
Its just a video of the character walking through an empty area, you autistic fuck.
Wait until we have the E3 demo to sling your biased shit n8.

Because it's literally the exact shit you asked for when you backed it?

Like, a 'remake', or a sequel or whatever of OoE is something bad, right?

Also, what's the point of make this fucking thread again? You don't know a shit about the game yet.

What the fuck else were you expecting?

>make game different
>people complain
>make game the same
>people complain

At this point I don't even know why devs bother to make sequels, they should just keep creating new IPs.

It looks good, but visually, I think a more cel-shaded look would have been better and benefited the art style more.

Fuck off.
People wanted more Symphony of the Night, so they backed this.
It wouldn't have gotten $5,000,000 if there wasn't a demand for a spiritual sequel to the game with similar mechanics.

>Its just a video of the character walking through an empty area, you autistic fuck.

It's a character who looks, acts and moves like Shanoa, running through a level that looks like a stage in Order of Ecclessia, with music that sounds like it's from that game too.

If you had shown this to me without any knowledge, I would have said it's a 3D remake/sequel to Order.

>People wanted more Symphony of the Night, so they backed this.

And they're nto getting it.

So 43 seconds of a character (who isn't even the only playable character in the game btw) walking through an empty area in a game that is still under development is all you're pissy little brain needs to predict the entirety of the finished product?

Neo-Sup Forums ladies and gents

Symphony of the Night playstyle, you dipshit.

ITT what did you expect?

How so?
The game is literally going to be designed like SoTN, apart from being in a different castle, and having characters that have been changed slightly. One of the playable characters even looks like Alucard for fucks sake.

But please, explain to me how this game is going to be more similar to one of the other metroidvanias or none of them at all...

You haven't justified your statement at all.

It looks like it plays way more like Order, including the weapons system.

The whole thing is bait and switch. People funded Symphony 2. We got Order 2.

>The game is literally going to be designed like SoTN,

You poor, poor, delusional soul.

>It looks like it plays way more like Order, including the weapons system.
Again, this video is hardly enough to even qualify as "gameplay".
We KNOW we're getting a demo at E3.
Just hold your shitstorming until then.

Oh, and by the way.
We haven't seen how the Alucard character plays and for all we know he could play exactly like SotN.

They are all the same god damn game anyway so what the fuck does it matter?

>Again, this video is hardly enough to even qualify as "gameplay".

We know that the weapon system is based on Order's.

That's good because OoE is better that SotN

>We know that the weapon system is based on Order's.
But, for the billionth time, WE HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET

Man, Shanoa looked so much better than this character.
I wouldn't mind a sequel of OoE except for the bullshit dracula fight.

>short linear stages and a tiny castle are better than a big spiralling interconnected castle

I think this looks great so far

>who looks, acts and moves like Shanoa
No no no. Don't compare that weebshit Miriam to the perfection that is Shanoa.
Miriam looks like the deviant art over-designed OC meant to be Shanoa's sister. She has a retarded idle pose out of an anime, and a girly trot.

Also, don't think I didn't notice you recycled this thread from earlier.

The backgrounds look very uninteresting. I hope they fix that.
Yes. Fuck the interconnected huge-ass castle. It's such a chore to navigate. OoE is so much better than the other Igavanias just for that detail alone. For that matter the difficulty in OoE was better balanced precisely because there were small stages.

Post yfw you funded Mighty Number 9 but not Bloodstained

Shanoa is the reason I started playing the Castlevania series after they went metroid.

>Fuck the interconnected huge-ass castle. It's such a chore to navigate
Kill yourself promptly.


shanoa's design was miles better than this new MC

Because Miriam is done by different people.

And I agree, she's a pale shadow of Shanoa. Masaki Hirooka art styles work really well for the series, as much as Ayami Kojima. I really wish they had brought Hirooka on for Bloodstained.

Also, apparently "Shanoa" is not a real name. Searching for it only brings up the Castlevania character.

I'm sorry you are a homo with shit taste literally because you can't stop licking men hairy crusty asses, user.

Don't project your fantasies onto me, user.
Its not healthy.

>The backgrounds look very uninteresting. I hope they fix that.
Are we looking at the same backgrounds? They look fine to me. What do you want? krakens in the background threatening to attack the ship? When the enemies are put in, you're going to be glad the background isn't too busy.

Her mouth is too small and her hair looks dumb. Also her dress is too annie may for even an unofficial castlevania.

