Halo MCC Is Probably Maybe Coming To PC


Why is nobody talking about this?

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From what I gather, you will be required to use an Xbox Controller to play as well, so maybe it'll have cross platform multiplayer?

Because we had a handful of threads about it two weeks ago.

Well, shit. I'm sorry I missed that.
Any idea if it's legitimate or not?

I don't fucking want that abortion, I want Halo 3. I would be shocked if they actually fixed the problems that the MCC had just for a PC release.

If Halo MCC is released on PC, and they do it the RIGHT way (which is very doubtful) it would be fantastic.
I would love to play Halo 2 and Halo 3 online again.
The ability to play with my friends that have Xbox One's would make it particularly awesome.

The guy who leaked the Dead Rising 4 shit (Which is all but confirmed to be legit) said that Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive were to be announced as having W10 ports this E3, but MCC was staying put. However, M$ explicitly said that Halo 5 isn't going anywhere when PC Gamer contacted them this morning, so really, I don't really think anyone knows for absolute certain.

>Windows Store
And nothing of value was lost.

>you will be required to use an Xbox Controller to play as well
Phil better not let this happen

I'd personally rather have MCC. The only reason I would play 5 is to beat the campaign.
To each their own I suppose, but I miss playing Halo 3 online.

Halo 5 is going to windows 10, but i believe it is just for forge. So you can build maps that will be used on xbox one. Still good for me, but pc users shouldnt get their hopes up.

If they were to make that requirement I'd say that it should only be enabled if you choose to enable cross-play.

Nah, it was aside from that Forge thing. He said that the full game was actually going to receive a port in the near future, which turned out to be false.

Some of the custom game maps on halo 5 are fucking insanely fun. And even a couple of remakes from halo 3. I wasnt a fan of halo 5 the first month but i cant stop going back to it now

>Windows 10

No thanks

But you can use a kbm on xbone

Nah man, forge AND custom games are coming to win 10. Which I think personally is pretty legit.
Halo 5 has some pretty phenomenal customs and I think it'll be nice to share games with pc bros. I've enjoyed my xbone through thick and thin but it's about time Microsoft went back to it's PC roots.

>Why is anyone not talking about this game that is shoved in w10
I don't know man

It's also worth noting that another reputable (or someone with some heft) neofag user called that user's prediction into question, however I've heard a few people say that his opinion too is questionable.

It's been a bit of a roller coaster. Who knows what the fuck is going on now.


>Windows 10 exclusive

10 years too late. Nobody gives a shit anymore.

I hope this happens.

Since mods have always worked with UWP, it'd be nice to see what the Halomaps and Eldewrito community can do.

WStore has way better customer support than Steam. I have no problem with it. I'd rather they bring us good ports like KI and Forza than focus on backporting an entire api that's still being developed.

Uh because it's going to be Windows 10 only and require Windows restricted shit store service.

>microgay store

don't give a fuck

why do people actually give a fuck about halo

it's been dumbed down console shit since day 1

I'm sure all the people who had W10 forced on them would love to purchase this :^)

Would buy it no problem if it wasnt w10 exclusive.

>Probably Maybe Coming To PC

>Sup Forums acting like they're protecting their privacy by not using windows 10

Oh you autists. Literally the XPfags of this decade.

Because if it comes out exclusively for the Windows Store then I don't give a single shit about it.


doesn't Microsoft remember windows live. why are they pushing the same shit again

maybe they realize the PC audience has gotten dumber and it'll work this time

microsoft is fucking retarded and doesn't really care about the consumer base


>I want Halo 3
Then download Eldewrito

It fucking better

>windows 10 only
>on microsoft's steam equivalent
meh. its exceedingly easy to ignore games these days

GFWL was an actual disaster though. It was very difficult to get your game activated and was a general mess all around.

The W10 Store is shit but at least it works. They aren't even comparable.

