Looks familiar

looks familiar...

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Assassins creed


>looks familiar...

Wind Waker, obviously

who let niggers sail the sea

Of course it looks familiar its a fucking ocean

is that some naruto shit or something?

OP is referencing Roadhog's hawaiian skin. Thinly veiled overwatch thread.

>2 animal mascots
>no villain
>empty water just to sell their water engine
>edited rapunzel model, again

>mfw I saw it

>edited rapunzel model, again
So they blacked rapunzel this time?

is that roadhog

How the fuck did you think the Pacific Islands were colonised in the first place?


polynesian Jack Black?

Roadhog :the Origin movie

what'll they do when this bombs harder than princess and the frog?

there's literally no excuse for zeus to take on the shape of a winged creature in the metamorphosis, i'd wager that it's poorly writen but Ovid could be mistaken for a classicist's bach

Make money off the kids' merchandise.




I seriously lose my fucking shit when they show off traditional animation for shit then the final product is some shitty CGI film.

I don't get it

We're never getting another.

l o s s

Are you saying that you're at a LOSS for words?

To be fair, native Hawaiians are basically island niggers, at least the ones that endlessly complain about 'MUH OVERTHROW' and 'MUH STOLEN LANDS' when they aren't even fucking descended from ali'i or have such diluted bloodlines and have no right to bitch at all. Was it a shitty thing for the US to do? Undoubtedly. But it's done and done and nothing you do will change it now. Get the fuck over it.

dem titties tho


>Disney Infinity tie in game could have been a Wind Waker clone
>We could have gotten new traps for toybox

what the fuck
they can fuck right off on a coconut with that

disney is on fire lately

pic related is 11/10

t. furry

One of my favorite Losses, right behind this one.

Looks comfy t bh

It's ironic their worst animation in the last years, Frozen, ended being the most successful one, when movies like Zootopia, WiR and Big Hero 6 were ten times better.

oh my fucking god
how what the fuck

that is a really nice edit, damn

Big Hero 6 is terrible, though.

Zootopia was surprisingly good, outside of them dragging out the first sloth scene for too long. The last one was great, however.

>Big Hero 6 is terrible, though.
Still better than Frozen, though.

Wreck-it Ralph > Zootopia > Tangled > Big Hero 6 >>>>>>> Frozen

If they hadn't tried to SJW up the Princess and the Frog, maybe we'd still be getting traditionally animated Disney films. The new ones look good, but damn, hand drawn is like no other. Zootopia is the movie that convinced me that computer animated is the future. Fucking rendering 100,000+ individually placed hairs, holy shit.

Fucking this, when I watched frozen I thought it was alright but nothing special but then the movies you mentioned I fucking loved, but then again I guess it's because I'm not a 8 year old girl

Is this real or a shoop

Photoshopped, obviously.

>If they hadn't tried to SJW up the Princess and the Frog


Not him but it really wasn't. That movie was terrible. Literally a shitty episode of a saturday morning cartoon stretched to 2 hours. Only good thing about it is the porn we get.