Shanoa was literally perfect and it was designed by someone with a wife, since she's based on her, so no need for otaku pandering.

You mean Iga's wife?

based on that logic all you've been getting for years have been symphony of the night remakes.

didn't you make this thread yesterday

2.5D looks horrible

I just googled it, and it turns out it was used before. Only extremely extremely rare.

They're too brown. I find the pallete really boring. The outside should be a little bit blue at least.
I get it's a boat but it's so dull looking. The character is already stylized so I don't get why the boat couldn't be too.
Just my opinion tho.

So are you guys telling me this has been in development since 2008?

No, it means the last real castlevania came out 8 years ago.

>Classicvania where you play as Maria but with the difficulty adjusted to her movement NEVER EVER.
This is my curse, forever and ever. To love what is already dead. To cherish what was perfect but unapreciated. O the humanity.

My only complaint is this: why can't devs use 2D sprites in their game like they used to?

Still going to get thr game though.

But that was exactly what the kickstarter offered and what people paid for.

Why do you care? you didn't donate and you aren't going to buy it.

Too expensive, very few talented sprite artists remain.

>My only complaint is this: why can't devs use 2D sprites in their game like they used to?

Pixel art is a low resolution affair. Once you add HD resolutions, it becomes impossible to make such a game with a reasonable budget.

The other possibility is drawn sprites but those tend to look like flash animation. Already people are calling the new HD Sprite games generic looking. They all look the same.

3d models allow for more freedom for animation, since they already have the model. It will be useful for cinematics, different weapons, etc.
I love sprites too, but 2D HD animation isn't as convenient.

I think it looks very nice, personally. I wouldn't say perfect, but imo, if this was the final look of that area, i wouldn't have a problem with it.
I think many games go too bright with the color. The thing I liked about Castlevania's style, is that they're not afraid to use lowly saturated color. Which in turn makes higher saturated color pop out better.
You can see plenty of color in the ship's interior. Purple, green, cyan, orange. It's just not super bright. I like that. Quite honestly, I'm sick of every game trying to fry my retina with overly saturated palettes.

>very few talented sprite artists remain.
this isn't the future I wanted

This sprite discussion made me imagine a Castlevania developed by Vanillaware

I have to disagree, user. More than saturated colors, what I want is more pleasant looking colors.
Compare and contrast. Bloodstained browns are much more gray than the ones from OoE. Look at these browns, there's variety and is very nice in general without looking like Hot Line Miami.


If only Vanillaware games were as well designed as their art IMO.
But I haven't played Dragon's Crown.

>But I haven't played Dragon's Crown.
Dragon's Crown is ok.
Muramasa Rebirth is fun as fuck.

It's weird because a long time ago, sprite games still looked very different from one another. It's hard to say even Super Metroid looks similar to Zero mission. Art design is so different. So I wonder why indie devs have such a hard time differentiating themselves like old devs did.

Shanoa is too perfect. It's unfair to compare her to any other vidya girl.

Which is exactly what everyone wanted

>make a kickstarter for people that want more metroidvania
>people that back it want more metroidvania
>"WTF? why is this like the old metroidvanias!?"

This is more accurate we tried you warn you. But you wouldn't learn from our mistakes and were blinded by pure waifuism

>It's weird because a long time ago, sprite games still looked very different from one another.

They're using the same animation programs and techniques. It produces a very generic look. To make it easier, they use a cartoony look with thick black borders often. It means that they ALL look the same.

I think different styles can be made, but it hasn't been done yet.

The only sprite games that look different are the 480 resolution ones. Astro Port games for instance look like older games. But they're using more traditional sprite work, which can't really be done past 480p.

>why does this game look like castlevania???

Wow, what a faggot.

How do you know she doesn't know Hokuto Shinken?

Many games from my experience since the late 200x's have been washed out with little variation in color. Need some SNES color palettes back. That shit was vibrant and had good range.

>From the Director of Symphony of the Night (Actually Assist. Director, but let's ignore Hagihara since he isn't asking for a kickstarter)
>Remember Symphony of the Night? Please give money




WAY more people have played Symphony than Order.

Left is boring.

Because Hokuto Shinken is an Assassination technique from China that is passed to only a small handful of people. Each generation there is only one practioner.

Hell no. Order has a stamina-based glyph system for combat and the levels are all small, separated and linear. It's the Prime 3 of Castlevania.

