What's the fucking difference?

What's the fucking difference?

Other urls found in this thread:


You're a fucking retard

Sounds about right.

>cult classic
Which generally means it was hated when it came out and is only appreciated well after the fact. So maybe in a decade this shit will be a classic too.

one is inaccurate in the 90's
the other is just as inaccurate as the 90's one but came out 20 years later

Come on son!

On a related note,
Probably the most cringe inducing shit in Jurassic Park.

>cult classic even though its shot
You can't explain it, that is why you use the term "cult"

So you hate that hacker crap?

>not the fucking ending where they face impossible odds and the fucking t-rex busts out of nowhere to save the day

they're both just as inaccurate but watch dogs was released in a time when people knew that hacking wasn't anything like watch dogs pretended it was.

also watch dogs takes itself way too fucking seriously, it could actually have been funny if it were MORE like hackers

>cult classic

because is so bad that is good.


angelina jolie's boobs

Hackers is endearing because of how ridiculous it is.

>People still use the term hacker/hacking incorrectly

Rip in peace.


Hackers is over the top nonsense.

Watch Dogs 2 will probably try to play it straight because they're not going to make their new black and muslim characters look like idiots.

Yes, Samuel.
I didn't really think too much of it. I guess it was kinda stupid, though.

Hackers is pure 90's goofiness.
Watch Dogs take itself seriously.
Also hackers isn't a ubisoft open world with shity collectables


Hackers was tongue-in-cheek.

Watchodgs 2, on the other hand, will take itself completely seriously, even though you'll be doing completely bizarre and stupid shit within the confines of a paper thin plot and a dull static city. Also the protag looks like a 16 year old rapper-wannabe from a middle-class family.

hackers had some real-life information put in it like the phone hack by razor&blade and the crayola books. Those were things that could be used by real-life hackers.

>comparing a 90s over-the-top comedy with a pandering video game showcased in 2016

>Black people
> in San Francisco

It's literally just White hipsters & Chinese

>shit movie
>everyone acknowledges it is a shit movie but enjoys it despite the flaws

>shit game
>10/10 everyone should buy 3 copies - IGN

>maybe in a decade
It will still be shit when we're in haptic feedback chairs getting BJs from our lusty argonian maid mods for ESO7. Games age like milk compared to movies. If it's not good on release (or by it's final patch as the case may be, or any time in between) it will never be good.

Why does Planescape Torment get so much praise then? It wasn't all that good on launch and the only thing to recommend it is the writing, yet you can find fanboys who will defend it as perfection.



typically the relationship between a four pair and a royal flush is even, you know, when you have a hand you use it sparingly cause you know the other three fucks are full of shit. but there's always that one lemon who has to act like he has no hand and cheats at the end of the game.

You don't understand hackers is so bad it's good. Watch dogs is just mediocre

A) Writing is important in games, just like in movies, and you're right, it really has very little going for it except the writing.
B) Fanboys gonna fanboy, of course a die hard fan is gonna defend it to the last even if the last time they played it was last millenium.

>so bad it's good
Is that why retards love Nier so much?

usually if you play a game like Zelda your first inclination should be to find all the goods and progress without needing to hit up each dungeon in any specific order, but as of late, you have to go along a specified route in order to complete most zelda games, a design that was made popular by aonuma in the later years of the series, given that the content was so easily spread beyond top and bottom, it seemed like the right thing to do.

We didn't know better in 95.


>setting your game in San Francisco
>the most irrelevant city in the world
Why? Should have done London, considering all the Big Brother shit is actually real with CCTV everywhere.

Found the planescape fanboy. Let me guess, you've not actually played it, you're just going to regurgitate the same tired shit that /tg/ craps on about.

The largest number of hipsters and neo-intellectuals come from San Fran. It's also the largest congregation of homosexuals and transgenders, the target audience for this game.

This game is literally nothing but pandering, based on gender, location and demographic

because hacker that can shoot gun is borderline gary stu.

>Oversized shirt
>Skin tight jeans sagged
>un-tied boots that
>random badges and accessories everywhere

Fucking hate today's style of clothing.


that "fashion" has been around since late 90s

The difference is that people are still making fun of hackers, but in twenty years, nobody will even remember CashgrabDogs 2

>San Francisco

Pick one. It's the tech capital of the workd, and it sports a massive finance sector. For a game about hacking I can't think of a more relevant city.

Mean words from a mean person >:(

Yep, there is no new fashion, only new people who don't realize they're caught in the cycle.

Well, not entirely true, but actual new stuff bleeding into the mainstream takes decades.

That's because nobody will be able to run it, considering OSes have 0 backwards compatibility after a few years.

Fuck, young Jolie was hot as fuck


You know I'd be more inclined to be interested in this game if the devs weren't so fucking up themselves. I mean dev interviews are always cringey to watch because they spout a bunch of stock standard features like they were some sort of revolution in gameplay design, but WatchDogs takes that concept and runs with it. Like we've seen open worlds, contextual actions, stealth, and the misinformed overglorification of underground cultures before.

They're literally not doing anything new but acting like it's so revolutionary.

Why can't we go back to 1900's style where everything looked pristine and formal.

Hackers is a shitty movie though

>it's a "Sup Forums hates anything remotely popular because its new and reminisces over their childhood, the one time they weren't depressed" thread

I would actually really like goofy hacker game in the vein of Hackers movie. It can be really fucking good as long as they don't make it too serious and be creative about hacking shit.

Watch dogs on the other hand had less to do with actual hacking than something like uplink, or even hacknet.

>we want a city at the forefront of technology
Why not just set it in Seattle then as opposed to ripping off GTAV?

