>Overwatch Killer

What happened?

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What didn't happen?

Great game, but not for kids or sjw

If you are a kid or sjw you prefer Overwatch


Back in my day trolling was an art

Atleast Gearbox tried. I don't even like those fuckers but they were making the game way before Overwatch was shown.

If Blizzard made battleborn and gearbox made Overwatch you asshats would be shilling battleborn 24/7.

Translation - I bought the wrong game so I need to justify my shitty purchase somehow.

Isn't Battleborn the one with one of the characters modeled after brianna wu though?
I don't know much about either game but still, watching games tank is funny regardless.

Nice try, Randy. Better go looking for the bottom of that bottle of bourbon again.

Battleborn has a character that literally says feminism is awesome.

Yeah, whenever he kills a FEMALE unit. Atleast try to educate yourself about the things you shit on.

I bought it on sale, asshole.

made this to troll with

>Outsold Overwatch
>vibrant and beautiful art style
>hilarious and quirky characters
>affordable price tag
>trademark gearbox humor
>can always find players

So when will Sup Forums admit they've been BTFO and this wasn't the second Tortanic they so desperately wanted?

I compromise by playing neither

Who hurt you
dumb SJW


Dude come on at least try

When your weak bait gets better.

Is that a brown hulk behind the racist crusader?

everyone think its F2P Moba game

and the legend say this people still wait the open beta day

Marketing tbqh

Average overshitter.

What's that?


>whenever he kills a female unit

Looks like you need to learn to read, dumb fuck.


Fucking overshitters.

I don't see anything wrong with that HUD. If anything it proves BattleBorn is more tactical than OverMeme


>implying anything is wrong with that

Plus more than half of those are pop ups. It's at the very least tactical due to the wealth of information available.

>he thinks anything is wrong with that
God, overshitters can't catch a break can they?

It's so bizzare. Why some developers think the more useless shit you have on screen the better? One thing I hate about Dragon's Dogma is how your pawns all have fucking lifebars and NAMES above their fucking heads. Was that immerse breaking shit necessary? How hard can it be to design good UI? Battleborn is on whole another level though, it's Ubisoft level of shit.

>620 in game

Holy shit last time I was checking this game it was always in the 2000s

What the fuck is wrong with this? It's your standard HUD, and most of those are temporary notifications anyway.

>try to kill Overwatch
>lose to TF2

>what is wrong with it

UI doesn't seem horrible but I hate the aesthetic. Battleborn is just not a pretty game.

>vibrant and beautiful art style
>hilarious and quirky characters

Every day until you die.

How long until it goes F2P?

All this denial

Never, it's already selling several times more than Borderlands which was a best-seller.

days i think because all evidence suggests it won't have an actual userbase soon

I don't play either of these games but you're fucking retarded if you think that is what he meant, dumbass.

Explain all the overwatch threads then smartass

Only correct answer here. Blizzard is a giant of a company.

oh god this cant be real. it looks like complete garbage. people actually play that?

a month, max

>this mad that his shitty opinion is the minority

Are you retarded? I literally said Battleborn UI is shit.

>Best seller

Nice meme.

It's outselling Borderlands 1, which was the worst seller of the series. BL2 is far and away their best seller and is also still pulling 4-8x more players on Steam than Battleborn any given day.

If battleborn was blizzards and overwatch was gearbox's

The numbers would be flipped and people would be saying the same shit about overwatch that they say about battleborn

Jesus christ, the samefagging.

The battleborn ui is literally one of the worst ever designed in a videogame. Everything from the colors used to the raw shape and design make it look like it was designed by a 3 year old or a strong independant woman perhaps.

How so? Overwatch is just pixar shit. Not defending Battleborn but both of your games try to do the same fucking shit. Call me back when either of them have ways where you can actually get real money from playing.

Or maybe Battleborn is shit and Overwatch isn't

sorry mate got carried away

a l l m e

>none of those posts 60 seconds apart
Overbotch BTFO

No.. ABSOLUTLY not, Battleborn is dog shit.

do people get paid to post here? i'm not seeing any reason a person would defend the scab collection that is battleborn


If you switched the two Sup Forums would be licking gearbox's feet.

It's just that Blizzard can afford marketing. What, are you faggots gonna buy the next call of duty just because you see commercials for it everywhere?