>>From the Director of Symphony of the Night (Actually Assist. Director, but let's ignore Hagihara since he isn't asking for a kickstarter)
Sounds like the Inafune of Konami if you say it that way.

For that matter, is there a game on Steam or wherever that plays like Classic Castlevania and it's good?

So many times this. Shanoa design hit the jackpot for some reason, even if its obviously something they didn't work too much on, considering how simple it actually is. Miriam is a good character, confronting her with the miracle that is Shanoa is just dumb.

>plays like Classic Castlevania
>it's good?
pick one

If you don't see it move, that is

There are four Hokuto brothers in Fist of the North Star.

Muramasa is so goddamn monotonous. And after you beat the game they have the balls to tell you to beat it again with the other character to get the true ending.

Classicvanias are the best Vanias

D you complain about Yooka-Laylee looking like Banjo Kazooie too?

Which is an anomoly. Once a successor is chosen, the rest are killed or have their fists sealed. The conflict in the series stems from them not following the rules and having one successor.

They were set to be killed or have their ability to use Hokuto no Shinken disabled when the successor was chosen.

Nuclear Holocaust kind of pushed that back.

It doesn't end there, since at least the different routes give you different bosses, but to get the true true ending you have to backtrack every area to get into special stages or something like that. Muramasa would be so good if it wasn't for the repetition.

Well, SotN is best Vania and its not Classicvania so you're wrong.

>not wanting more Castlevania

I guess we should pack in all FPS because DOOM came out in the 90s and everything since then is a rehash. Same goes for fighting games everything since the first Street Fighter? it's all the same so they can go.


I like the style.

That trailer pushed all my buttons. I might consider sueing Playtonic for giving so much pleasure to my inner 10 year old.

>full retail price ($40-$70 depending on the system) for linear, straightforward games with little combat variety which can be beaten in 20-40 minutes
Konami sure knew how to scam children back then.

>Dat hip swaying when she stops.

Its a butthurt MN9 who tries to bait. No need to even look at him.

>wanting more soulless blatant rehashes

I have to say you're wrong. The OoE shot has warmer wood framing the windows, but that just happens to be the style of that particular environment. It's not a desolate ship. And if you really compare the color, Bloodstains's wood can get just as warm as OoE with the help of the lanterns they placed along the enrironment. Whereas OoE has no such lighting around the windows. So essentially Bloodstained is taking advantage of the lighting, in order to get a wider range of color.

The wall and the wood on the loowerportion of the wall, are actually gray in OoE. While Bloodstained actually infuses more green, and orange from the lighting.

>Well, SotN is best Vania
No thanks, I'd rather play something with challenge.
The prices were bullshit indeed. But I've played those games so many times because it feels like such a rush in my brain.

>I'd rather play something with challenge.
And I'd rather play something fun.
Different strokes.

>Classicvanias are the best Vanias
This is what hipster millenials believe

the only thing I miss is the awkward leg movement Castlevania character usually does while walking, but I guess it would too strange to make this with a 3D model.

I'm so fucking hyped and I hope it won't be a Mighty turd 9 situation.

We did go through a brown and bloom era. But we came out of that. and now everything is overly bright. Here's a comparison I did a while back of Zelda U's footage on the left, compared to the base grass color of ALttP on the right.

I think it's just because Bloodstained palette is more samey that it gives me that impression. Miriam looks bright but the boat doesn't. For that matter the platforms are colored almost the same as the background so they don't pop. The lanterns look so off because they are so bright compared to everything else in the frame. Sure it has its purpose considering you'll have to whip them to get hearts or whatever equivalent for this game, but you get what I'm trying to say.

>I'd rather play something with challenge.
Then play Order of Ecclesia, legitimately harder than classicvanias. Then again I only had like 15 glyphs and used the one with the biting dog heads all the way to the end.

>mfw shitposters scold people for backing games were as I do the opposite

Why would you not want to let idiots back whatever they want?
Game turns out shit? We get to lol at them for being retarded as fuck.
Game turns out good? I pirate it and play it for free anyway.

By the way, the game genuinely does look like shit currently. Doubt it's going to get better at all.
>Retards fell for the 3D looks better than 2D meme
Every time.

>And I'd rather play something fun.
SotN isn't though.
I'm sorry I wasn't born in 1999 like you, bud.

Shanoa's quite uggo tbqh