People just hate the W10 store for the same reason they hate Origin, GOG, etc: it's not Steam.

yeah let's ignore the forced updates and compatibility issues user

It's not the same thing. Judging by the early posts about a possible port to PC on Eldewrito forums, they're all gonna jump ship once this releases.

>they still haven't upgraded to windows 10


Still not a good idea since PCfags are huge cheaters. They would find a way to use KBnM to beat controller/console users.

The game shouldn't have cross play. In fact they shouldn't even bring MCC to PC. PC fans deserve better than that piece of shit product that shipped broken and even to this day doesn't work like it's supposed to.

Just make Halo 3 for PC.

No fuck Steam. PC gaming needs competition.

Nice memes, did you get them from Sup Forums?


>PCfags are huge cheaters
>PC fans deserve better

But Xbone is getting KB/M now.

Master chief collection contains 3, just the multiplayer plays maps from 1 2 and 3 sadly so you cant pick if you just wanna play maps from a certain one

Fuck off retard HALO 1&2 were on PC long before MAC

>tfw the steamdb "leak" for Halo 3 still never came to existence

Being able to play BTB on Sandtrap at 120fps is something that I've wanted for a while.

With mods you can :^)

You realize just because a console supports kb/m doesn't mean a game does.

PS4 supports kb/m but I can think of only one game that actually lets you use them

Source? Do I dare hope for the mainstream revival of the RTS?

Why the hate for the Windows store? This means that everyone who already bought the game doesn't have to buy it again on PC. Now us Xbone owners who bought one for Halo can finally get rid of our Xbones.

Yeah you're right. Either way, I'm just glad i'll be playing Halo again.



>accuses me of being a retard
>doesn't get that I was joking because Halo was going to be a Mac exclusive before Microsoft bough them off

It was most likely real.

M$ changed their mind though with the release of W10 and made it exclusive to their store because Steam takes 30%.

Ironic thing is this game would've sold 10x better if it were on Steam.

Except this time Windows 10 is actually completely shittier than 7.
>games are a pain in theass to deal with because they're "apps" now
>shitty mobile metro design
>missing loads of customization features that were present in 7
>telemetry shit at base and forced updates
>both of the 2 listed above are a pain to change or configure manually if you care enough to do it
>rumors of MS hoping to use win10 to detect and terminate illegally pirated files
>older applications not working on the OS because not updated yet
>all of the games released for Windows 10 have been unoptimized trash and mobile ports
>literally forcing people to upgrade against their will if they're naive enough have windows update enabled still
>comes pre-installed with BOTH Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, so you'll have 2 shitty browsers to remove

The ONLY good things about Windows 10 have been the weather/news apps and the future of DX12, and that logon screen cover. They don't even let you customize the retarded blue Windows background at the actual "enter your password" page. The most you can do is edit your registry to make it a flat color. Then DX12 won't be worth actually using for years when game devs start giving a shit about it.

Steambabbies and retards who think UWP can't be modded.

The Xbox app will eventually have a purchase option on it anyway, so you won't need to see the other shit.

>wahhhh all this bloat I can get rid of if I actually did some research to learn how!

You're still the XPfags of the 2010's and you're only delaying the inevitable.

Just because they are cheaters does not mean they deserve shitty products. No fanbase deserves to be fed shit like that no matter how cancerous.
Sounds like a real shit idea if they enable it. Will it be all games or only some? Even if they enabled it for MCC on Xbone you will still have many people use a controller for reasons. Sounds like a boring time since a KBnM player will destroy a controller user.

All these dank memes.

user, you sound like a fucking idiot and you have never used windows 10.

Both Killer Instinct and Minecraft UWP have mods. DLL injection is rather simple UWP.

>responded to my post seconds after it was posted

Shoo shill, and read completely.

implying this isn't just Xbox purchase listings on the Windows Store

Quantum Break is the only shit port so far.

Forza Apex, KI were all great ports. Gears got fixed like a week later.

I just bought a 144hz monitor and it's still shipping. If Halo comes to PC just in time for me to get my 144hz g synch monitor and gtx 1070, I'll be in heaven. Especially since they probably won't be very demanding and can probably be maxed out at 1440p 144fps.

