Witcher thread

Skelliage A shit, SHIIIITTTTT

>mfw i bait the scorch cards and proceed to pull out the berseker cards

>he doesn't like my Skellige deck

How about you suck my dwarf cock?

So did anyone actually win the new tournament?

I just couldn't get past that Nilfgard deck


shut up dwarf

beat on my first try. guy did not get any spy cards.

I had to play until we both had 0 cards the second round (using decoys to take his spies) and then rely on the Skellige faction ability to win the third round.

Yep, had the full deck though.


your mother sucks dwarf cock!


>Biting frost and Scorch combo on a monster deck

Works well against AI

Beat it on my second try, once I figured out that I had to bait the dwarf's scorch cards.

just set gwent difficulty to easy and rely on your heroes.
The skellige gwent is shit but you can save it with good neutral cards.

Your mother sucks dwarf cock!

It really isnt that hard seeing as you know what everyone is playing and can make a deck to counter them. You will need all the Skellige cards at your disposal though.

i had such a good ending and closure. ty cdred

will preorder cyberpunk

So are we agreed Northern Realms has the best deck, then?

Nilfgaard is better, but your a little bitch if you only play one deck the whole game.

>gwent is an ancient past time
>it has a scoiatel faction even thugh they have existed for maybe 30 years

nice plothole, polacks

Please tell me there's an option to bang Anna Henrietta. I want to viciously rail her. Noblewomen make me rock hard.

>she fell for a witless buffoon like Dandelion

Thats hardly the only lore problem with Gwent. Game is meta as fuck. Not to mention those cards are way too modern looking.

If there was a mod to keep all your cards from NG going into NG+, I'd play with more decks. I hate only being able to use Nilfgaard/Scoia'tael/Monster decks only after mid-game. It's even worse for the Skellige deck which I came to like a lot.


Gwent isn't ancient you dumbshit. It has cards of people who were born only a few decades ago.

Gwent is just a ripoff of Barrel, which IS an ancient dwarven card game. It's fairly new compared to Barrel.

>Please tell me there's an option to bang Anna Henrietta
but you can bang her hotter dark haired sister


Has the gwent meme gone too far?

Just follow the main questline, and dont go to see the Unseen Elder vamp. Near the end you will have the option to let her
>Force herself upon you

You pick the bang option in the mabdatory bang or no bang question with her.

Was anyone else dead sure you were gonna get a nude painting of her after you meet Von Gogh? They practically winked at the camera when Anna implied that the "princess would change her mind" regarding the nude thing.

Goddamn you CDPR

>existed for maybe 30 years

everyone already predicted this you idiot

>beat someone
>take card
>lol I keep them all

Everyone certainly begged for it.

>2 young berserker and ermion
>summoning drakkar


>tfw piss poor peasant with a life of hard labour and suffering
>gwent is one of the few pleasures in life available
>saved up two months for a hero card
>some fag witcher comes up and demands to play gwent
>nod with fear in my eyes because I'm scared he would chop me up
>end up losing
>keeps bothering me to play
>give up card so he'll go away

The first guy was the hardest, but once you manage to get past him it's easier. Skellige decks are really based around having a good draw so you have to cut down the deck as thinly as you can to get the ideal hand. If you have to save scum do it.

>actually wearing plate armor
>Shitty Chad "shave-the-sides" haircut

No es bueno

Skellige deck seems to be great if you're not playing in a tournament. Cerys card seems kind of OP though. I've been against AI who have used it and wound up with a score of 130 before.

Took me 4 tries on normal.

>tfw if you have Bran equipped you can just spam weather cards

>Tfw I protected his smile.

Am I the only one having problems in completing certain quests?

Every time I reach an area to advance to a quest it just fucking crashes

Like in the There can be only One quest, when I reach the isle in the middle of the lake, it crashes

what the fuck CDPR, why is this expansion full of bugs and crashes and shit? Had no problems with HoS

>Medieval fantasy
>Mass produced playing cards of quality paper

Who paints and distributes these? Monks?

>have a mod that rebalances a ton of gwent cards, but latest update was pre-skellige faction
>mfw trying to beat the revamped decks with stock skellige cards

What's the best look and why is it ursine dyed red with full beard and a ponytail?


Well, it's not like The Witcher is a depiction of any particular point of time anyway, but if you absolutely had to assign it to some time period, it's not medieval by a long shot but Renaissance. For example, the kinds of sallet the soldier on the right is wearing were popular in mid-15th century and can you think of any other technology from around that point of time? Perhaps Gutenberg's printing press with movable type? And anyhow, limited printing was a thing before that (for starters, movable type was invented in Song China 400 years earlier, it's just that it wasn't practical due to the abundance of characters used in Chinese, and woodblock printing by large is an ancient technology) .

>Has the gwent meme gone too far?
Gwent , not even once

Manticore with White and Black dyed is pretty cool too but that just my opinion.

why game don't let you fuck brothel's madam.

Their militarys are much more organized then one from the medieval period as well, they are akin to something out of the 30 years war. They are way more advanced in medcine too, though mostly thanks to mages.

Their weapons, armor, and architecture are all over the fucking place.

the madame is not for fucking

you fuck the help


the gods have sent the BEEEEEEEEEEEAST

>witless buffoon

he breaks you out of jail, and Bards are probably in the noble-tier in that sort of society, they are literate and able to compose ballads that will be sung for 100's of years

why are you shining
why are you throwing napalm at people

Nah, CDPR never gives the option to bang the best girls.