Where were you when Square Enix won this generation?

Where were you when Square Enix won this generation?

>world of sequels: the remake
based squeenix

>4 Final Fantasy and 2 Kingdom Hearts games
>only half of them are new games

The only good game on this list is the one from 10+ years ago.

i want more drakengard in my life

Only XV and VII remake will actually be anything of merit. KHIII will be fucking garbage as always but it'll sell.

The only one that isn't a new game is Final Fantasy XII.

The Kingdom Hearts one has a whole new game in it and a movie.

FF and KH fanboys are the fucking worst.

>every single FF game does not have a playable loli
Why is it allowed?

This is why the Tales series will always be numba one.

I want to fuck that tomboy loli.

You and me both, brother. Although Presea from Symphonia is a close second.

Presea is nice yeh. Man all Tales lolis are so fucking great.


The best ones do. 4, 5, 6, and 9.

>FF12 HD
>KH 2.8 Final Chapter (lol it won't actually be the final chapter, gotta milk this series as much as we can)
>FF7 "remake" that isn't like the original at all

Fuck no.


>"shitposter" who can't shitpost at all

>The Kingdom Hearts one has a whole new game in it
In the same sense that Ground Zeroes was a whole new game.

I mean, I guess the FF4 remake gives them a fappable model. Who are these other lolis you mention? (Sorry, I'm not as familiar with those entries.)

>Childish Nintendo-like graphics
The fuck?

how is that bait?
or do you actually think the KH fanbase is any good?

>Game that moves further and further away from why people fell in love with Final Fantasy in the first place
>Failed experiment that didn't deserve an HD rerelease
>Prologue in a series that continually gets more and more convoluted and ends up on every single platform under the sun
>Changing the gameplay of the most popular Final Fantasy and making it episodic

None of those things are good.

Rydia and Porom in 4, Krile in 5, Relm in 6, and Eiko in 9.

Marlene isn't playable in 7, but Barret is best dad for a little girl that isn't even his kid, and that fucking counts for something.

I'm still ambivalent about KH. They fucked up with BBS and DDD. I want a better balanced KH2FM.

FFXV still hasn't revealed the hard mode. FF is just too easy; hopefully they're actually doing something about it.

>Failed shitposter that didn't deserve an (You)

FF XV is literally gay shit.
FF XII HD has been on PC for years.
FF 7 remake is episodic shit.

KH has never been good

Slapping artificially higher difficulty onto a bad action RPG doesn't make it good.

>KH has never been good
The first game was great, and KH2 Final Mix is lots of fun. I'll agree with you on everything else though.

>>Changing the gameplay of the most popular Final Fantasy and making it episodic

I played the original all the way through back in 97, so I'm actually sort of thankful for this. The episodic shit sucks though. Is there any word how much they're gonna charge for each chapter?

XV breaks tradition too early and often. (Cannot directly control party members)



Never thought highly of Kingdom Hearts because disney makes me want to puke. If that's your thing that's cool, I guess

Not only do I hate the art style in World of Final Fantasy but I also hate the name (paralleling World of Warcraft.) It's also loaded with blatant, cringe-worthy and tasteless fan service.

They did alright with LR, but it wasn't available from the get-go. I'll be upset if it's just HP bars and gimping the player. Yeah, I'm not that excited for the game as-is.

I'm not even that big of a fan of FF7, but people who want a remake of it want it to be a faithful remake, and Square Enix is not delivering that.

You forgot I Am Setsuna and Nier Automata

What were they delivering again?

>No new IPs

>FF XII HD has been on PC for years
No, an emulated version of XII rendered at HD has been on PC for years.
This version is more than that. Besides, it'll be worth it alone for the new version of Sakimoto's soundtrack. Couldn't you hear it in the trailer? That track was redone and is now more vibrant than ever.

Because it's not the same exact game?

How is Hitman shaping up?

OP forgot one

>shmup in my action rpg

Not him but I was never terribly impressed by XII's soundtrack.

Don't forget they might finally show off new Front Mission game.

We need a new SaGa game and a Dungeon Siege game that doesn't suck ass.

