>load up Blood and Wine
>solar glare on the screen so bad I can't play
>fuck summer

Do I read a book or do I go to the gym, Sup Forumsee?

Go to the gym and be the best person you can be!

You could buy shutters

>solving the problem for this retard
fuck off

Or turn the monitor and move your chair/desk.

Man, this thread is shit.

Just turn the light off you lazy faggot

How do I turn the Sun off, Ahab?

By hitting the off switch you lazy cunt

>Not being a demigod

Jesus Christ are mortals now allowed to post? This place went to shit.

Hahaha, heh woah man you're wild

get a curtain faggot


Point the camera down towards the ground. That whole foot of difference magically removes the nuclear flare that takes up 75% of the screen.

I dont know i didn't approve it

so are the expansions for witcher 3 worth it?

i'm still in the main game or whatever at lvl 30, think i'm right before the final mission. wondering if i should pull the trigger on more content or just finish it and be done

The answer to this question comes down to whether or not you want more W3 content I'm not here to sell shit to you.

As far as value-to-dollar there is simply no company out there offering more work for the same price.

Both expansions are worth it. Or you can pirate it and then buy it, to support the developers who denounced Denuvo.

What kind of retard is poor enough to not have even simple curtains on his window? Are you some middle-eastern fuck or somethings? Why is your monitor pointed towards the window anyway.

appreciate it.
Where do the content lie level wise? What level do i have to be to be alright? Or recommended for that matter.

>paying for a single player game

Recommended level for starting Hearts is level 32 not sure about Blood since I haven't installed it yet

What is the best spot for faming giant centipedes? Already completed the Wine wars questline before I noticed I need that centipede acid for crafting grandmaster items.
