One of China’s biggest sites NetEase (via ShanghaiIst) reports that on Warcraft’s opening day in Fuzhou...

> One of China’s biggest sites NetEase (via ShanghaiIst) reports that on Warcraft’s opening day in Fuzhou, one moviegoer was spotted with a love doll. According to ShanghaiIst, the images have gone viral in China. Major sites like China News have also covered the incident.

Explain yourselves, Blizzard fans.

It's China

who cares lol

How is that even newsworthy?

Something's in the air.

I wonder if he had to buy it a ticket.

If it takes a seat, it has to have a ticket.

You're buying an extra seat, so yes, he probably did.

The news is that 9 years later that moron is still making the same stories.


I've seen weirder things like men liking men and other men who try to become women and vice versa.

aren't people who pretend that their sex dolls are real people pretty old news? i remember seeing some program on TV about that shit more than ten years ago.

jesus christ, just let the man bring his doll with him

why are normies so obsessed with shit like this?

why is that news?

>you will never afford a love doll

Is that all it takes to get in the news? Does that yuro guy who always takes his body pillows with him to bars get news articles written about him, too?

Oh, right.

Pretty much this

She has T-Mobile, her ticket was free.

Cute cute!

melonpan? yeah he does

the first result is a kotaku article

>guy loses his wife or daughter to some escalator incident
>copes by buying a realdoll and treating it like his deceased loved one
some people need to stop assuming shit about others


>>guy loses his wife or daughter to some escalator incident

Uh, what?

>I am such a neeerd XD
>haha, what a virgin, let's publicly shame him for being weird
Quality journalism

>she has a granny voice
whyyyy did they do this

>Major sites like China News have also covered the incident.
>All those people in that country
>This is what gets news coverage


I can't seem to find my screencap of the one where he discovers that Nintendo didn't invent ocarinas, but have some more breaking news in the making from Kotaku.

>2007 was 9 years ago

>Major sites like China News have also covered the incident.

Show him the WebM

there was a lady in china who got eaten by a malfunctioning escalator

> report about corruption, pollution, or the economy slowing down
> go to jail

t..thanks chairman Xi


Shoddy engineering in China leads to several people becoming ground meat in elevator or escalator malfunctions.

Man, it's been a while since I last dug into my gaymen journalism folder. Got plenty more like the burger ones

Was it a slow news day or something?

not him, but I've heard about this incident from a long time ago and I still can't bring myself to watch the videos of it happening

You're free to report on corruption (as long as it's Xi's opponents who are caught being corrupt).

>copes by buying a realdoll and treating it like his deceased loved one
Taking his fuckdoll for a walk would be more normal than that.

I'm pretty sure if you can treat a doll like a proper daughter or wife with all you love, then you're ready to try the real thing.

This is big news day at Kotaku.

I've only seen the webms without audio but it looks like it was taken from security camera footage so you don't actually see the process of the people getting crushed, but you can see the terrified/painful expression on their faces so it leaves a lot to your imagination.

Isn't it hugely hypocritic to laugh at this but not at mentally ill trannies, fat women etc. laugh stock of humanity?

here's the aftermath


>tfw no qt blonde doll waifu

yeah fuck that shit not gonna ruin my good day by watching some kids die

What was the story on that again?

I wonder if this guy thinks a plumber is just a made up job as well.

I'm pretty sure people still laugh at those kinds of articles. Maybe they didn't have any new material?

>that one guy that had a terminal illness, so instead of making a grieving widow, he got a real doll to have memories with in his last years.

A real human bean

And to think, in just 20 years there will be a movement for the right for humans to love and marry robots. I mean, the LBGTQSRM movement will just keep growing, fighting for new sexual freedoms, always finding another cause to fight in order to feed the reason for it's existence.

Third guy knows what's up!

>that short feeling of denial until I realise that it's true

People are checking the escalator platforms to ensure they don't collapse because of accidents described in these two posts.

boring webm desu senpai

It's just people cautiously avoiding the escalator floor or checking if it's safe

Didn't the child survive?

I didn't believe it at first either...
>2017 is next year

How is that possible? I mean, isn't an escalator a big conveyor belt?





