Why is this game so dead? Even Sign lasted a lot longer

Why is this game so dead? Even Sign lasted a lot longer
2 days after release and nobody talking about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe they're playing it?

Not released in Europe, not released in boxes in USA AFAIK (delay from distributor due to incompetence)

And threads for GG XRD are here half the time.

What surprises me more is that no one has yet put the entire English story mode for download/strim/whatever.

Everyone is waiting on the PC version so they don't get scammed out of their money

Considering Sign only sold 10 copies on Steam, I doubt it.

Waiting for the PC version.

So can the online die in less than 2 hours?

Arcsys has been taking down download links and vids like a madman these past few weeks. An user said earlier today that he would post the second half of the story mode after posting the first half but he disappeared

Fuck off beggar

Did they give the character models nipples?

Where the fuck is part 2 storybro?
You said you will upload it!

Pirating on my ps3 until PC release come by

Saw that.

Arcsys ninja assassin police is strong, or user lost interest, or..

Or it's the same video that was posted 2 days ago, which some guy posted. It was based on a video on youtube he managed to quickly download. In that case, the second part doesn't exist and the guy trolled us.


Why would you ask for that?

Doesn't seem like it tho.

>That Man is a cat for no reason
>That Man has a wing on his face for no reason
>That Man's face and name have been kept secret for over a decade yet neither had any special significance
>Best mom given retarded edgy make-up
>Best mom killed off so she can't be playable
>Literally every single other villains are given the "They were actually good all along!" treatment

Story mode was a mistake

That's what happens when you hang around with Mori.

At least Jack-O made I-No go insane so I-No can be a real villain with Axl as her henchman

What? Pics?


Because it's another weeb game, weebs hype and buy, they are only good for this, they buy any flavor of the month.

You'll be buying this when its out here and then drop it after one week.

This game isn't even fun lol.

T-Thanks Arc-Sys

Sorry, I had to do some editing and my upload speed might as well not exist

I hate That Man's reveal, but the wing in the eye is one of GG's many references to Bastard!!

BlazBlue has actual villains and doesn't kill off hot milfs that should be playable, so that's not Mori's fault.

>with Axl as her henchman
The last chapter makes it clear he's ready to sacrifice his happiness, there's no reason for him to be a villain. He's actually the most heroic character in the story.

Yeah, Dizzy was killed off like Terumi right?

But the only milf in blazblue was killed off for a long time.

They could bring back the pope in the same way

>Giving a shit about story

Based user.

Will Relius astral on Jubei remove him from the roster when he becomes payable?

Is this everything in a single download user? Also thanks for this.

Not talking about Dizzy senpai

>After the announcement of Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator, Daisuke Ishiwatari revealed in an interview with Famitsu that after the threat of the Merciless Apocalypse/Universal Will and Ariels were neutralized, That Man would commence with his true plan and the final confrontation between he and Sol would take place.
She's gone senpai. She only existed so they could say "Everything that happened in previous Guilty Gear games was actually all her fault, That Man was the good guy all along" It's fucking dumb.

I wouldn't care about a fighting game's story today, but I was 12 years old when I played my first Guilty Gear, of course I cared back then so it's nice to see the continuation today.

>English story mode
get that ass banned

Thanks famalam, you are perfect

Well if you are not talking about Dizzy then definitely you are not talking about best mom

I think the story mode was the best story mode from a fighting game(low bar) and there's a lot less bullshit compared to Signs story though there are still some cheap asspulls. By the end all character arcs and subplots were neatly tied up despite the Bedman vs the assassins subplot lasting for far too long. The animations are godawful and worse than RWBY, not to mention the bugs like characters just fuzing with each other in the background and mouths not moving when speaking. For some strange reason characters in the game like Jam and Dizzy are barely in the story while Zappa and Roboky had such an important role in the story. The character who deserves to be in the game is the villain Ariel since she was amazing, everytime she had screentime she owned the scene. The best thing about the story is that there are calm moments,unlike Netherealms games where the story is all action all the time. In Revelator there are lots of scenes where people just sit down have talk with some pretty decent dialogue hell there's a nice scene where 2 guys are just walking through the desert, there are several fighters who don't even fight.

It's nowhere good enough to be the main reason to get the game but I can only hope that the story mode SFV and Injustice 2 will be just as good but have way better animation.

>best mom
>not Dizzy

Best Mom, best wife, best Gear.

Dizzy fucked Ky then gave birth to a shitty son.
Ariels is still a virgin but gave birth to three smoking hot daughters. Clearly superior. Plus she's technically Dizzy's grandmother.

Dead? You can find a thread every fucking day.
The room are full of players, stop with your dumb shitposting faggot.

I just got my version, eu special edition

Came with vinyl, cd, raven and an art book. I have pretty much forgiven arcs for sign

Does Dizzy do much in the story?

>Best Mom

Dizzy and Ky manage to be even worse parents than Nine and Jubei at least they cared about their kid at some point in time. Meanwhile Sin was born and then immediately passed to angry grandpa because Ky was busy being king and Dizzy want to sleep for a few more years in a crystal.

You are a wonderful person. Thanks.

Yeah, some characters do nothing in story. Glad you say Jam doesn't do anything because her clucking voice annoys me.

Instead Ishiwatari has a good taste and really likes Robo-Ky which could clearly be seen after he made an entire game focused around making your own custom Robo-Ky

At least Dizzy isn't trying to kill everyone just to be with her sister..

How is getting to have bara adventures with sol a bad thing? More kids should get that

She lazer beans a giant gear then fucks off to wherever she was while her son and husband save the world and their waifus.

