See you E3. Thank you Sony for letting me get on stage and get my message out

See you E3. Thank you Sony for letting me get on stage and get my message out.

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Sounds legit OP.


do you think she would be mad if I mailed my hemriod to her?

>PC loses another exclusive

About what?

im ok with this. so what if she speaks? acting butthurt or like she shouldn't is JUST as bad as SJWs shutting down conservative speakers

I doubt gaming will ever recover from the damage this person has done.

It's ok, E3 would be boring without all the fuck ups

>Anita and McIntosh finally moved on to greener pastures
Now the healing can begin

Wait, Sony? This may effect my purchasing choice

>if we ignore it, it'll stop

>voicing opinions about how dishonest SJWs is just as bad as SJWs shutting down and no-platforming conservatives

fuck off

Explain. I've missed whatever this is.

Except this is the worst argument ever.

Name one 10/10 game made by an sjw.

They're shit at making video games and that's a fact. I'm a liberal aswell before you start calling me Sup Forums

underrated post

I am honestly fine with her speaking, the problem is her lying about a lot of things and outright calling game devs like CDPR racist and sexists.

Oh please. Don't give her any credit for starting "a movement" - it's our current American society at large that is brining attention to women and minorities.

Ever hear of Black Lives Matter? It wasn't started by a video game critic.

I think we should thank Sup Forums for making her relevant instead

>I'm a liberal as well
>whole post is Sup Forums and gerberbaby rhetoric

There's nothing to explain, OP's baiting you.

No it was started by a white boi kek

back where you belong

>so what if she speaks?
She's a corporate mouthpiece and spews a mixture of bullshit and half-truths to make money.
Wait, it's E3, she'll fit right in.


>thinking this cunt has influence over anyone other than "people" who don't even buy or play video games
Looks like the buttbaby cancer on Sup Forums ate the bait once more. Pathetic.


>I hate BLM and I don't give a fuck about abortion rights, LGBT protection from harassment and direct discrimination, environmental causes, equal pay, childcare expenses, parental leave, gun-related issues or the climate!

>But I am for free college and legal weed so I'm a liberal!

Sup Forums leftists.

Cdpr, to be fair, does contain sexist content technically speaking. i think its fair to say it warrants a critical critique, especially as far as future game design decisions go

Would you insert benis into Anita? And thrust and thrust while she begs for mercy? Pull her hair and slap her face while tears are running down her jew nose and cheeks? Then lay a thick layer of splooge on her face and in her eyes while you're telling her what a piece of shit she is?

Hey Anita




Such violent rhetoric among gamers. Based Sess was right; Weapons dealers have a better, more civilized client base than video games.

is she even still relevant?

I want this to happen

At this point, just let everything burn

they say nigger in goodfellas, is it a bad movie?



Not to video games, she's gone off and crowdfunded a feminist animated movie or something

Some advice: If you want to be taken seriously, stop using "SJW." It sounds insane when you say it aloud, and only butthurt conservatives know what you're talking about.

Use cultural marxist or something that sounds educated, but SJW? Go back to bobbing on Stephen Crowders cock, jesus christ it's over. You lost the culture war, if you dislike something organize memes or a nonviolent campaign like an adult.

it's not a bad movie. but the question is, would the movie have been worse if they chose not to include a racist term like that? in respect to future movies evaluating goodfellas from a critical perspective through the lens of race, oppression, etc wouldn't be a bad idea.

like her or not, Anitas lectures and critiques do have an academic background to them. that IMO is why people are so hostile towards her just speaking.

>Use cultural marxist or something that sounds like you regularly post on stromfront.

Or you could avoid using hackneyed names to do your arguing for you.

Get raped and die



Mark Levin (conservative darling) regularly uses it, I had no idea Stormfront does.

tl;dr Time to direct that passion elsewhere, nobody will join you when you mention SJW SJW SJW

I Second this.

the fuck?

i dont care for the term myself, its in pop use here though. and the point was to simply draw a comparison that shutting down speech is wrong in any scenario.

way to sperg out though, general autismo.

>nobody will join you when you mention
Lots of people will. The idiots. Don't underestimate the power of stupidity en mass.

It's almost like the filmmaker is trying to illustrate that the characters in Goodfellas aren't pleasant people.

go and complain in redchan

can go through one day without having to see that jews fucking face?