>SaGa game

It's in the works and getting localized.

>because disney makes me want to puke
What's it like having such horrible taste in everything? There was literally no better 2D animation studio.


>but people who want a remake of it want it to be a faithful remake

I don't understand why people just want an HD version of the original. I mean, I agree when it comes to the story and characters, but the same gameplay over again seems boring. I like ATB too, but if they really want that then they could always play the original.

>because disney makes me want to puke
>I also hate the name (paralleling World of Warcraft.)
>loaded with blatant, cringe-worthy and tasteless fan service.
How old are you? Serious question. You have the attitude of a 14-year-old trying to sound smart and sophisticated, but coming off as an oblivious, naive ass.

It's not even a full game.


Rydia is best.

>wanting to play the same game twice

Why even bother remaking something if you're not going to make it differently?

Just go play the old game; it still exists.

Dayum, I hope it's good or at least better than unlimited SaGa.

Like I said if that's your thing you're welcome to it, but to me it sees terribly wish-washy and devoid of any humor or soul.

Do you really think they're NOT parallelling themselves with WoW / Blizzard? I'd invite you to take a quick look at their twice-failed MMORPG which is not only a WoW clone but also parallels itself with WoW. Its latest patch is called Return of the Horde or something stupid.

Also if you don't think that World of Final Fantasy isn't just stocked full of 100% fan service and chibi you're delusional.

How so?

It is a full game. They've gone on record to say that it's going to cost the same and be the same length of a full game.

It'll be about 20 hours long.

>It'll be about 20 hours long.

That's without side quests and shit, right?

How does chibi = fan service?

Also, Final Fantasy XIV is actually very succesful, despite what some people believe. It's one of the best performing MMOs out right now.
And XI is still going pretty strong despite being years and years old.

I don't see how 'World of Final Fantasy' parralels WoW whatsoever. It's there to indicate a great mish-mash of Final Fantasy properties into one world.

How about a new Bushido blade, parasite Eve, enhergiez, legend of dragoon, or chocobo racing ?

FFVII was a lot longer than 20 hours. A remake that's less than half the length is not a full game. That's the only measure of a full game, because otherwise you could say a 1 hour game is a full game.

>it sees terribly wish-washy and devoid of any humor or soul
Have you never watched any Disney movie? Ever?

>Do you really think they're NOT parallelling themselves with WoW / Blizzard?
Please explain how on Earth a turn-based RPG with team stacking mechanics is paralleling an MMO. World of _____ is not unique to Warcraft by any stretch of the imagination.

> if you don't think that World of Final Fantasy isn't just stocked full of 100% fan service
That's literally the point of the game. It is what it is. You may as well get mad at a SaGa game for being a SaGa game, or yourself for being an imbecile.

No, that's the whole game. It's just splitting the discs up from the original into full, fleshed out games. So there'll be about 4 of them, each 20-40 hours long, but with far more depth than the original.

What a coincidence things started looking up for SE once they ditched Wada and Toriyama.

I don't know if they even have the rights to Parasite Eve anymore, but I'd love a new game so long as it had the same style as the first game, and not the sequels.

It's four installments of 20-30 hours.


dude pleaze fix

Wow, what a shit game! Stealing World of Warcraft's style with a Title like that! And they're totally just filling it up with goo and stuff, don't be fooled!

Toriyama is still there somewhere. Was supposed to reveal his new game last year, but it looks like they chained him up in their basement.

That sounds terrible. Like The Hobbit trilogy.

Wouldn't want to miss out on Minecraft, no sir...

he's in the company because he still is an experienced developer, but you an bet he'll never head another project while he works there.

>The game's too short! It won't capture the length or spirit of the original!
>The game's longer than it was before! Fucking Hobbit shit!

Fuck off, Goldilocks.

Are you the same guy that accused me of being retarded and underage?

I said chibi AND fan service. I never implied they were the same thing. I might have implied they're both tasteless shit but that's different.

>XIV is very successful

No, it isn't. Between XIV, DQX and XI they have less than 1 million subs, and DQ probably has the better of that.

