Warcraft movie is coming out tonight for US. anyone going to a midnight release?

Warcraft movie is coming out tonight for US. anyone going to a midnight release?

Spoiler: it's shit.
No, seriously. There's a reason the critics tore it a new one. It's a confused mess of a movie that tries to turn a campy video game narrative into 'muh LotR!1'.

I don't watch warcraft the movie.


Sweden here, don't bother its shit.
4/10 even without the lore raping.

Wow, didn't know it wasn't out in the US yet. Thought you guys would've had it first.

It's pretty meh. Very generic plot and plain characters. Pretty good CGI, especially in 3D. Overall it's probably worth the watch at least but don't expect much

i've never played wow though

As someone who grew up on the warcraft games, I did enjoy it. But even with 2 hours it wasnt enough time and the movie felt it was just rushing through everything. Everything on the orc side was great (especially guldan, he was fucking great in this movie) and everything on the human side was meh at best. The movie also gets bonus points for having a bunch of big characters in the background that you got to see now and then which was cool. Big minus though for not including any shamans ( not even nerzhul,bah).

Seeing as how the movie is doing great worldwide, I will be looking forward to the sequels, especially when it comes to Arthas and his story.

Go back to work.kieran

I swear Blizzard should just use its own assets and create their own full cg movie. That way they can at least spend their money in a good way instead of making more shitty wow content.
While they're at it, they should make a Diablo movie with Marius as the protagonist.

What I don't get about this movie is why they trying to give it a Warcraft 3 feel if it's supposed to be around the Warcraft 1 time frame.

Those first two Warcraft games could be summed up by - "KILL THOSE GREEN BASTARDS!". But let me guess, that's only the first 10 mins of the movie where the evil humans are racist towards the peaceful, land-worshipping orcs?

It's good if you like action movies bad if your a massive lore fag

How about Deckard Cain and Marius? I say Deckard because Marius wasnt around in D1, which is a lot of the foundation for D2. I played D3, but I don't really give a shit about the story.

Nope, it is 100% kill those orcs
With a bit of human/orc politics

I watched the torrent of it yesterday

Its a mess. They do a terrible job explaining who and why people are important, how people got corrupted etc etc

If you havent played all the Warcraft games or WoW, it will be confusing as fuck

Only reason I thought it was OK because I knew who all the characters were and their importance in the lore from the games

It's the best vidya movie yet. I know, that doesn't make it a "10/10 Citizen Kane would watch again" movie but I still really enjoyed it.

I can't wait to see Brad Jones being confused as fuck

Nope, humans are never seen as the evil ones in the movie

This. I'm more pissed that I couldn't get those hours back but only because the ticket was free. But goddamn, this was a gigantic waste of time.

Would have been more entertained if Uwe Boll directed it.

I bet the Swedes know a lot about rape amirite?

>Seeing as how the movie is doing great worldwide, I will be looking forward to the sequels

tell that to the golden compass. if it tanks in america no amount of chinadollars can save it.

Saw an early screening for free. So glad I didn't have to pay to see this pile of shit.

It's downright awful. Pretty to look at it, but literally everything else is hot garbage.

Tell that to pacific rim and transformers, that are pretty much only getting sequels because China fucking loves them

Also, Dalaran is fucking floating and Garona kills Wrynn for a really dumb reason.

>Nope, it is 100% kill those orcs
no it's not
it's 100% dindu orcs and humans better accept them or else they are the evil racists

they are white

Did you even watch the fucking movie?


have you?

>"This is a world of war and war is my craft"

are you fucking kidding me

Wait, I thought the movie was about Warcraft 2's time frame.

Movie was confusing as fuck.

it's the first invasion of the orcs, so it would be warcraft 1, but the story is completely different so nothing makes sense anyway

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Weren't it for that I'd honestly believe it to be warcraft 2.

Yes. the only dindu nuffin was durotan and wife/green babby

all of them were dindus