Which was better?

Which was better?

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Wolfenstein for story

Doom for gameplay

What story? Muh evil Nazis, muh six million

it still had character development

while in DOOM its just hey youre the guy kill everything without any emotion

I grew up on Wolf rather than Doom, so it wins by nostalgia.

It was a tongue in cheek story with a weird mixture of drama and comedy. It felt like a Tarantino story and I loved it.

>can double wield shotguns and guns
>more variety in levels and gameplay
>better visuals and enemy design
>mixing exploration, stealth and action makes for better paced levels

>better action, better guns and feeling when shooting
>more fast paced and relaxing
>less intrusive story

I love both. It's funny how Bethesda published 2 best shooters in years. Quake is next, hopefully.

I think Wolfenstein 2 has been rumored to be announced at E3, it wouldn't surprise me. But I'm also hoping for a new Quake

Oh god more Strogg quakes pls. Only this time make the MC a woman. Cyborg women are my fetish.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda will announce Wolfenstein 2 from Machinegungames, reworked Prey 2 from Arkane (they have 2 studios and the original Dishonored director is working on something new) and new project from Shinji Mikami studio (probably Evil Within 2). Along with Battlecry (at least a mention) and Dishonored 2. I doubt they will have anything from Bethesda (devs) since the just shipped Fallout 4.

Quake will probably be the next project from ID, before Doom... uh... 2?


quake hype train starting up now

it's pretty much guaranteed to happen

Gunplay is slightly better in Wolf I think, but DOOM has a much larger and straight up better selection of weaponry, less interruptions, and no stealth.

That said, I think they missed a beat by making the monsters so non-threatening and rubbery looking, forcing you into arenas to proceed, putting even more emphasis on the progression mechanics, and environments feeling samey.

So ultimately I'd say they end up about the same.

Im really enjoying TNO.

The gameplay and gun mechanics are exactly what I wanted from this game. The ability to dual wield most weapons shows they know what fans of the series wanted.

I enjoyed Doom more.

TNO's guns all felt a bit boring (despite how fun dual wielding shotties was) and it still played very much like a modern shooter with hitscan weapons and needing to use cover and ADSing.

Doom felt like an old-school FPS in a modern game, the fast movement was great, the weapons were all unique and satisfying, I actually really enjoyed Glory Kill system and felt it was the perfect balance between health packs and regenerating health, you never get stuck for a long time without any survivability, but you can't just hide, you have to work for your regen (and on anything above Hurt Me Plenty a glory kill is no-where near a full regen and will often get you killed if you time it poorly). Plus all the animations were great.

I also liked the more open nature of the level design and all the optional shit on every map made me explore every nook and cranny because I wanted those weapon upgrade points so badly.

The progression systems were really cool as well, unlocking Bottomless Missles for the AR was huge (I had them by level 3) and thankfully ID did not give a shit about "balance" so Mods and Runes can be really gamechangingly powerful. Once I had the upgraded Air Control Rune and all the weapons I was having the most pure unadulterated fun I've had in Vidya since I was a kid.

Doom 4 scratched the particular FPS itch that had been bugging me for years, fast, satisfying gun, large enemy variety (too many games are just "dudes with guns"), fun jumping and just the right level of Challange (on Ultra Violence).

I enjoyed both games, and I havnt played Wolfenstiens expansion yet, but Doom was fucking great. Shame about the multiplayer, honestly should have not been included, actually makes the product worse because you have to take it into account. Plus it's almost dead, they wasted so much money on it, a horde mode or more Snapmap content would have been better.

If it's not a return to the "Lovecraftian" style of the original Quake, then it's a total waste of potential and I'll be real fucking disappointed.

this. fuck stroggified bullshit.

Couldn't keep old school double-barrel shotgun through the entire game. Minus a trillion points.

pic related was best


"And to complete the id collection, we're bringing another classic back. That's right, coming 2018...

Commander Keen!"

Wolfenstein:TNO felt like what Wolfenstein should have been like. DOOM felt like a bunch of people trying to imitate old Doom and doing a mediocre job

>that bolt action rifle

This was my sorta problem with DOOM. It was a great game to be sure, but it felt like a Doom parody. Like a drawn out "Doom" level in another game.

Also I have come to peace with the fact no dev actually knows what made those old FPS games great. Though it sucks we're stuck with either set-piece cinematic FPSs or singleplayer arena FPSs.

really? i much preferred TNO to TOB. i mean seriously TOB begins with a forced stealth section that lasts for absolutely ages and spends way too long plodding about with very little variety and guns that aren't nearly as interesting as TNO, before you get to the real payoff, [spoilers]the zombies[\spoilers]. admittedly i thought the last third of the game was great but it takes way too long to get there.

D1 buy from me. i know todd hall wants to get the rights back. but i think he's working on romero's new game

Oh my fuck. I'm not sure how the fuck I'd respond to that.

On the one hand
>Commander Keen

On the other hand

I really don't think current devs will risk making games as fast as Doom and Dook used to be.