At least her husband is playable

Them giving Sin to Sol was the best choice they made as parents. If he stayed with them he would become a spoiled whiny brat like every kid with rich, overprotective parents.

Is this only part 2? If so, do you have a download for Part 1?

It wasn't immediate, it was six months to a year.
Sin fucking loves his mom, she must have been great at it before she got got.

>Bara adventures with Sol
>Better than Coconuts with Ky

Pls stop user

No. Her lack of presence honestly feels fucking weird. They spend half the time in the castle where she lives and her husband and son are everywhere in the story yet she's never seen or even mentioned. She only shows up in one scene to shoot a beam and that's it.

Rude, delete this.

I think it's the whole thing but here you go just in case.

Why does Kum ride a Mecha man? It was never explained or revealed in story mode.
Their world isn't sexist and skinny sluts like Jam and Milia fight.

Thank you very much user!

It seems to be the full thing. (2 hours, 41 minutes and 12 seconds long.)

I'm waiting for my EU LE, it's not even shipped yet.

Only reason to care about Revelator really, I'm not paying full price for a few more characters. The inevitable third game might be worth the money again.

It was revealed in the article when they announced her.
>For generations, the Kum family has only permitted a male successor to take over as head of the family, so she spends her everyday controlling and riding inside a human-type cyborg named “Jonryoku Kum.” But the fact that a girl is inside Jonryouku Kum appears to be generally unknown.

no dub

2h41m12s means it's not the whole thing, so yeah if you want whole experience you need the second download (linked by one user here) too

Because the leader of their clan must be male.

Damn it. I just want to see her and Ky be aadorable for a second.

Its suppose to be nearly 5 hours


are the one shot kill supers actualy viable in competetive play?

They're going to add free story DLC later on so it's not impossible, but I expect any pairing stuff to be mostly in gameplay when they fight each other.

It was shit m8
The only good thing was Sean Connery Slayer.

But the new one starts with a recap of the first game's story mode and very much seems like it's the beginning in every way and goes all the way to credits and a scene after them.

What's with Stylish Leo players?
I fought 4 people doing Stylish Leo and they still manage to play competently?

user, you sure it's the right download? It's the first 2,5 hours (same as first part), not the second part.

Yes, but only when you can combo into them (Last round, 100 meter and opponent has less then 30% health)

No, they drain your meter and health and you can't gain meter while it is active, plus you can't use supers.

It takes a second to activate, and plus the opponent can get very defensive to avoid IK

gg and bb story have too much exposition, convoluted and pretentious in nature. hell i actually likes kof xiii elizabeth ending than gg&bb story combined.....

Do I have to buy the US version for this again or will the EU one be okay this time?

Only when pros are showboating. You need 100 meter for that

if the opponent has less than 20% health and you have 50% meter you can combo into it because it makes the activation pause time

The EU one is good this time, they have an actual publisher. It comes out tomorrow.

Maybe the story mode was shorter than I remember.

It's has 1 extra hour, all the way to the first credit roll and a bit more.

I'm still searching for the whole thing since I don't have a ps3/4.

Using them raw? No, not really. Unless your opponent can't mash out of stun of course.
But when you meet conditions? Yes, you can combo into IKs, and with Xrd scaling and guts mechanics, on low-health opponents you should use IKs to secure that kill.
>100 meter

Good, that saves me the trouble of buying US PSN cards. Thanks user.


I downloaded both of those files linked, the one labeled part 1 is the first 1h 40 min, the other one is 2h 40 min with the first hour and 40 minutes being the same material as the "part 1" and appears to be the entire story.

People saying it's longer than that probably just advanced the text manually and it took them more time?

EU LE is pretty cool desu
JP CD soundtrack is pretty expensive for Xrd, and they offer it, vinyl live sountrack and art book.

>Go to US lobbies
>Fight 4 Ravens doing the same braindead pressure strings into glide and buzzsaw

>Go to Japan lobbies
>Absolutely varied characters from Elphelt to Zato and Chipp
>Get bodied by a Rank 24 Venom 20-0

Absolutely merciless. I still wonder how they do their IAD combos at 5f of lag. Even their setup is near perfect like there was no lag at all. The guy went easy on me midway, but 2S>*>QV>Carcass Raid is such a good starter


I'm really on the fence about it. It's kinda cool but fuck me that's a lot of money.

When you combo into IK you usually need enough meter to enter IK state and enough meter to RC while in hellfire status

Or maybe it's not the entire thing after all? I saw the credits near the end and assumed it was over but the scene after the credits kinda gets cut off.

Why the fuck are there multiple end credits? That's just confusing.

Please don't enter lobbies if you have 5f of lag. It's bad for you and your opponent.

Is there a site where it can be posted online to watch that arcsys cant take it down?

The size is too big to be able to be downloaded in mega for free.

I didn't pay shit. Never have paid for anything on Mega.

Hey, that wasnt any excuse for the Venom and Zato players to execute their game well

Westerns can't play GG.

Leave it for the Japanese.

5f is fine, it starts to get unplayable on 7f+

>I wouldn't care about a fighting game's story today, but I was 12 years old when I played my first Guilty Gear, of course I cared back then so it's nice to see the continuation today.
This is pretty much me, too, but I kind of dropped off since I'd rather not be disappointed.

I-is it disappointing?

5D in the corner - homing dash - IK activation - IK combos require only 50 meter. Of course there are other variations of this combo.
May can do her command grab, enter IK mode and IK with 50 meter.
You can also Blitz Shield something and combo into IK if you have 50 meter after BS.

tl;dr you need 50 meter to get golden IK mode. RC is not required.