Literally every game tries to be World of Warcraft in some form or fashion. Forbes did an article on this, and how to market to retarded western audiences.

>World of _____ is not unique to Warcraft by any stretch of the imagination

Square has been trying to parallel itself with blizzard for a few years now. And even if that was not the case it's still a cringe-worthy fan service game with chibi art style.

Having recurring themes or items or stories is way different than a game just throwing all of their most recognizable characters together just for the sake of it.

"Wee, I'm Yuna!"
"Wee, I Squal!"
"Wee, let's go an an ADVENTURE! WEEE!!!"

Fucking fuck off!!

Oh cool.

>le minecraft clone maymay

try knowing about the game before u shit talk it pleaz

>just throwing all of their most recognizable characters together just for the sake of it.
That is literally the point of the game. Child, you have to be 18 to post here. Please leave.

They need to stop treating the PC market like an afterthought. When we start getting simultaneous releases, then I'll start buying their games

>can't come up with any reasoning behind his title whining
>just shows himself to know nothing about games, or really anything at all
>whines about fanservice in a crossover fanservice game
Stop, you're killing me.

>If it doesn't have 10 million subs it's not successful

Blizzdrones, I swear...

Although, FFXIV could use some more love. They need to fucking drop PS3 support.

>buying games
What a load of shit. You'll just make up some other excuse to pirate their shit, like you always do. The PC market IS an afterthought.

Final Pokémon is the only interesting game.

>That is literally the point of the game

And that's LITERALLY what I'm complaining about. And you're still calling ME underage while demonstrating a complete lack of any reading comprehension skills.

Your'e welcome to tell me why I'm wrong, kiddo.

They're never dropping PS3 support, first of all and having less than 400k subs is pretty pathetic. That's IF XIV even has 400k subs, which I very much doubt.

I mean I'd believe they had that many subs after an expansion, but 400k consistent subs? No.

Bravely default was the best thing square made in years and they fucked it up in the sequel. I'm pretty much convinced that was just a lucky break since besides that they haven't made a decent game since dq10

Wow didn't realise it was that old.


this game is a ripoff of Red Star

*unsheathes Dark Gluttony*

>3 remakes
Just goes to show you, even they know their quality has gone down so they literally throw out rehashes.

>Persona 5 will get to crush both FFXV AND Kingdom Hearts 3 due to it's different release dates.

Gonna b gud.


Is world of FF a real RPG?

No, it's a hologram

>overhyped game that will never fulfill expectations
>Sequel to a shitty game that will, at best, be mediocre
>HD Port
>HD Port of a shit game packaged with a shitty movie and a demo.
>Episodic remake of a game that barely resembles the original.
>An actual good game with FF branding to sell more copies.

The novel?
The comic?
The game?

No matter which one you mean, that doesn't make sense.

>Have fun listening to shit tier english dub you cuck

At home.

I am so fucking sick of idiots on Sup Forums acting like unreleased games are somehow great when noone's even gotten to play them yet.

Remember MGSV?

This is SE for fuck's sake, there's is a much greater chance that these will all be crap.

Is this what P5 fanboys tell themselves to damage control P5s 4th delay while still deluding themselves into thinking their game will have dual audio and won't be censored?

>There are people on Sup Forums who will never understand that even FM KH2 is slow, floaty and has too many pointless attacks/not enough tools.

>releasing in 2017
It'll be 2018 at the absolute earliest.

No there isn't. The only bad games by SE they were FF13 series and Vanilla 14. None of those devs are making any of the games in OP pic.

>Bushido blade, parasite Eve, enhergiez, legend of dragoon, or chocobo racing ?

I don't think any of those is big enough to warrant anything new. Yeah sure, genre enthusiast know and some are cult classics, but that don't mean shit if you want big bucks. I don't think even Chrono Trigger would honestly garner enough attention nowadays and companies always think in "let's throw a bunch of money at it so we can get a ton of returns on it" terms.

Hyped for WoFF, Nier Automata, Dragon Quest VII remake and I Am Setsuna!