King of Fighters XIV


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Is that true?


Yes nigga. Oh boy I wonder if they'll follow the previous order or if they changed it up. I wanna stey tuned, but I haven't slept yet.

Kim team trailer today! Any speculations about Kim's master gameplay?

Whoa you go big guy!

>"Wow, I kicked his ass."

Eeeh sugoi desu ne!

They changed the order

We might get Sylvie team trailer

Okay you have my interest

Kyari is such ugly bitch.

>Terry actually says BAHNING
>No confirmation if Angel says itadaki masu
Will announce in some threads until XIV launches!

Really? So, Mian today?



Man I just hate doing this but the graphics... I was hoping they would make it better but damn son... it is the current year for God's sake.

What is this?

I just got used to it. I think it looks acceptable now and taking in consideration it's the first time they use 3D in a mainline kof, I hope things will get better in the next game when they get more used to it.

Also, at least the gameplay looks good. My biggest concern is the online, but let's see how it turns out...

Some stores in Japan offer exclusive bonus for purchasing the game with them. As in, if you buy in store X, you get pic related; in store Y you get something different etc.

I would agree with you, but chances are they are going to charge full price. If this was a $40 game, I would care more. Looks like I will just wait till it goes on sale

"Sorry King. This time I'm helping my brother."

Well, it's your money bro, if you are not feeling like buying it now, that's fine.

As for me, between what happened with XII/XIII (focus on graphics, but less characters and moves) and XIV (big roster and a more classic gameplay, but not over the top graphics), I prefer the latter.

It's not like any of you ever won, so it doesn't make a difference.

Also why Yuri feels the need to apologize, the Women Fighters Team had many different formations.

I heard Jap stores were offering these because their special edition didn't come with the soundtrack or something like that.

>WOOOOOW I'M PRESSING PUNCH BUT I'M GETTING KICKS *passive aggressive laughter*

I know this is kind of a tired thing to say at this point but it genuinely does look a lot better in motion, I had reservations too but it looked pretty ok when I played it

If you have prime you can get the special edition for $64 plus tax rather than $79 plus tax. It comes with a steel book, 144 page artbook and soundtrack. Plus the game may not look eye popping, but it more than makes up for it with the content it'll have. That's a win in my book, but if you decide to buy it later thats cool too. I just want this to be successful for SNK so they can make more games again.


Sweet, how much better? I've been hearing this too. Frionel, Li Joe and even the commentators at combo breaker said it looked better in person.

Also reminder it'll be playable at E3 on the 14th I think and on wednesday night fights on the 15th.

>tfw know exactly where WNF fights and been in that area before
>used to be able to take two buses to get there
>moved in a completely different direction, but can't go because no car

So close, yet so far. Maybe it's good that I don't go because I suck total dick at fighting games despite liking them so much. I'd probably just embarrass myself.


How much longer?

Probably afternoon

fug is that when when last one was released? Wasn't it before 10 am like it usually was on thursdays?

Shit, I just realized it might've been noon for you and 10 am for me. I need sleep.

>it isn't Kyo interviewing him
kuso picture


Every time I see threads like this, someone has to complain about the graphics.

You can't get GGXrd or KOFXIII graphics overnight you know.


Spot the retard with bad taste who doesnt know what he's talking about.

Looking at Gang-il he probably uses some punches too.
One doesn't have tree trunks for arms to not use them.


Purely on technical level XIII is quite fine, it's faults are in the stylistic decisions.
And if we look style over technical quality then XIV is doing great.

when is pc release

Spot the parrot trying to fit in.

Take a look at the release dates between XIII's console and PC

Only for PS4 for now.

i really hope we will get rock as DLC

>helping my brother
Yeah, sure.



New update?

Sylvie be cute here.


t. Max


Game already has Terry and Geese so no need for lame mix version.

But I don't wanna do pretzels.

I want Yuri to help me.

Sylvie is always cute, faggot.

rising taco

>Dat manface

how much for the trailer?