If the game plays like ass it sucks, movie cant play like ass.

>the tech capital of the workd
Except the game map won't be near silicon valley at all. Not to mention that it's hardly the tech capital in the 21st century.
>and it sports a massive finance sector

One of them's funny.
The other is made by Ubisoft.

>main character of hackers did nothing wrong
>crashed 1500 systems in a single day and was restricted from using computers until he was an adult, then immediately after becoming an adult he starts hacking again

>Cult classic
Because it's bad enough to be enjoyable

Watch Dogs was shit. But not in an endearing way.

Seattlite here
No more shitty games please
Second Son was enough
I'll settle for Deadly Premonition and pretend there's nothing else set in Washington

>completely inaccurate about hacking in 1995
>okay fair enough
>completely inaccurate about hacking in 2016

You really don't see the point here?
The image of a hacker hasn't changed to these people.
It is a joke nowadays and they play it straight.
People who watch hackers today would also laugh at it.

>It's an "I'm going to pretend I like this game just so I can piss off nerds on a Mongolian cartoon watching forum" thread

Post it with sound.

Hackers is fucking rad, the movie is a literal meme generator, it's hilarious and has a fucking awesome sound track by orbital?

What did Sup Forums think of Mr.Robot?

Seems to portray hacking fairly well, much better than just about every other media has (though this is like saying a video game movie is better than others).

One is so terrible you can't help but laugh at how bad it is.

The other is a movie from the 90's.

It was good, shows people that your account usually gets "hacked" by people guessing your awful hobby+dob password.

The best hacking portrayal was, ironically enough, in Matrix 2.

Fairly enjoyable, good suspense, really showed some of them for the utter psychopaths that they are.

>Hackers is so bad it's good.

No it's not, it's legitimately just a really fucking fun, over the top movie that doesn't take itself seriously.

There's nothing really bad about it and the cheese is all clearly played for laughs.

>tfw passwords usually have nothing to do with anything I am, just random words, numbers and sometimes characters I like
Does that make me slightly less "hackable"?

One doesnt star a black guy in an attempt to be socially concious, also one is written and made by the hacks at ubisoft who havent made a good game in years, can you guess which one?

Are you retarded? I love how Sup Forums's hatred for LGBT people makes them blind to facts that even they themselves present.

SF is a major finance center for the world, and it is the tech capital for the world. Sorry if your no-name suburb in your fly-over state doesnt get any attention from video games user.

>the only deadly weapon in the game will be a butterknife

I enjoyed it. But they overplayed the importance of the twist, it was incredibly obvious and made the season finale reveal feel kind of hollow.

Watch Dogs would have been better with restricted weapons and not have the protag run around with a grenade launcher and automatic rifle. "I could use my hacking skills to lead people into deadly traps, lure patrols away and be covert, but fuck that noise time to lob grenades, it's quicker."

The most secure password you can have it a completely random string of characters. You can easily find a website that spits them out for you. Use a different one for any website that can be used to fuck you (anything with credit cards, paypal or whatever saved on them). Then write them down on a piece of paper beside your computer. There's no hacking that can get that note.

>Your bicycle wheel skill levelled up

>There's no hacking that can get that note.
If I break into your house, read the note, then leave without you realising an intrusion has happened, then I break into your computer, it's a hack, just a very low grade one.

if they're so similar then you just answered your own question. Hackers already filled that niche so Watch Dogs has no role to fill.

I love how they're embracing hacker culture in this game. I hope every second mission is a Dominos run and one of the main antagonists is one of the guys in your five person sharehouse who refuses to flush the toilet. You'll have to fight him while manoeuvring through stacks of old floppy disk drives and half built PCs that you're TOTALLY going to get around to actually using one day for your super awesome unix server that you're planning on building.

>low grade
Low tech is what I meant.

I ussually use a phrase that I will remember, write it in leet, put numbers where spaces would be and capitalize either the first or last letter of every word.

The kind of people that break into random homes and the kind of people that call themselves hackers do not overlap very often.

The kind of people that kill people and the kind of people that call themselves hackers do not overlap very often.

Because the people who call themselves hackers are scriptkiddies most of the time.

That's not hacking, and pairing a random string to a single account is hard. Also, if someone is breaking into you home you have a bigger problem than just digital security.

See the logic now, stupid?

That requires you to physically come to my house, which isn't worth the effort if you're trying to gain access to my accounts. You're better off trying to gain access to the billions of other accounts with shitty passwords.. Writing a note of un-guessable passwords stops anyone with an internet connection from gaining access to my stuff.

Pretty much this, also pick very related. The best way to to hack something is using bruteforce with heavy blunt objects.

There was a black kid in that movie?

I'm not remembering the multiple passwords, which is the whole reason to write it down.

>That's not hacking
It's social engineering to get access to a secured system. You need to stop thinking hackers are all programmers, when the more successful ones are often just confidence grifters who bullshit their way into systems.

And what if I don't want the other systems? What if I want yours because of some petty reason?
>which isn't worth the effort
You can't tell me what is and isn't a productive use of my time. What if I like rubbing my balls up and down some random Sup Forums posters keyboard while pretending I'm a l337 hax0r?

How do I become a genious?

It's like how people say bio authentication isn't really that secure. Someone who really wanted access to your stuff could kill you and take whatever it is they need to gain access.

The people who want access usually aren't taking the risk of whacking other's limbs off unless they are terrorists. It's secure, but not NATIONAL SECURITY secure.

Start inserting the letter o into random words and claim that it's your culture.

The first step is correct spelling.





Nah bro it's not hacking. It's thuggery. Jamal doesn't get to say WE WUZ HACKERS.