It's just too much for the new era of players who need to move from cover to cover

DOOM actually had fucking amazing characterization. The Story was done really well without becoming too silly

You're never punished for using one of the big ass guns the super soldiers drop in the beginning. That said, it was a bit dragged out with the samey hallways.

To me nuDoom felt a lot like a mix of doom and quake. Not only because of quad damage.
I think we wont see new quake anytime soon

Well thats just it, all they did was publish.

It's not like Bethesda actually makes good games.

that really is my only -point too
that fucking stealth section was just bad

but, TNO had one moment that killed the story for me

> Nazis have a base on the moon
> finally up on the moon to kill space nazis
> you only go outside of the base for 30 seconds
> you do not actually kill or shoot anyone, you just jump around the moon surface


It's not even that. In DOOM you never have to worry whats around the corner or behind a door. The worst you'll run into outside an arena is a possessed.

Even playing the old Doom levels in DOOM was still fun with the modern movement and enemies. Everything felt much less detached. Don't know exactly how to put it into words.

However, I still had a fucking blast with DOOM. And I hope they are able to perfect the formula.

Quake had enough games already.

We are due for a Heretic / Hexen reboot. The baby steps taken with D44Ms more non-linear levels was testing the waters for whether a return to truly open map design and hub labyrinths will be accepted by the mass market.

Who even has the rights to the Hexertic name anymore? I doubt it's still in the hands of Raven.

TNO is pretty shit Doom is much better by comparison but still isn't that great either

it would be neat i guess, but i'd rather see a new doom.

and fucking up doom multiplayer is one thing, but quake?

jesus christ, why do all the covers look the same these days

If they can't have the rights then they can always make a spiritual sequel. Just cook up some other big three baddies and chuck them into the same style of game.

Heretic would be a bit too generic though, it was literally just a fantasy themed shooter. Hexen on the other hand still distinguishes itself from other games both of its time and the present.

>The baby steps taken with D44Ms more non-linear levels was testing the waters for whether a return to truly open map design and hub labyrinths will be accepted by the mass market.
they were fucking fine in 1993 and they are fine in 2016


That type of run and gun gameplay is better with projectile enemies instead of hitscan enemies that Wolfenstein has

>The baby steps taken with D44Ms more non-linear levels was testing the waters for whether a return to truly open map design and hub labyrinths will be accepted by the mass market
i'm pretty sure linearization of levels were just done out of laziness and compatability with other forms of game design (cinematic)

Players have changed.

It is no longer a niche market that only few dedicated people sought out.

It is now expanded and confirming to the lowest common denominator.

You need to remember they have play testers try these games prior to release. If over 51% of them cannot get past certain areas, they dumb the game

I await the day when I see
>At this point, we noticed that 75% of players couldn't make it through
>We felt that number was too low

Companies will not cripple themselves out of selling a game.

Remember they're here to make a product that will sell.

Not to appease to 1000 people who actually put forth the effort to pass the level

>People actually complaining about the arenas in D44M

Why? It meant more action and more demon killing, not once did I get tired of that through the entire campaign

>Certain Affinity are no longer working on the game. Id have taken over development, and the multiplayer DLC is their work.
>Private and custom matches will be coming in a free patch this summer.
>Certain developer features from the Alpha, like a match browser, are also coming once they've been given a bit more polish.
>Bots are coming to MP and Snapmap in the future - Id's "bot guy" is the lead coder on Snapmap, so he's kind of busy...
> More multi-centric features for Snapmap, whatever that means.

this, the strogg stuff is not even close. im just afraid they will fuck up the multiplayer, a true aaa arena shooter would be amazing

Except the problem is that the playtesters are picked from the very bottom of the barrel, so 51% failing to not run in circles for an hour is a mere fraction of a percent of real players. There is no reason for us suffer along with the slowest of the slow.

>a true aaa arena shooter would be amazing
no, it would be trash go play reflex or UT they are doing it the right way

Here's hoping they boost the player limit for Snapmap MP maps.

It's a playsafe for them.They argue if this is 51% of their testers, this accounts for 51% of the general public.

That's why play testing is shit instead of releasing demos or alpha demos for actual general public to provide feedback with

i mean amazing in a way that it would have a normal playerbase, nobody plays ut and reflex


I couldn't even finish Wolfenstien

I beat Doom on Nightmare and got all the achievements for it


I actually like Freeze tag, being able to play that mode wihout a 3 minute break between rounds is a fucking dream


New Order was better in all regards. Though Doom still surprised me; I thought id was dead and gone after the failed abortion that was Rage.

Why not both?

The stealth section wasn't that bad on replays, at least. You could always get away with using the chainguns the super soldiers dropped after stealth killing one, and if you had the perk that let you keep the chaingun as a regular weapon, all you needed to do was pick up one and you'd have it the entire time, turning it from a stealth section to a "fuck up a ton of super soldiers with a chaingun" section.