Seriously can someone explain what I'm supposed to be seeing here?
I just see a normal HUD, nothing more.

>Call me back when either of them have ways where you can actually get real money from playing.

Well there are tournaments for Overwatch already

Overwatch looks like Pixar and Battleborn looks like that Brianna Wu game.

I like Pixar

This is really true, even Sup Forums the overwatch dickriders can't seem to understand that it is a game for kids and sjw

Are you blind?

I'm not defending battleborn you pleb. I dont play either of the games when you can already play the fucking game both of them are based off on for FREE and get money doing so.

It has fortress in its name.

Tf2 has tournaments and a game market.

>If you switched the two Sup Forums would be licking gearbox's feet.

You keep spouting this, but that doesn't make it closer to being true. The truth is that Stillborn is a shit game and no one wants to play it. Even if someone didn't hear about Overwatch, they'd be able to immediately recognise what a shit game it is.

>play the fucking game both of them are based off on for FREE
But Battleborn isn't based on TF2. It's a MOBA FPS.

Lol, that mock screenshot really was the first thing I thought of when I saw that BB screenshot a while back

You said money, not Steam funbux

Most non fags stopped playing tf2 6 years ago

Keep telling yourself that, when youre crying yourself to sleep, thinking about all the money you wasted on Battleborn.

SMITE had way less advertising than Heroes of the Storm, yet SMITE is now the 3rd biggest MOBA around with 20 million players, and HotM is dying despite being a Blizzard game.

Problem with Battleborn is that its like a mix of all the bad aspects of SMITE and Overwatch.

fuck off shill

>typical Battleborn players

>tfw some Gearbox devs potentially roam Sup Forums to artificially boost interest in their game

>If battleborn was blizzards and overwatch was gearbox's
>The numbers would be flipped

No, this isn't company bias. I have no hate for Gearbox myself. In fact, pic related, you could argue I should like them.

I can try and be objective here.

I played both games, Battleborn is just plain bad. It is entirely made up of "missing the point" or just bad decisions. You can see every idea they had and how it went wrong. Their art style blows, the humour is awful. The gameplay is just not what it could be, it's slower than it could be, it's less fun. The approach of being so close to a MOBA with the creeps and lane control was a bad decision.

Multiplayer FPS lovers don't want to have MOBA goals and AI being a part of their game. MOBA players don't want to play a game that is a shooter at the core. The game targeted 2 different audiences and missed both of them by being substandard in both regards.

In fact it feels a LOT like the Pre-Sequel, a game that potential fans had expectations of based on past games, but it ended up being a gigantic case of "You missed the point" on every front, with the developer seeming to not know what people like about the game and in the end delivering a game that felt like a cheap knockoff of what people actually wanted.

Dude I fucking love Smite, I wish more people around here played it

It even has waifus

Why do people use Pixar as an insult? Are Pixar supposed to be bad?

Videogames used to be about fun, not pushing agendas.

Why the fuck is there so much happening ? Am I just getting to old for video games ?

That hud looks atrocious.

>i'm so fucking retarded

If blizzard made battleborne itd be a much better game than it is now. Conversely anything gearbox makes is shit

why are the two compared so much? Shouldn't Battleborn be compared to other mobas?

You can see where catering to people who have these agendas gets you. It's almost like they don't play video games.

Gearbox made the comparison themselves with their advertising campaign, now they're desperately trying to backpedal and go "T-They're radically different games! Stop comparing it to Overwatch!"

It's fucking pathetic.

Both have extremely little content and honestly aren't that great at all. Both are utter shit.

This company is such a fucking joke, how can people still fanboy for them.

>call of duty X is different than call of duty Y because it has a different default game mode

Two hero-based team shooters that came out around the same time. Also, Buttholeborn trash talked Overhyped on twitter.

samefag overshitter not even trying

Been playing Battleborn already got 400 hours in it. Easily GOTY 2016.

Overwatch got a marketing boost because of that meme tracer ass. Everyone fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

>Gearbox once employed Anthony Burch
>now they are cursed

Nothing OP it succeeded and BTFO your shit out the water.


600 players and yet I can still find games. What's the problem?

look at those ugly gook eyes

>What happened



Of source they look ugly and deformed after they get the surgery to cut the lid to make their eyes wider.

dumb kpop poster

opinion discarded


>le HTML edit
Nice try faggot. We know what's happening with our game.