After the successful third chapter of Witcher Saga, with over 10 million copies shipped worldwide...

>After the successful third chapter of Witcher Saga, with over 10 million copies shipped worldwide, Gwent is becoming a stand-alone game according to a new trademark and logo registered by CD Projekt. The card game included in The Witcher 3 obtained a positive outcome, so much that Polish publisher decided to create a title for it. The trademark was filled with class 9 and 41 (videogames, software, etc.) into the European Union Intellectual Property Office two days ago (June 6th), with what seems to be the official logo. Here are the two logos and trademark.

spies imba

It's a fun little distraction, but I could care less about it as a standalone game - spies are broken as fuck and basically win you the game no matter what

>mfw no spies, scorch or dummies on hand

I want a physical Skellige deck, the cards are beautiful.

The game is broken, though.

Nilfgaard spy decks are unbeatable.

I own physical decks and always play Monsters against my gf's Nilfgaard. I win 60% of the time.

Northern Realms are just as good.

Your imaginary gf must be retarded to lose to Monster deck

I can see this printing CDPR money.

I'm just really good at Gwent, I can win with any hand. In the end it's not really about how strong your cards are but how you play your opponent.


So is this hearthstone 2.0? Or do you actually have to think here?

>yfw this becomes the new Hearthstone

More like its poker 2.0, except not as classy.
The game is 99% RNG, 1% skill, but there is a huge bluffing factor.

I think it's closer to poker.

Who is this supposed to be?

So this is why they shutdown the fansite that let you play it online. Money.

As long as they balance and price it properly this could be alright.

Idris Elba

You are bad at Gwent.
