Why does Vanillaware have such a weird obsession about food?

Why does Vanillaware have such a weird obsession about food?

eating is a more common experience during players's lives than killing people

Kamitani loves to draw food, and a lot of these games are inspired by old beat-em-ups where eating delicious looking food out of barrels and garbage cans was commonplace.

Also, holy shit does the traveling restaurant completely break Odinsphere L. You gain like 6 levels every time you eat a new recipe

Simulation or at least references to everyday activities helps "sell" a fantasy world as a believable entity.

Like says, we all eat.

>That rabbit

Food is delicious. What's your problem?

I bought Odin Sphere on PSN for cheap before they announced Leifthrasir, should I bother playing it or just take the hit and eventually get Leifthrasir instead?

wtf is this shit?

Depends, do you like suffering and endless slowdowns? If you do then the PS2 version is for you

because the lead artist is secretly boogie.

Please tell me that vore shit is a commission and not a new fetish he's getting into.

No nigga why do you have such a weird obsession with food? I bet you eat 3 times a day or more, faggot.


Maybe at first but later you can get like 30,000 from a meal and still not level

The PS2 version is fucking garbage, it might honestly be Vanillaware's weakest title.
There's a reason Leifthrasir was a full remake.

Why is the odin sphere so comfy?

Everyone needs to eat, man. What's more relatable than food?

Is this game good? Considering buying it after I beat Catherine.

Now's not the time to be dead.


>press up and she pets him
>press up without the cat and she bounces or kicks her legs
Too cute, please nerf

cooking mama when

play the demo

Alice is adorable, if you go to check the shelf she has to climb up on the box first. It's to big for her to just step up on

Oh there's a demo?

Thanks user

Why don't YOU have an obsession with food? Food is good, it keeps us alive, and is one of life's greatest (or little) pleasures

So are valkyrie wings part of their armor or what?