Whoever that comment guy is, he's about 20 years late.

Do you know where this video is at the very least? I'm sorta interested now.

thats just one fan

>tfw no paraplegic love doll gf to roll around in a wheelchair

Yeah but there's large gears and machinery under the platforms where you get on and get off escalators and the metal platform that covers it is all that stands between you and said gears and machinery. There are videos of these platforms collapsing and people falling into this machinery.

>love doll

No I meant Kotaku, they go full nuts if someone dares to laugh at trannies, fat women, niggers etc. but its not a problem to laugh at some waifuist? Basically if you take a stance that some people cannot be laughed at then you are huge hypocrite for laughing at anything anymore.

i think they really hit the mark with her voice actually, the whole frog thing makes it perfect

only the second chick was smart
>tapping on it with your foot
some people are just retarded

this webm is hilarious if you don't know the backstory

yeah but at the end there is a plate which covers a hollow section so it can collapse and the person just drops down.

In the chinese lady webm she kind of gets swallowed but i don't know what happens inside the emtpy area so she could have been getting crushed or something.

Honestly I'd be more concerned if he wasn't fucking it.

> The property managers told the Beijing Youth Daily that the elevator cab was returned to the first floor and taken out of service after workers had “confirmed” that no one was inside. But police investigators said workers simply shouted to check whether anyone was inside and did not open the cab to perform a visual inspection, the news magazine Caixin reported.
> The victim, believed to be in her late thirties or early forties, was identified only by her surname, Wu. Investigators said that when her corpse was found, her hands were mangled – apparently due to her attempts to pry open the cab doors.


does this really surprise anyone
I think seeing the warcraft movie to begin with is the bigger shame

Wouldn't she die of dehydration after only two or three days?

The love doll being in a wheelchair makes me sad

>not replacing wife's skin with perfumed silk
>perfectly good vagina with no worries of impregnating her

Are the Chinese retarded?

>Want to make the escalator secure? fuck that, i want to put the motor in the most dangerous position possible because technicial must repair it easy, i dont give a fuck about lemmings, they keep spawning

This, my sides were in orbit.
Kinda understood it after seeing why though, it was pretty sick, especially cause she pushes her child out first.


Just drink your own piss user. Recycling you know

believe it or not. That is the only way up, there is an elevator for disabled, but nothing more.

There probably aren't any

The chinese are ascended jews and wouldn't just add more bits to their buildings

saddest thing it's that is the universal truth

>work on ground floor on 20 floor office building
>our company needs some more space and opens a second office on the 15th floor (only room available in the building)
>have to go upstairs
>take elevator
>it's shaking and making weird noise the whole time
>decide to open the emergency phone just to quench my fears if I get stuck
>open the panel
>phone receiver falls out
>it wasn't connected to anything

And now I take the stairs.

There was a set of escalators in my city's HMV which had transparent sides so you could see all the moving parts. Put me right off them.

Shit, terrifying.
This is why i NEVER try to use elevators, i mean it's not that hard to get to a 3rd or 5th floor by using the stairs.


It only says her body was trapped in there for a month before it was found. Her spirit left her body probably much sooner than that, if you know what I mean.

I like where this thread went

why can't china into human rights

And even accepted because escalators are ALL the fucking same. No one thought a second to put the motor on a side or something, its just like a side of a tank track, a belt made of the steps and a motor rolling the whole thing.
Changing the existing production and whatever is too much for the safety of its users.

This is the world you have to live in.

Good thread!

>office has 8 elevators
>get in early at 6am
>hit the elevator
>no one around
>door about to close
>hand flies in
>elevator stops
>wait for him to get in
>he hits the button for the second floor

I fucking hate people

Cause 1.3 billion people. More humans than rights.

Chinese stairs are even more dangeous.

[i am being detained in spanish]

Where does one get such a doll?

Am I better off asking jp

In my case though I had an asshole friend manage to stall an elevator by jumping around in it like a spasmodic chimpanzee afterwhich I vowed never to get in an elevator with him again, and then I just sort of got used to taking the stairs, no waiting, good exercise and often faster on the whole.