Feels > Gameplay

Feels > Gameplay

Ya cant have neither

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Gameplay > Sound effects > visual design > music > graphics > feels > dialogue > narrative > story

You can have both. Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne.

menu design>autistic lore>jpop soundtrack>upskirt shots>gameplay

reminder this guy is racist for not preferring the superior katana

weebs dishing out social justice to uncultured prejudice swine

Got a direct link for that video? It must be unlisted.

Its obviously an edited picture m8

Its some video about shitty gladiator weapons.

His personality is just so annoying I can barely stand him this days, it feels like he is pandering to teens and fedora wearing idiots with most of his content.

I love it when I see people compare Euro vs Japanese swords and watching weebs cringe with horror as their GRORIOUS NIPPON STEER gets folded like fucking aluminum foil.

What! This is the worst day of my life. It's even worse than that time I saw the picture of the video about 5 scientific reasons to kill myself, that doesn't exist either.

You shut your whore mouth before I throw a pommel in it.

Weren't katanas invented at least a full century after Europe moved on from the normal longswords we often compare them to? Kinda unfair

>watching weebs cringe with horror as their GRORIOUS NIPPON STEER gets folded like fucking aluminum foil
I rarely see this happen, most of the time it's just hardcore westaboos screaming their lungs off at the very existence of katanas

That depends on how you define a katana.


A pointy bit of metal that goes bop bop!


>Ya cant have neither
Well, that's too bad because both carry each other.

story is more important than graphic.

>bop bop
and slash slash!

Depends on who you ask, I for one put story above graphics, but there are a lot of people that olay a game for graphics only(mostly COD kids)

Reminder that HEMA is worse than backyard ninjas

>m-muh historical accuracy
Well faggot, do you have formal training in footwork? How to breathe?

You're just faggots larping your fantasy fetishes while trying to make it less embarrassing by citing "sources" 80% of HEMA can't read anyway

If I want a good narrative, I'll pick up a book. What passes for "good narrative" in a videogame is laughable, especially in modern AAA games, which have stories on par with Hollywood action movies.

Gameplay over narrative, obviously.

That said, not the classic definition of "feels" but there are games so unbelievably comfy that I can forgive all their gameplay transgressions because I just can't get mad at them. Best examples for me are probably Wind Waker and Persona 4.

Story > Gameplay > Music/sound effects > Graphics




>hanging out with your best friends in a small town while youtube.com/watch?v=d-x3ojOGWa8 plays in the background
>not comfy

Tier lists are redundent since what matters is how the elements work with each other.

Gameplay>visual design>sound design>story

emotions transmitted through gameplay and ambience will always be superior to how shit some guy's life was.

>He doesn't know about youtube edits maymay

Journey does in fact have neither.