Any logical reason you didn't play サクラノモリドリーマーズ?

Any logical reason you didn't play サクラノモリドリーマーズ?

You like Persona 4, right? So why not enjoy its darker and pornographic version?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know, user, why don't I suck your dick?

Post a link and I will.

why would a person writing in english do that? whats the point?

Easily available where eroge usually is.

Sakura Forest Dreamers?
What the fuck's that?

Well, someone download it, play it, and post pics/webms for us so we can pretend we actually played it ourselves before shitposting about it.

Why no pics of this unknown game you dumb retarded OP?

Heard of Google?

>OP wants to talk about this nip game
>No info, no pic, no vids, just a faggot twitter
>Expect people to feel compelled to search for it
Nah, no thanks. Not even going to click on your link. Show us some fucking gameplay yeah?

Nice gameplay

>why haven't you played this incredibly obscure VN?
I'm completely stumped.

It's an eroge, you know how they work. You read text, you make choices, date cuties etc.

How different is reading text, choosing from a menu and dating girls any different than Persona?

Just came out two weeks ago, but the trials had some buzz.

are we pretending persona 4 didn't have dull turn-based combat and shitty dungeons

>dull turn-based combat and shitty dungeons

You mean choosing from menu and pointless filler? Choosing from menu is in サクラノモリドリーマーズ too and not having filler is a plus.

Nearly 5k tweets and no replies.
No wonder you came here, Hadler.

Show me the interface, then

How about you learn how to make a good OP first?
What´s so special with this one? Plenty of eroge out there, and in English, and have turn based combat, rpg system and so on. Girls aren´t even all that cute except the one with pony tail.

Is there an english patch?

>no gameplay
>looks like only vanilla shit

not in a million years OP

Well it came out two weeks ago in Japan, so...

>looks very bland
>girls design is mediocre
>some edgy teenage '''triller''' story
>no rpg elements at all
I wonder why.

>>girls design is mediocre

Why? And what makes Persona 4 designs non-mediocre then? Or any at all?

I'm all for a VN with Persona 4 asthetics, e.g. Axanael, but even that VN has a six-hour/six-PoV gimmick and a timeline system. What does this ching chong garbage has?

They're designed more like actual people than personifications of overdone tropes? You can feel free to disagree, but all of these ero games always have to have their Rei and Asuka ripoffs along with the required delicate flower loli.

Cos I can't read chink, duh

Moonstone is shit
Princess Evangile is also shit

Sounds like a cool game, let me loo-
>visual novel

>What does this ching chong garbage has?

MC with a gf from the start. You have to admit that's not common at all.

Yeah I don't care about that. What are the features of this VN? Rondo Duo has animated sprites and musical notes to control the H scene, Steins Gate has a cellphone to send mails/calls, Rance has strategy & combat. I'll iterate:
>What does this ching chong garbage has?

>It's an eroge, you know how they work
No I don't. There are tons of different kinds of eroge. What you mean is that it's a shitty nukige that isn't like Persona 4 at all.

I have no idea how you reached that conclusion.

Perhaps you don't know what a scenarioge is?

Did why dead gone?

translate it weeaboos

the only good eroge is Sengoku Rance

Nothing except some bland '''scenario'''.

Sakura no mori dreams


my bad


>writing native japanese words in katakana


It's "cooler".

because Rance VI is a better game than Persona 4

yeah Perofella 4 is GOAT, best RPG of this decade

I'll play it if it's translated.

I took Japanese lessons, but I forgot almost everything I learned from it these days so


Yeah, well at least I wasn't raped, ever.

does this look like rape?

I'll rape you like that if you want user.


Fuck off worst girl.

>this shit taste

But is the game any good?

Maybe in due time. Moonstone seems to want to dip their feet in the western pool by releasing love sweets on their own without a 3rd party, so maybe this will get localized one day .

You know that they're just going to kill the market. All these companies dipping their feet with their shitter releases are just going to oversaturate the market with shit.

Thinks like the Sakura games make it even worse

Even that sideline girl is better than Shizuka, honestly I see nothing appealing about her.

Or they know there was no big stable market to begin with, so they want to quickly and easily made money and be done with it.

And it's going to have the impact of killing the market

Yeah but you're a sengoku + 1990s games only namefag with shit taste

Given you haven't played VI or IX you're not really in a position to have a decent opinion either way

Well if they translated it I would play it.