Which voice chat is everyone using these days?

Which voice chat is everyone using these days?



enjoy your fucking botnets


you know what's weird, if you read kristeva's powers of horror, you can understand that people are invariably drawn to pornography and graffiti, especially in areas where there would be none; given that the context of vioce hierarchies and communications using voice hierarchies makes us so suceptible to pre-defined understandings, we're just waiting for voice chat to engulf us in humiliation

>any of those 1997-tier programs
fucking lmao, use discord you fucking vagina retard


roger wilco

Discord. No one is using that old-ass shit anymore. Lazy tards couldn't be bothered updating their applications after years and years and now they are being left in the dust. Good riddance.

>now they are being left in the dust.

How so? The ones listed above are still being supported.



Skype and Steam VOIP call

>being 30+ years old and still on Sup Forums


>le Discord is good meme XDDD

Literally kill yourself.

>How so? The ones listed above are still being supported.
I meant that they don't upgrade or innovate. They are old Windows 98 looking programs and don't seem to give a shit about ever changing that.
Not an argument.

I use discord since my friend got tired of paying for a mumble server.
It's all the same shit, unless you're using skype it's all good.

What does Discord do that is innovative besides the ability to use it from a browser?

Give 5 reasons why its worth switching from TS to Discord except for its ~~kool~~ and hip memes

>Using Discord

Enjoy all your information being sold.

I have no idea where Discord came from or why it's shilled so damn hard.

I don't know, but it's gotta be something with all those resources it's using.

Jokes aside, it does have some neat features like seeing what people are playing and having an archive of the chat like skype, while not being skype.

it also has very reliable voice chat, great text-chat with lots of features, and good cross-platforming.

mute pls

>not using teamspeak for that sweet plugin functionally

gramps you should be sleeping now

Discords bretty pood

How do you shill for a free program?
