it won't let you mistime your jump from the swinging rope,
It lets you do that.
>and if being shot in the face starts to hurt, you can just crouch behind a chest-high wall until you're all better.
Health packs wouldn't fit into these games.
You don't actually get hit. Mechanically you have regenerating health but if you actually look at the game those are misses that reduce your "health" until you get nearly hit too many times in a row and it counts as an actual hit.

Seriously the fuck are you talking about?
Are we talking about different games here?
Have you played or just watched uncharted?

>You don't actually get hit. Mechanically you have regenerating health but if you actually look at the game those are misses that reduce your "health" until you get nearly hit too many times in a row and it counts as an actual hit.

>30-40 year old liberal filmmakers don't like the racist republican demagogue
This surprises you why?

>8 hour game takes several hours to get good

Sounds great. I mean Persona 4 took 4 hours to get good but that was at least a 60 hour game. A 10 hour game should be good right off the bat.

>Seriously the fuck are you talking about?
Uncharted 4

>Are we talking about different games here?

>Have you played or just watched uncharted?

see my above post for why it sucks

It is silly. But it makes some weird sense and makes for a better videogame.

>Rich in particular is an ADHD fuck who'd probably hate anything that starts slow.
What the fuck are you talking about

Nigger has hundreds of hours in X-Com

Nothing in your above post is true about uncharted though.

Try jumping off a cliff.
It actually kills you.


>Liked fucking Doom
>One of the most anticipated, mainstream shooters or the year

Okay buddy. Maybe Uncharted just sucks?

But it doesn't.

>Try judging it on what it TRIES to do
But both Heavy Rain and all of the Naughty Dog games also fail at telling a compelling story and integrating that in with gameplay.

Naughty Dog has a habit of trying to "seamlessly merge" story and gameplay, but this only serves as a detriment to both sides. The gameplay segments fuck up the pacing of the story, and the player's agency to be stupid and/or brutal interferes with the establishment and maintenance of tone and characterization.

And that's just the view from 10,000 feet, there are plenty of specific problems with their scripts and storyboards and game section that I don't have time to go into. Probably the most egregious example being in Uncharted 2.
>"Hey, time to start the game en medias res. Climb this train for 15 minutes!"
>flashback begins
>10 minutes later
>"Hey, you caught up! Climb the train again."

>tfw get comfy and put on some RLM
>I've already re-watched every episode

Does it have juicy Shaq-meat in it?

you make a compelling arguement

>Naughty Dog has a habit of trying to "seamlessly merge" story and gameplay, but this only serves as a detriment to both sides. The gameplay segments fuck up the pacing of the story, and the player's agency to be stupid and/or brutal interferes with the establishment and maintenance of tone and characterization.
Whoops, almost forgot to address the other side:
The constant interruptions of cutscenes and the need to hide load times and zone limitations slows down the gameplay sections and keeps them from ever hitting a comfortable stride. Just as you're warming up to a particular segment it's over and you're back to walking slowly while dialogue plays and the next area loads. There also seems to be an issue with Naughty Dog requiring action "beats" every so often even when they don't fit.

You play Uncharted for the multiplayer so this vid is irrelevant

These threads usually get deleted pretty quick on Sup Forums

>You play Uncharted for the multiplayer

Not really, people who have channels that are based on criticism and cynicalism usually try too hard to at it, even when it isn't justified just so they can be "that guy". I feel like people like this go out of their way to be bad at the games they're "reviewing".

>Obviously hasn't played one of the best multiplayer games ever

Yes, I do. 100%. Fuck interactive movies like that.

>things getting deleted on Sup Forums quickly
>at least 5 cunny threads at all times

Look, man, it's all subjective and you can eat all the diarrhea you want, but don't try to tell me it's really corned beef hash.

Mods are pedos on all boards except Sup Forums. They're just SJWs there.

>and love all sorts of pre release indie garbage
Playing new stuff that isn't AAA is sort of their thing though

Great post you showed me neckbeard dude.

>The game is supposed to be shit, so don't say it's bad because it's good at what it's supposed to be!!

Kill self

you first

Your post is epic, epic for the win!

>yfw Rich has gotten laid but you haven't

Is pre rec any good? All i know is, i don't like Aidsmoby.

Watch the reviews and decide for yourself

they see through cinematic games' bullshit but they're shit at most other video games

just watch their Order 1488 and Alien ISO videos and avoid the rest

>The Order 1488

That sounds cooler than 1886 desu

>The order the stone age
sounds slightly better

The streams are only worth watching if Jay is on, because then it basically just becomes a movie podcast.