>dat vomit colored scheme

friendly reminder Luong isn't married to Kims master.

Nah, colors are fine

Have you seen the fucking fire effects?
Not to mention the rest of the particles, it's all atrocious and there's a horrid scaling filter applied to the characters.

You can tell someone doesn't know what they're talking about when they say it's XIII because newsflash, nearly all the visuals from XIII are just from XII.

More like someone who's hated the look of XII/XIII for years.
It's not an uncommon sentiment among fans of the series.

1 hour. I think.

Sylvie is always cute! Cute enough to get her belly button molested!

Kukri actually surfboards Kyo in his reveal trailer too
what is SNK trying to say here?

That they like Tony hawk games.

Get away from her pure, virgin belly you big smelly pervert! She's going to shock you!

Kyo is finally getting what he deserves for being a bully for so many years

I would trade an ost and artbook for these ps4 themes.

I'm glad that Kyo's getting his Orochi outfit as DLC, hopefully they offer more classic costumes as well. NESTS or AOF3 Robert, AOF2 Ryo, older looks for the Ikaris, every Athena costume, etc. Those would be nice.

>every Athena costume
And there went SNK's whole DLC budget.

The old Kyo look DLC is something SNK obviously cooked up because of the negative response to Kyo's new design, but I do hope it opens doors for some more alt costumes DLC.

Please be a success so I can see MS8

It wouldn't be that hard to just change the model would it? I'd at least like to see the '96, '99 and '00 costumes again or really any thought put into her costume beyond the fucking schoolgirl outfit.

>It wouldn't be that hard to just change the model would it
Surely that'd be even more expensive?

I want to some of that NESTS Kyo, anything to improve his current look.

Making assets is not a trivial thing, and is probably one of the bigger expenses of making a game.
Also, even with the old costumes they would have to redo the designs for 3D and higher level of detail what the old sprites gave.


I want proper Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury games. Maybe go oddball and put out a new World Heroes.

After Samurai Shodown.

I'd say that if we get new Fatal Fury, it's probably the MotW sequel people have been wanting.
Samurai Showdown is also good guess for next SNK fighting game.
It has history and name recognition and it's sufficiently different from KoF to not directly compete with it.

Garou 2
New metal slug
New samurai showdown
cap vs snk 3

trailer when

In 10 minutes.

>Garou 2
Too soon.

>The old Kyo look DLC is something SNK obviously cooked up because of the negative response to Kyo's new design
Hardly, the game was obviously going to have costumes and school uniform Kyo is extremely popular, it was even in 13 where Kyo already had two other outfits

anons, is iori evil or good?

Its painful to watch where the mighty have fallen.

He's just humoring Kyo, who's a high school drop-out and has nothing going for him except fighting. Iori, inbetween the stuff he does in his band, acts as a villain for Kyo to stop the guy from fucking killing himself out of depression and give him some sense of meaning in life.

Maybe yes, maybe not.

>"During the fan event 2005 KOF-party, illustrator Falcoon mentioned that the game's sequel was around 70% percent complete for the Neo Geo by the SNK team. Falcoon also confirmed that one of the new characters meant to appear was a student from Joe Higashi, a character who starred in all of the Fatal Fury games. In July 2006 SNK reported that they were still working on the sequel, saying that they will use modern high-resolution graphics instead of the resolution quality level seen in the original game. During an interview in March 2008, SNK USA developers commented that there was not any concrete schedule of demands for the game and that they plan to make the sequel with some new technology."

Here ya go!

So they showed Team Kim Master's wife, fug, i was expecting Sylvie trailer.

Kek, i also was expecting BURNING FROM THE INSIDE.

Gang-il is disappointingly Kim like in his style.
Of course, teacher and student, but still.

Gang-il is so short.

Luong is so fucking perfect.

Master DSP kinda just seems like a slower but heavier Kim. I get why but I was hoping for something a bit more individual really. Not bad though.


A bit too Kim for my tastes but I dunno, I like Kim but could never really play him, maybe Gang-Il will suit me more.