>DLL injection is rather simple UWP
Asset modding I can believe, this I'm going to need proof of.

OOOOOOOOOH SHIT, I wonder if my 7870 could run it.

Eldewrito lagged like hell.

You'll definitely be able to run the 360 games. Halo 5 (also rumored to be coming to PC) is probably the only one that would be somewhat demanding.

>Win 10
Why do they keep trying?

Nope, it's the full thing. Anything from changing a few processor instructions in the executable to full-blown mods that change or add new functionality to the app can be done.

Halo 1 and 2 already exist on PC and don't require you to use spyware to run them.
3 and 4 suck.

I have it dual-booted. I couldn't even add the Xbox App to Steam because it's not an .exe.. I looked at the Microsoft and it was 90% mobile and about 4 triple-A title ports, with reviews talking about poor performance. I even played Forza on it as well. That actually performed well, but OBS couldn't capture it unless I did complete monitor capture because lol it's not an .exe. Took a hit on performance for that.

When I played KI it still had garbage screen-tearing. That combined with the ridiculous amount of particle effects the game had made it suffering to play.

All I ask is for Halo 3 to come to PC. If that happens I can die happy. It'll be even more orgasmic if it has a huge modding craze and people make more levels.

>Inb4 Hornets on the warthog run

The only way to legally obtain 1 & 2 is to buy a used physical copy, it's ridiculous that they aren't available for digital download anywhere.

>3 sucks
Sour grapes.

Steam needs to implement UWP like Dxtory and Action! have. There's also an overlay on github if you wanna try that.

I'm pretty sure they're fixed the tearing, because it plays flawlessly on both my PCs, and my mate's.

I was honestly surprised to see how great Forge was in H5, might actually get the game just for that. I recall seeing some shit like adding these spatula looking things at the end of banshees to scoop other vehicles into kill zones

Killer Instinct requires that the game runs at 90fps for ultra smooth online play. That has to be why.

Is H5 forge better than H3? If so, how?

And what about custom games settings? Halo had a ton of custom game options.

Okay that's great if true, can I check out a POC of this somewhere?

Yeah, they added a ton of features. Like you can change the textures of objects and stuff.

You do realise gsync is really just a DRM chip you paid 200 dollars for, right?

The rest of the industry giants like LG and Samsung are offering Freesync for free and without added cost, because it's the VESA standard.

So Xbone has no exclusive games anymore?

Gears 4!!!

Killer Instinct had to be locked at 60 fps to run at normal speed

Considering 343 kept going on about how 60 fps was vital to Halo 5's engine, you can expect the same thing there.

>caring about legal downloads for games over 10 years old

>Sour grapes.
Nah. Every Halo is worse than the one before it, 5 nonwithstanding.

So it'll need xbox live gold to play online right?
This is just a full jew attempt at more printable money

I got the monitor refurbished for $300 less than the new price, and I don't care about using proprietary standards as long as they work.

Halo 3 on PC.
Do you make your online character

I better not be the only one doing Elites

pretty sure it won't because GoW: Ultimate Edition doesn't

It's a unified web store, so just like the PSN Store every game isn't going to work on every system.

Displayed at 60fps, but the game is rendered at 90fps.

It's an actual map editor now, not just plopping down props in a default map. Textures look pretty bad tho, like those Orange maps from CS or TF2. Its still got some pretty great tools to make crazy maps, so the potential is high.

Then you did the smart thing.

The rest of the clowns in the market are literally paying those 200 dollars extra for a DRM chip which locks the feature to a particular graphics card vendor.

This is essentially retardation on an even higher level than consoles.


Nvidia are stubborn and don't support freesync yet FYI. He'd have to get an AMD GPU as well and a lot of people are prejudiced against AMD cards.

Using the API functions added in 8.1, you launch the app in a suspended state and go about the injection that way.

Running the mod from outside the sandbox bypasses any securities.