We agree on this, but the difference is you don't know how to change folks shutting down speech. Might be that lack of empathy and humility.

But stay mad bro, gb2 Stephen Crowder.

>"...would (Goodfellas) have been worse if they chose not to include a racist term (nigger) like that?"

Yes, yes it would have, considering the tone, characters, and scene.

meant for


it thats really the best you have?

I'm going to E3. Should I cosplay as Go Home Gamer Girl?

Pot calling the kettle black?

>she worked on mirrors edge 2
>supposed to be all SJW
>you can see Faith's ass in skintight pants every cut scene

Now I know you're trolling.


that is debatable, i.e. whole point of assessing something critically. how can you say the movie would be worse, when you never processed the movie without that word in it?

Not really. I'm not calling the other person an idiot, but I am demonstrating that I'm stupid enough not to spell check my posts properly.

I hope you and your famity get cancer and live to get cancer again and die.

She's not doing it anymore

>Anita Sarkeesian has announced her departure from covering video games to produce a new video series focusing on “overlooked women in history,” and as of June 9, 2016 has been fully crowdfunded to the sum of $210,000.

>It appears Sarkeesian has decided to move onto the next thing after targeting video games; generic feminist commentary. It’s an industry that, unlike her little niche from before, is already drowned and overboarded with commentators, leaving Sarkeesian little room.

>Interestingly, McIntosh seems to have been scrubbed from the new project altogether, with no mention of him on the “Team” page of the crowdfunding campaign.

>you have to support twisted narratives and nonissues to be a liberal

Nobody is obligated to swallow bullshit.

let's all go down there and level up

youre the reason why gamers get such a shitty reputation.

Any game we name you'll say isn't a 10/10 so why don't you tell us what games you consider 10/10?

In the time it took you to reply, I showed a screening of the movie to 40 million people with "nigger" cut. If you turn-on CNN, you'll see the resultant rioting occurring as I type.


I suppose she discovered that people just aren't into her anymore so she's not making enough money to pay off those FBI investigators.

Just because a medium contains distasteful content, doesn't mean the people behind that supports it.

And to answer the inevitable "but the question is, would the game have been worse if they chose not to include a racist/sexist term like that?"

and to answer your question, yes. It's there to set the tone of the video games.
I hope we never end up in a situation were people are afraid of covering uncomfortable. topics in video games.

Still haven't gotten raped and killed yet?

She's going to be eaten alive by actual feminists. Her critiques are too fluffy and aimed at the lowest common denominator to cover real women with the amount of tact needed.


>yfw you see her entire dwarf body and hilarious leg and ass proportions

It's not debatable. By removing that line you are harming characterization. Whether you like it or not racism is an intended part of their character.

>when you in Sup Forums and getting lots of (You)'s

Anita is cute CUTE

She won't be there.

She is exiting video games and is going more mainstream.

eyy, wat did I do now user?

Are you sure you replied to the right person ?

Glad. And you are the reason why games sucks so much these days.

As expected of a CSUN graduate desu

Any game on PC may as well be considered a PC exclusive.

Did you quote the wrong person, or did you really ask the guy who's being open-minded and logical about being raped and murdered?

da fuk?

>real women who care about 3rd wave feminism

>its not censorship when we do it!

>and as of June 9, 2016 has been fully crowdfunded to the sum of $210,000.
You can hate on her all you want, but she really knows how to make money.'re advocating that where-ever Snarkeesian and her posse goes she should be followed by large groups of professionally-attired mixed-ethnic/gender groups who drown her out using bullhorns.

I LIKE it.

>le open-minded and logical

And people who waste their time arguing with feminist trash is just as bad

The only solution to the cultural marxist problem is fascism

How is sony even relevant anymore.

It's all about catering to the lowest common denominator, in this case 16-26 year olds whose brains are still developing and minds are still learning about the real world around them outside academia who aren't able to recognize that she's full opioid constipation.

Yea duhh feminism is a product.


Oh, I see. You're angry that you lost an internet argument to well thought-out logic to your pseudo-logic.

Carry on, folks, carry on.

I don't see any videogames...

You people didnt ignore it so I dont know what you're talking about


This is Sup Forums, what did you expect? Do you WANT these threads in /vg/?

Nice strawman, cuckold

>mfw people go to CSUs

Adam, don't forget your cocaine!